What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every show

Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

Don't misunderstand me folks. I'm all for you wanting to touch him and jumping on stage to touch him QUICKLY AND W/O HARMING HIM OR SOMEONE ELSE IN THE PROCESS OF DOING SO
is fine by me. That's a definate experience for everyone to enjoy at least once. Back in '97, I too jumped on stage QUICKLY, shook his hand, and then jumped back off SAFELY AND WITHOUT INJURING ANYONE. It can be done.

However, what I'm talking about is the blatant disregard for others safety and the dumb f***s who just have to make an ass out of themselves during shows, which ALWAYS seems to f***ing happen. Have fun, enjoy the show, sing along, touch him, kiss his hand, etc. But, you know when you go overboard(and 95% of the folks who post here have at least a decent amount of intelligence/common sense to know how to f***ing act),or, you may just get something you will not like.

If you "jump" or as the term goes" Stage dive", and it causes him/them to end the show abruptly b/c you had to be a f***ing jackass, then YES, you do deserve a beating, a good one. One that will wake you the f*** up and realize what you've just done.

As I've said, have a great time, but try to have some common sense when deciding you "have to go on stage to touch him". Do it RESPECTFULLY, w/o harming him or anyone else, and jump off... Thats a great show experience. Seems simple right? then why is it stupid f***s screw this up all the time?

Ask yourselves this question: would you like it if someone you don't know suddenly "kicks/punches/lands on you/etc" during a show? you're just standing there with your homies and all of a sudden, BLAMMMM!!!! A kick to the head, possibly injuring you, and ruining your show experience?

Didn't think so! You'd want to issue someone a beatin right? what about if they're having a good old time, and they just "have to touch his PIMPship" and in doing so, "suddenly land on" your g/f or b/f, injuring them? Now your shows ruined by some f***tard? you'd be pissed right? thought so, so why do it to someone else?

No one wants that. I've seen it all too often, a fans decides he wants to "crowd surf" or "stage invade", and injures folks in the process, cutting their shows short. What fun is that? I'd feel like shit if i did that to someone, and you'd be pissed, as i said, if someone did it to you.

So, behave, have a good time, touch/hug him RESPECTFULLY(key word), and we're cool.

I've been waiting for his latest tour, and I'll be damned if I have it cut short by some dumb f*** who feels the need to be a jackass and do something to ruin it for all.
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Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

Here's a good example of how a show should end! The crowd is singing along, loving life and the song plays on..


the front row was fifty feet away from the stage.

good show, but the placement of the crowd had nothing to do with it. more like it being in the UK at the height of Morrissey-comeback-mania in 2004.

To the "invaders"- this is a song he did with The Smiths.
people may take you seriously if you stop being an ass. Be an asshole and you'll get nowhere.
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Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

Whats a fake fan?
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

Don't misunderstand me folks. I'm all for you wanting to touch him and jumping on stage to touch him QUICKLY AND W/O HARMING HIM OR SOMEONE ELSE IN THE PROCESS OF DOING SO
is fine by me. That's a definate experience for everyone to enjoy at least once. Back in '97, I too jumped on stage QUICKLY, shook his hand, and then jumped back off SAFELY AND WITHOUT INJURING ANYONE. It can be done.

However, what I'm talking about is the blatant disregard for others safety and the dumb f***s who just have to make an ass out of themselves during shows, which ALWAYS seems to f***ing happen. Have fun, enjoy the show, sing along, touch him, kiss his hand, etc. But, you know when you go overboard(and 95% of the folks who post here have at least a decent amount of intelligence/common sense to know how to f***ing act),or, you may just get something you will not like.

If you "jump" or as the term goes" Stage dive", and it causes him/them to end the show abruptly b/c you had to be a f***ing jackass, then YES, you do deserve a beating, a good one. One that will wake you the f*** up and realize what you've just done.

