TTY: Supreme, yet not; Morrissey's second statement on Supreme

Link from an anonymous person:

Supreme, yet not -
15 February 2016

As a matter of fact, I do not have, do not want, nor do I need, any money from the company called Supreme.

If Supreme have sent money in my name then they could track it down and reclaim it - if they had NOT printed that photograph of me for their 2016 campaign.

By running prints of the photograph they have derailed their own negotiations. This is why they are angry.

The photograph is dreadful and will help neither myself nor Supreme. Who needs it? Nobody.

Supreme were warned by my lawyer and accountant that the photograph should NOT be used. Supreme ignored this advice. Hence this mess.

I write these statements because there is no one else to write them. The joy I receive from such statements is non-existent.

thank you,
15 February 2016.

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it's really unoriginal and lazy to go around calling people who clearly aren't sociopaths sociopaths, you know
If Morrissey was making good music and had something creative to channel his energies into, he wouldn't be wasting time with any of these sad little 'feuds'. These days he just sits around bored, picking fights and baiting fans with silly Photoshops. The sad thing is that even when he is doing well and getting a lot of exposure (like he did with YATQ), it's only so long before he's moaning about chart positions, fighting with label execs and showing himself up in print. Nothing makes this man happy. Has it ever?
Hmm, Morrissey didn't like the photo and they use it anyway? What kind of a$$holes run Supreme? Who is going to work with them now? You all are so quick to turn on him, one thing you are wrong about Morrissey, i support you. These things happen to others you are the only one to have the courage to say something. The photo Ginger Shortcake took of Morrissey in South America was hot.

Hi Sam you blonde twat. You look like a munchkin
Now f*** off
Another he said/(s)he said argument involving Morrissey Inc. How shocking.
Yeah, because he was so open to the world during The Smiths' days? Give me a break. Morrissey hasn't changed at all. Insularity, paranoid thinking that everyone is out to get him, whilst simultaneously thinking he is the greatest human being who has ever lived, the constant feeding off of negative energy, and a seeming total inability to get through any business deal without ending up in a bitter feud over money. Back in the Smiths day this would just be another one of those issues where Moz would refuse to pay back the money, stop answering the phone, and dump it all on Johnny to try and sort out. Absolutely nothing has changed about this man in the years he's been in the music industry. He still follows his own egocentric/paranoid whims, leaving a trail of chaos and unpaid bills behind him, and blaming everyone else for anything that goes wrong - as he has from Day One.

Don't get me wrong - I love the guy's music and lyrics (well, mostly), but he's a natural born asshole, and always has been.

well said :thumb:

- - - Updated - - -

You got the crazy part right. That's all.

lmao :lbf:
the majority of you are absolutely abysmal. if someone took a picture of me that i didnt like, i would have serious issues with them using it in an ad campaign as well. if a man doesnt want his picture used to sell products, what business does supreme have using it? possibly supreme had no business approaching morrissey in the first place because of their dealings with white castle. the absolute truism of morrissey is that when you get morrissey, you get morrissey--not just an image, but everything he is about. if you're dealings dont square with what he is about, dont approach him. other than that, i dont understand why he doesnt like the picture. it's a fantastic picture of a crazily handsome man.

I had to laugh... don't approach him. Is he something flammable, explosive or self-combusting?
They offered to dissolve the contract if he gave back the money. He says he told them he would give the money back if they didn't use the picture. They say he never responded. He says he never got any money and if he did they can backtrace it. Boz said consequences will never be the same.

Who thinks he needs the money? Anyone following the #ProfitFromParis mess, a situation where the communication breakdown reads quite a bit like this one. Morrissey believes that all of his listeners will only hear his side of the story apparently.
Those who don't believe him will be reported to Cyber Police.
If backtracing money is so easy why did Mike Joyce even go to court? He could have just gone down to his local Santander and say I'm Mike Joyce and Morrissey owes me a cool million for unpaid performance royalties. 20's and 50's please.
Why would he think Supreme is angry? They got their picture for the ad and as a bonus loads of publicity on an ad few would even care about.
Would the last person to leave Solo please turn off the lights...
Supreme should just post pics of the cashed check and be done with it....
Good luck to the Eagles of death metal tonight in Paris.

The taste of ashes in my mouth. It's sadly getting harder and harder for me to separate the music from the witless, self-obsessed boor who created it, or at least, who sang over it. I might just go and take all my Morrissey CDs to the Sue Ryder shop on the High Street.
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The taste of ashes in my mouth. It's sadly getting harder and harder for me to separate the music from the witless, self-obsessed boor who created it, or at least, who sang over it. I might just go and take all my Morrissey CDs to the Sue Ryder shop on the High Street.

Put them in the attic in a box, hopefully if you've got anything rare the cult ultras will pay top dollar for them when he dies.

At least Morrissey doesn't try to get in to the Grammy "after party" and told to leave like Paul McCartney last night. Anonymous-

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