The most under-rated Mozz song?

Drew a swallow

deep and blue
What in your opinion is the great lost Mozz song of recent years? I think on the streets i ran should have been a single. when seeing mozz live this song stood out.
Underrated by fans or the general music listening population?

Cuz then it'd be every song. Except How Soon is Now? :rolleyes:
I really rate Good Looking Man About Town, that should have been on ROTT, and contrary to what the original posters says, probably at the expense of On the Street .. which I think is one of his worst songs ever ... musically and lyrically it seems like 2 different tracks. Either way, GLMAT is a great track, stands out a bit and is catchy. Also Lucky Lisp is another, I was so glad he brought that one back for a bit into the set ... I shouldn't say back into the set cos it's never been in before that.

Isn't there just a nice little feeling you get when you realise a song you believed was under-rated is given the nod again by Moz. It's nice to know he likes those songs, i find it kind of sad when a band I love denounce an old song that I still love. The Loop was one of these, I've always loved it an just assumed it was one of those songs that Morrissey believed was "a good idea at the time", but then to have it brought back is awesome!

So in summary..

Good Looking Man..
Lucky Lisp
The Loop
The Ordinary Boys
Lifegaurd Sleeping...
Come back to Camden

Just to name a few.
No one agrees with me, but:

Friday Mourning.

(you said recent, so)

When you were not around, in 2007 Houdini conducted epic The Moz/Smiths Top 100 polls of 243 songs.

I'd suggest you to check those threads you missed.
Friday mourning definitely!!!!!!!

A swallow on my neck....................tooooooo!
No one agrees with me, but:

Friday Mourning.

(you said recent, so)

Absolutely, this one is probably my favorite of the Quarry B-sides, which is saying something because they are a splendid batch. I was quite happy this one ended up on the earls court cd though :)
Re: Hmmmm

When you were not around, in 2007 Houdini conducted epic The Moz/Smiths Top 100 polls of 243 songs.

I'd suggest you to check those threads you missed.

hmmm, says he joined in 06, so he was around.

and maybe he just wanted to start a new discussion. looking at the Houdini polls doesnt really give him a sense of what we feel is the most underrated.
The teachers are afraid of the pupils and Southpaw.
Actually there are just too many to mention!
Not so much recent but the song 'Maladjusted' has some brilliant lyrics and i really like its dark sound.
Otherwise and for today anyway, 'Nobody Loves Us' and 'Driving Your Girlfriend Home'.
Era wise i think the songs from the 'Boxers' sessions are really underrated and brilliant, the likes of the poignant 'Sunny', the wistful and understated 'Boxers' and pretty much all the b-sides from that time esp 'Black Eyed Susan'.
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The song 'Maladjusted' has some brilliant lyrics and i really like its dark sound.
Otherwise and for today anyway, 'Nobody Loves Us' and 'Driving Your Girlfriend Home'.
Era wise i think the songs from the 'Boxers' sessions are really underrated and brilliant, the likes of the poignant 'Sunny', the wistful and understated 'Boxers' and pretty much all the b-sides from that time esp 'Black Eyed Susan'.

Black Eyed Susan would be a great song if it wasnt for that mess in the middle! it makes me really angry, cuz i love the beginning and the end. so i listen to the beginning, fast forward the middle and the listen to the end. and if you do that the song is too short. seriously? what is that shit in the middle? makes me really angry. song had so much potential...
Let the right one slip in..

Always loved that song..

Also "Tommorow"..

Had it been written by Johnny Marr it would be considered a modern classic by the nme and co...

Ditto for Nobody Loves us...
I really like "Bengali in Platforms." It's a good dancing around the house song.
"I'm Not Sorry"
The whole of Kill Uncle ;) and All The Lazy Dykes
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