The epic banter thread

Sad to report that the new Rick Astley album is a bit shit. He’d be better off just re-recording all the Smiths albums and releasing those.
Something I’ve noticed more and more on here, and online in general; people won’t ask a direct question, they’ll make a statement and then put ”right?” after it. Also, off of instead of from, and for real instead of true.
Something I’ve noticed more and more on here, and online in general; people won’t ask a direct question, they’ll make a statement and then put ”right?” after it. Also, off of instead of from, and for real instead of true.

Wow, you are so observant :clap:
You should brainstorm ways that you can utilise these talents of yours.
You also observed recently that Malarkey uses ‘&’ a lot. I’m in awe.
Nerak/Malarkey is fine. 👍 but this smiths85 character is a bit of an obsessive nutter as far as I can tell and seems to be on some kinda mission to discredit certain folks; maybe fuelled by alcohol, dunno.
Nerak/Malarkey is fine. 👍 but this smiths85 character is a bit of an obsessive nutter as far as I can tell and seems to be on some kinda mission to discredit certain folks; maybe fuelled by alcohol, dunno.
Whilst bunking off from work on a murky Tuesday afternoon, I found myself in a couple of charity shops where I deek for CDs
After getting over the initial stench of general filth, and imminent death, I discovered these little gems.
All for 4 Quid.
Any comments will gladly mean 4ck all.
I’d listen to the Elvis, Texas and U2 CDs. Maybe the Brit Awards one. Wouldn’t bother with the rest, even for charity.
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