As I've said, have a great time, but try to have some common sense when deciding you "have to go on stage to touch him". Do it RESPECTFULLY, w/o harming him or anyone else, and jump off... Thats a great show experience. Seems simple right? then why is it stupid f***s screw this up all the time?

Ask yourselves this question: would you like it if someone you don't know suddenly "kicks/punches/lands on you/etc" during a show? you're just standing there with your homies and all of a sudden, BLAMMMM!!!! A kick to the head, possibly injuring you, and ruining your show experience?

Didn't think so! You'd want to issue someone a beatin right? what about if they're having a good old time, and they just "have to touch his PIMPship" and in doing so, "suddenly land on" your g/f or b/f, injuring them? Now your shows ruined by some f***tard? you'd be pissed right? thought so, so why do it to someone else?

No one wants that. I've seen it all too often, a fans decides he wants to "crowd surf" or "stage invade", and injures folks in the process, cutting their shows short. What fun is that? I'd feel like shit if i did that to someone, and you'd be pissed, as i said, if someone did it to you.

So, behave, have a good time, touch/hug him RESPECTFULLY(key word), and we're cool.

I've been waiting for his latest tour, and I'll be damned if I have it cut short by some dumb f*** who feels the need to be a jackass and do something to ruin it for all.

By George- YOU GOT IT! Wait 'til the reality show wannabees start yelling at show for being a "Nazi."
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

Don't misunderstand me folks. I'm all for you wanting to touch him and jumping on stage to touch him QUICKLY AND W/O HARMING HIM OR SOMEONE ELSE IN THE PROCESS OF DOING SO
is fine by me. That's a definate experience for everyone to enjoy at least once.

By George- YOU GOT IT! Wait 'til the reality show wannabees start yelling at show for being a "Nazi."

what the hell!!! and that's exactly what happens 95% of the time. people jump up peacefully. And Phillyfan agrees with PIMP. so there is no problem. stop calling venues to increase security.

and why the hell is PIMP talking about stage diving for (isn't stage diving jumping off the stage back into the crowd?). how often does that occur?

PIMP said:
I've been waiting for his latest tour, and I'll be damned if I have it cut short by some dumb f*** who feels the need to be a jackass and do something to ruin it for all.

you mean Morrissey...because he likes to be a drama queen and end shows early. i love the guy, but lets face it...he's been like that since the beginning.
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Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

I guess you all missed my point!

Shaking hands with Moz is great. Getting on stage while he is performing, ruining a song and a show- awful.

I did get an email from the other venue(going to 3 now). Things will be great!
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Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s


I'm gonna try again. I NEVER said Morrissey fans should sit down and sit on their hands. Of course, dance, get excited, etc... But, turn the show into a reailty show on who can get the show shut down? Stop a song and tackle him?

I don't care if getting on stage is taking care of a drug problem, stage the f off the stage and let's enjoy the best singer ever!
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

So are we all in agreement that the show stoppers must be stopped??
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

okay a few thinngs......My spelling may be a little jacked up but I want to get this out asap.

1. As for the Live in Dallas show ending up as a disaster, you have to remember before he started into EDILS he said, "and a apecial thank you to the BRAVE ones", then when he sang come come nuclear bomb he started to wave his hands to the crowd to get them to try to get on stage. He didn't pull a Lady SOV and break down on stage and refuse to play the show...he WANTED those fans onstage.

2. As far as you taking it upon yourself to contact the manager of the venues to "warn" them of the so called fake fans, that may be the dumbest thing I have ever heard since that rumor that Moz was going to play that BBQ joint in Odessa or midland a few years back. Dude, what you need to understand, is that if it is a GA show, then the "real fans" are they guys and gals that line up 12-24 hrs outside the venue before the show starts just so they can have the hope of getting close enough to touch Moz and maybe even get onstage and hug him. It isn't about jumping onstage and putting Moz in the Boston Crab, or a western mongolian backbreaker or trying to hurt him in any manner. It's about being a "real fan" and knowing that you are filled with so much passion for his work you have to try to hug him. You mean to tell me all of those kids freaking out at Elvis or the Beatles were not real fans? All those nasty old ladies that throw their size 25 panties at Tom Jones are not real fans....it's expected.....Moz expects the "real fans" to try to get to him. I have seen so many shows and various bootleg show videos of Moz looking frustrated and disapointed at the lack of "real fans" trying to get to him, and then when someone does have the courage to try to get on stage you can see his face light up and more times than not he will even try to pull the fan onstage.

