TTY: Supreme, yet not; Morrissey's second statement on Supreme

Link from an anonymous person:

Supreme, yet not -
15 February 2016

As a matter of fact, I do not have, do not want, nor do I need, any money from the company called Supreme.

If Supreme have sent money in my name then they could track it down and reclaim it - if they had NOT printed that photograph of me for their 2016 campaign.

By running prints of the photograph they have derailed their own negotiations. This is why they are angry.

The photograph is dreadful and will help neither myself nor Supreme. Who needs it? Nobody.

Supreme were warned by my lawyer and accountant that the photograph should NOT be used. Supreme ignored this advice. Hence this mess.

I write these statements because there is no one else to write them. The joy I receive from such statements is non-existent.

thank you,
15 February 2016.

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rich coming from a scot, whose claim to fame is holding a british passport. by the way, how come you bought that summer vacation two room shack in scotland instead of helping your 'countrymen' lol and 'buying' one in ireland?

I'll make you a deal, I'll answer your question as soon as you grow a pair and register, annonyMOUSE coward, LOL etc blah blah blah
I'll make you a deal, I'll answer your question as soon as you grow a pair and register, annonyMOUSE coward, LOL etc blah blah blah

For once I agree with you IBIH. Pot shots from the weeds are annoying. Funny how Kewpie lands on us but anons get a pass. Still you're not Irish so there is that ;)
For once I agree with you IBIH. Pot shots from the weeds are annoying. Funny how Kewpie lands on us but anons get a pass. Still you're not Irish so there is that ;)
Never said I was, evennow, my username is just a nod to one of my favourite moz songs, maybe you've heard of it, or do you only listen to the smiths? All of this is just good natured banter, you probably think I hate surface but I don't, I just love winding him up, but its no fun with anonymous posters, they are just annoying
Never said I was, evennow, my username is just a nod to one of my favourite moz songs, maybe you've heard of it, or do you only listen to the smiths? All of this is just good natured banter, you probably think I hate surface but I don't, I just love winding him up, but its no fun with anonymous posters, they are just annoying

I get it more than you think. You Euros need to relax and not take everything so seriously. Maybe some Scottish ocean air might do you some good. Surface is what makes you bearable. You are the Sonny to his Cher. The Richard to his Karen. The only thing you're missing is an avatar with a four leaf clover and a British pound note. Now back to Morrissey playing Robin Hood without the giving to the poor.
I'll make you a deal, I'll answer your question as soon as you grow a pair and register, annonyMOUSE coward, LOL etc blah blah blah

this is even richer. you are more anonymouse than any possible anon can be. you have british and irish in your so called 'username' when in fact you are neither. someone would scour all of ireland and england for you when you are tucked in... where is it glasgow? lol

you are making an utter spectacle of yourself, maybe you follow as moz goes you go.
this is even richer. you are more anonymouse than any possible anon can be. you have british and irish in your so called 'username' when in fact you are neither. someone would scour all of ireland and england for you when you are tucked in... where is it glasgow? lol

you are making an utter spectacle of yourself, maybe you follow as moz goes you go.
Do you need spectacles or do you have special needs? Are you mentally retarded? Does your mom feed you with a big plastic spoon and wipe the dribbles from your chin? Does she wipe your arse and notice that you came in your pants watching Gavin and Stacey? Are you all of this or just incredibly stupid? I don't have British and irish in my username, I am British, Scotland is part of Britain, and England is not Britain you moron
I get it more than you think. You Euros need to relax and not take everything so seriously. Maybe some Scottish ocean air might do you some good. Surface is what makes you bearable. You are the Sonny to his Cher. The Richard to his Karen. The only thing you're missing is an avatar with a four leaf clover and a British pound note. Now back to Morrissey playing Robin Hood without the giving to the poor.

I'm sorry, I didn't know you were one of those dumb yanks, if I had known I wouldn't have bothered communicating with you as you are all so incredibly stupid, we get loads of you yanks(wanks) here every summer thinking they're scottish, they're like" howdy I'm homer, my cousins uncles brothers aunt came from scotland, hers names jeannie McDonald, do ya know where her castle is?" God Americans are so tiresome and dumb
I'm sorry, I didn't know you were one of those dumb yanks, if I had known I wouldn't have bothered communicating with you as you are all so incredibly stupid, we get loads of you yanks(wanks) here every summer thinking they're scottish, they're like" howdy I'm homer, my cousins uncles brothers aunt came from scotland, hers names jeannie McDonald, do ya know where her castle is?" God Americans are so tiresome and dumb

Very true. Sounds also like someone pretending to be Irish. Go back and re-read most of your off topic posts. And you and your country are welcome for our tourist dollars. Close your borders or your mouth. Cue Kewpie.
...we get loads of you yanks(wanks) here every summer thinking they're scottish, they're like" howdy I'm homer, my cousins uncles brothers aunt came from scotland, hers names jeannie McDonald, do ya know where her castle is?" God Americans are so tiresome and dumb

You're being intentionally ironic, here, aren't you?
Very true. Sounds also like someone pretending to be Irish. Go back and re-read most of your off topic posts. And you and your country are welcome for our tourist dollars. Close your borders or your mouth. Cue Kewpie.

