Adam May has passed away


No One You Know
From Todd Vierling, Adam May's husband:

The Adam many of you simply know as "ADAM (In All Caps)" left us at approximately 5:30 pm US/Eastern time, September 29, 2017.

This was a while coming. Besides some serious lower back problems starting around 2007 and accelerating in 2012 and later, he was in the hospital for the better part of this year for a serious systemic infection (sepsis in the bloodstream). So the cause was likely an expected complication of problems earlier in the year, so at least it was known risk.

Don't worry about me; I am personally stable -- for those of you who've met me, you know I'm one of those strong people that everyone tends to lean on instinctively. I wanted to bring the news to those of you who knew a large part of his life that I only ever scratched the surface of.

There is no memorial service planned per his wishes. Sure, you can feel free to donate to a worthy cause if you want. (PETA, Anti-Defamation League, there's plenty out there). I will get one of those obtuary-guestbook things put together soon, and you can always share thoughts on this thread too.

As for Adam, I have to believe that right now he's seeking out Mel (Hsu) to exchange long overdue gossip. I can't imagine how much they've both racked up and need to chuckle over by now.
Always liked his posts, and it was comforting to spot his avatar of Joe Dallesandro and see what he had to say in any thread. Judging from his posts he seemed a kind soul. Will be missed.
I'm very sorry to hear this.
Positive thoughts to you & yours.
Kind regards,
only had a short exchange with him, but this left a lasting impression on me, of a sincere and thoughtful voice. he had read peter singer's "animal liberation" and shared a memory of his father with me. much appreciated.
thanks for letting us know and best to you.
I always enjoyed ADAM's dry wit and matter-of-fact posting style on here. Very sorry to hear of his passing.
Todd, I am very sorry. I've no doubt you're more than strong enough to carry on, but please do take good care of yourself (and encourage others to be good to you).
Oh goodness. I just read this and am very saddened by the news. He was always very kind and friendly. I'm very sorry for your loss.
[from Todd] BTW...

He probably wouldn't like me admitting this, but I can now say that Adam provided the timecode-stamped 1988 Wolverhampton footage that appeared mysteriously under the name "moztictac" on s-torrents.

Adam was insistent that, despite the rough sound so early in M's solo branch-out, it was a show worth preserving more widely.
[from Todd] BTW...

He probably wouldn't like me admitting this, but I can now say that Adam provided the timecode-stamped 1988 Wolverhampton footage that appeared mysteriously under the name "moztictac" on s-torrents.

Adam was insistent that, despite the rough sound so early in M's solo branch-out, it was a show worth preserving more widely.
It was an utter joy to see that footage surface.
As an attendee - it was just wonderful and completely essential to preserve!
Thank you both.
Very sad news, his posts where always welcome, all the best to you and his family and friends.
V sad news. Can't say I knew too much about Adam, but a vivid memory of this forum I have from a good nine years ago was post Camden Roundhouse-gigs when my picture was posted at one of the aftershow parties with my then-girlfriend. Adam quoted the picture and lambasted that I, as a redhead, was "lost" to heterosexuality. Always made me laugh thinking about that quote.

RIP to him, and thoughts to his family.
I was of about 10 crashing in an apartment when Morrissey played 5 nights in NY in 2007. I was there the last two nights - didn't see too much of him as he spent most of the night / early morning camped outside the front of the venue doors as I got my head down and went to bed!
What I do know is he was a mad Morrissey fan and knew his stuff.

Jukebox Jury
He was always so nice to me.
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