This isn't like calling the manager to complain about the venue allowing smoking, or complaining that it isn't an all ages show. By you making those calls YOU just assumed the roll as to who is a real fan and who was just trying to ruin the show...Are you kidding me? There are fans out there that have waited well over 15 + years for the chance to see him up close and get on stage so hug him, but YOU decided that it was wrong...after 20+ years of touring, Moz inviting tons of fans onstage during both The Smiths shows as well as the solo gigs....and now YOU are calling the shots. You my friend are the fake fan, tell you what when Moz actually does do a greatest hits tour like Sinatra did in his 60's and 70's and if he needs a moniter to help him remember lyrics, and if he sits in a chair while he sings like Sinatra did, THEN i could understand not allowing "real fans" to try to get onstage. Dude is 48, rips his shirts off and throws them into crowds every show, you mean to tell me he just doesn't know the reaction this will generate?

to quote my boy Noel Gallagher, "You sir are a twat".
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

What an idiot! Go watch reality TV and stop destroying people who love Morrissey's music and lyrics you idiot!
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

I guess you all missed my point!

Shaking hands with Moz is great. Getting on stage while he is performing, ruining a song and a show- awful.

I did get an email from the other venue(going to 3 now). Things will be great!

if gentle hugs are okay, and tackles arent, if security is beefed up, how are the ones who just want to give gentle hugs ever gonna get onstage? i think thats a risk morrissey takes by being so lenient with that part of the show.

PHILLYfan...the venues you wrote to, im gonna assume those include and Mann Center and possibly the Borgata???
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

I emailed two venues where I am seeing him. After reading how the fake fans destroyed shows in Stockton and Milwaukee, I send the President of the venues an email explaining how a small group of non-fans plan to crash the set and cut the show short.

At one of the venues I got a thank you notice and a promise security will be on high alert. I am waiting for another.

Friends, it's about Morrissey and hearing his songs. Take charge against the losers who want to be the center of attention.

I'm a lawyer, and I have a lawyerly question for you: What distinguishes a "real" fan from a "fake" fan? Is there a "reasonable fan" standard?
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

I'm not a veteran of Morrissey shows but I can say for certain that at the end of the Indy show, he was encouraging fans to get on stage. The ones who succeeded were promptly yanked off by security and I think he got a kick out of it. Perhaps that's part of the game. Who knows. If they really didn't want people on stage, they could easily secure the stage by how the seating and security is arranged. The fact that they don't seems to imply that at least for Morrissey, having people get on stage is part of the show.
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

so while Philly is at it, maybe he should also contact all future venues to ensure that all fans with General Admission/floor tickets are made to sit Indian style on the floor so they don't block anyone else's view. And maybe they can issue a strip of duck tape to be placed over all show goers mouths' so there is zero noise which would let keep all the "fake fans" from talking or worse yet singing along wiht MOZ.

Philly, what about this.....what if only YOU are allowed to attend all future shows, and the rest of us can be kept a safe 100 yards from the venue to contain all outside chatter.
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s


You seem to only go to these shows to get your "five minutes of fame." Please find another singer to ruin shows for. I'm sure Houston has a Top 40 station and you can find a way to be the center of attention and won't have to deal with the "confusing lyrics."
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

Sorry, Phillyfan, but I've read everything you've said and you are so 100% wrong. People get on stage at Morrissey shows. That's what happens there. It's not part of the show but it is part of the event and I, for one, think it's beautiful. If you don't like what happens at Morrissey concerts then I have a good solution; don't go.
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

so I bring up valid points about this and your responses to me are to
1. go watch reality tv
2. go listen to top 40 radio.