Yeh the all you can eat buffet restaurants make a fortune when all the stupid fat Americans arrive, why can't we get the hot Mexicans like America does? Instead we get Donald trump
depends on where you live. here we do in baltimore
But it shouldn't be, it is just a generic insult. it is no worse that saying dick or cock, swearing is all about context, what way it is directed at you, however it should not be any more offensive than other words.
Yeh the all you can eat buffet restaurants make a fortune when all the stupid fat Americans arrive, why can't we get the hot Mexicans like America does? Instead we get Donald trump

Yes America has gotten fat. No doubt. We agree here, but most Americans are kind and respectful. And I hate to throw water on your parade but Mexican Americans are seldom under fed. Ask your friend Aztec Camera. I am also sick of witless people bad mouthing Donald Trump. He is an entrepreneur, good family man, doesn't do drugs or drink. Is he a perfect human being? No. Is anyone? No. But he speaks to a wide range of Americans looking for a change. He dismantled George Bush's entry into the war with Iraq. I love how you paint Americans with a wide brush full of stereotypes. Yet so many people from all over the world risk everything to live here. You can sail around the Scottish coast all you want but the world is much more than you are capable of grasping. Aren't you late for your shift at the pub?
Yes America has gotten fat. No doubt. We agree here, but most Americans are kind and respectful. And I hate to throw water on your parade but Mexican Americans are seldom under fed. Ask your friend Aztec Camera. I am also sick of witless people bad mouthing Donald Trump. He is an entrepreneur, good family man, doesn't do drugs or drink. Is he a perfect human being? No. Is anyone? No. But he speaks to a wide range of Americans looking for a change. He dismantled George Bush's entry into the war with Iraq. I love how you paint Americans with a wide brush full of stereotypes. Yet so many people from all over the world risk everything to live here. You can sail around the Scottish coast all you want but the world is much more than you are capable of grasping. Aren't you late for your shift at the pub?

Dumb question from a dumb American, it's midnight here in scotland, the pubs are closed, we can't be trusted with alchohol at this time of night, btw I honestly hope Donald trump is the next president, I find him hilarious
Yes America has gotten fat. No doubt. We agree here, but most Americans are kind and respectful. And I hate to throw water on your parade but Mexican Americans are seldom under fed. Ask your friend Aztec Camera. I am also sick of witless people bad mouthing Donald Trump. He is an entrepreneur, good family man, doesn't do drugs or drink. Is he a perfect human being? No. Is anyone? No. But he speaks to a wide range of Americans looking for a change. He dismantled George Bush's entry into the war with Iraq. I love how you paint Americans with a wide brush full of stereotypes. Yet so many people from all over the world risk everything to live here. You can sail around the Scottish coast all you want but the world is much more than you are capable of grasping. Aren't you late for your shift at the pub?

Trump received a blow job in his limo in exchange for a promoting the female blower a few years ago. Her friend (a stranger to me) told me. Real family man, and not sexist at all! So not a loyal husband. Having said that, Ivanka is lovely and one of the nicest people you will ever meet.
he's an entrepreneur, good family man :lbf:. Well ! these are the qualities of a perfect human being, those are the goals to achieve if one wants to know what true happiness is.

KS time for you to chime in. He raised well rounded successful children and has made a solid career employing many people. I never said he is perfect. What have you done? Those who can't complain. At least he is putting himself out there to try and effectuate change. I'm not sure who I will vote for but it won't be Hillary the pillary of lies. I'm not sure if you're American but I am pretty sure you are poorly educated. You seem like you grew up on the streets. I wish you the best.
I get it more than you think. You Euros need to relax and not take everything so seriously. Maybe some Scottish ocean air might do you some good. Surface is what makes you bearable. You are the Sonny to his Cher. The Richard to his Karen. The only thing you're missing is an avatar with a four leaf clover and a British pound note. Now back to Morrissey playing Robin Hood without the giving to the poor.

Euros need to relax? Europeans are extremely relaxed and much more liberal than Americans. That is not a question of people's nature, but rather their government. America is a police state; there are not social liberties, freedom of anything. Every goddamn move you make is controlled by your government backed up with always present officials and officers of some sort. The things you can do in Europe freely any scared yank can only dream of in their wildest dream. I honestly pity Americans. Most of them are good people, but they had been brainwashed for so many years, I am afraid it would take another World War to turn things around.
Do you need spectacles or do you have special needs? Are you mentally retarded? Does your mom feed you with a big plastic spoon and wipe the dribbles from your chin? Does she wipe your arse and notice that you came in your pants watching Gavin and Stacey? Are you all of this or just incredibly stupid? I don't have British and irish in my username, I am British, Scotland is part of Britain, and England is not Britain you moron

so you now throw irie out the window and bow down to the queen. suddenly you are 'british'. a fifth column as you defend your queens enemies.
bow down to your queen, cover up the moz tattoo and do it.
a grown 'man' (word used VERY loosely) with a huma tatto on his flab. very humiliating you are going to free the empire with the aid of your moz huma tatoo. LOL
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