Barbara Walters is a homewrecker.

She is the "Jewish Oprah" but has been around much longer... If you are a celebrity that screws up in the media you have 2 choices go on Oprah or Barbra Walters both will fawn over you like you are an old friend and throw you softball questions and give you long sympathetic stares...

She use to be an actual journalist back in the 1970s but now it's all fluff and contrived emotions...

That's true! Oprah and Barbara are seen as ...sympathetic, almost spiritual(Oprah, definitely not Barbara) it's like a huge Catholic confessional. What crap. I think Barbara will be spewing her venom on Larry King on Monday night! Wheeee! You're also right; she used to be a true journalist before she went all Stuart Smalley on the world.
I bet she talked common sense with Andy Rooney a few times back stage.
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