What was the first record you bought?


My secret's my enzyme.
Mozart's Requiem


I'm pretty sure it was "Jump Up" by Elton John. I bought it because I loved the song "Empty Garden (Hey, Hey Johnny)". I only figured out years later that the song was Elton's tribute to his good friend John Lennon. I guess I was too young to understand that. I still love that song and several of the other songs on the album. "Where Have All The Good Times Gone?" is my favorite and is a dynamite song! "Blue Eyes" is great too!
Slade. Goodbye t Jane. Woolworths Salford precinct.
Probably something hideous from Kiss or something (Paul Stanley solo album maybe). I was 8yrs old, it was the 70s, enuff said.
Bought at this store Laneco.....purely for the song "The Devil Went Down To Georgia".....the cassette broke like 2 weeks later.
Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush.
First record I ever got as in asked for/wanted/was given was Weird Al in 3D, or a TV theme song comp by Mike Post. Also a Doctor Who sound effects LP. Loved 'em all dearly but I can't remember which was first; they were all around the same time.

First record I ever bought as in actively went out, pursued, and purchased was probably Sports by Huey Lewis and The News.
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