Will Moz close the new shows with...

This is exactly how I remember it. I posted my review on the front page and included that comment but it didn't get much reaction. I was over to the right hand side and I was laughing out loud, but nobody else around me even noticed what he had said. I couldn't believe my ears. And to keep on topic he should maybe not close but should definitely play Come back to Camden.

it was a fantastic moment indeed and I laughed a little bit extra loud just so he realized it did not go unappreciated. But his tonguing the air and seductive "interesting?" with an implied jolt of the hip and a sharp look in his eye led me to quickly swallow my laughter into an abrupt gasp and I sank into rather deep contemplation of just how interesting it in fact was... :)
I flew all the way to New York and I didn't even get to see Morrissey be lewd. What a waste.
well keep your head out of the clouds and make sure none of the sheep get lose in the fields next time mother mary... you gotta be aware or he will smack you up there... or just leave you and your cloud behind and you will miss all sorts of lewd and otherwise fun activity... and you don't want that.
He should change the words to the songs again and make them all about the NME. For the encore he could say "fight the real enemy" and tear up the issue with his face on the cover.
He should change the words to the songs again and make them all about the NME. For the encore he could say "fight the real enemy" and tear up the issue with his face on the cover.

And there's my cue:

Thanks, Dave.

Come to think of it, now that I've watched that vid again, if he really were to do that, I think that I'd orgasm right then and there. Just FYI.
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Fyi = Tmi
Re: Sinead-

I was watching that night when Sinead tore up the photo of the pope- and I have to say that was a moment not unlike watching the Challenger blow up or the protesters in Tiananmen Square. It was one of those moments of awakening when I realized that I was going to be called on to be a citizen of the world and not just a passive child anymore. There was music I was listening to at the time that had the same effect.

I've not been very politically active in my adult life, but now looking back I can say I am fighting against real enemies, in my own tiny way.

OK, back to your regularly scheduled joshing and frivolity. :D
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