and you mention me not being able to understand the confusing lyrics. You my retarded little friend seem to be the confused one. You keep mentioning TIAL, and being able to see him finish the song, which is fine. I enjoyed seeing him sing it back in 02 in Vegas at THOB, it was nice, but what made the show that night and every other night I have seen him no matter what city he was in was the interaction between him and the fans that were able to get onstage. I have been at shows where the crowd was dead, and while it was still a good show becasue , well it's MOZ, there is something about an electric crowd that gets him fired up and you can literally see it in his performance.

You seem to think that anyone that tries to get onstage is a recent fan and has never heard anything he has ever put out and maybe only saw the video for IBEH once on MTV or something. I don't understand your thinking here...if anything, it's going to be the most passionate fans that are brave enough to try to get to him.

having been a fan for well over 20+ years, it amazes me that a young pup such as yourslef would stumble into this forum and announce that you are in the process of making sure secutiry is extra tight.....and thinking you are doing us favors at the same time. You are an idiot. And until you bring out some valid points supporting YOUR decision to increase security and ruin 3 concerts for thousands of fans I really have nothing else to say.

And dude, don't tell me to go watch reality tv or listen to top 40 radio....you are just proving to everyone on here what we were already able to figure out about you on owr own......you are a F*** idiot.

I hope that Dallas/Austin/and houston are not the 3 shows you've ruined.
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

I seriously doubt that security is going to be changed one bit because of what one person says to the venue unless that person's name is Morrissey. The acts work with the venue to coordinate security and Morrissey has his own people handling security on stage. The only thing you'll accomplish by calling venues is to raise concerns that an act is a "trouble" act and that they'll want to think twice about booking them in the future.
Re: What the real Morrissey fans can do to save the fake fans from destroying every s

so I bring up valid points about this and your responses to me are to
1. go watch reality tv
2. go listen to top 40 radio.

and you mention me not being able to understand the confusing lyrics. You my retarded little friend seem to be the confused one. You keep mentioning TIAL, and being able to see him finish the song, which is fine. I enjoyed seeing him sing it back in 02 in Vegas at THOB, it was nice, but what made the show that night and every other night I have seen him no matter what city he was in was the interaction between him and the fans that were able to get onstage. I have been at shows where the crowd was dead, and while it was still a good show becasue , well it's MOZ, there is something about an electric crowd that gets him fired up and you can literally see it in his performance.

You seem to think that anyone that tries to get onstage is a recent fan and has never heard anything he has ever put out and maybe only saw the video for IBEH once on MTV or something. I don't understand your thinking here...if anything, it's going to be the most passionate fans that are brave enough to try to get to him.

having been a fan for well over 20+ years, it amazes me that a young pup such as yourslef would stumble into this forum and announce that you are in the process of making sure secutiry is extra tight.....and thinking you are doing us favors at the same time. You are an idiot. And until you bring out some valid points supporting YOUR decision to increase security and ruin 3 concerts for thousands of fans I really have nothing else to say.

And dude, don't tell me to go watch reality tv or listen to top 40 radio....you are just proving to everyone on here what we were already able to figure out about you on owr own......you are a F*** idiot.

I hope that Dallas/Austin/and houston are not the 3 shows you've ruined.

i couldnt have set it better myself, i totally agree with you. especially the part about the most hardcore fans being the ones who are gonna be risking their asses to get up on that stage and get passed security. im gonna assume that since PHILLY is in his name, he might be ruining a couple of the shows I'M going to. the philly show and the atlantic city show. thx doucheface. :mad:

I've never seen Morrissey before, and if i see the perfect opportunity to hop up on that stage and (respectfully) hug the crap out of the man i love, then I'm going to, and if theres (supposedly) gonna be extra security there which will make it damn near impossible, then you better hope i dont figure out who you are! :mad:
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