Boycott Moz

HIM - I don't believe you mean to be taken seriously. Is the rediculousness of your suggestion intended as a comparison with the serious discussion on deeply held beliefs and ethical issues explored here? :(

no, i just don't like his current hairdo.

in the age of 'direct action', i firmly believe that we have a duty to take a stand against a styling of hair that is wholly objectionable.

we have the power to do something about it and yet most of us are content to let it persist, unchallenged. it's been going on for about three years, now (maybe longer and we didn't realise). i find that problematic. don't you?

there's too much apathy.
second- the person who posted the pictures of white fur baby seals has completely no idea. everything depicted in those pictures is illegal and those who would commit the actions depicted would be subject to lengthy jail time.

so are you saying there is a humane way of murder? it's contradictory and there is no such thing. any act that is directly meant to put an end to a life is cruetly. i think the only thing that i approve of is euthanasia of beings that are in so much pain and are guaranteed to not survive, but killing a healthy being is just beyond belief.
Morrissey is right not to play in Canada while its people tolerate the sanctioning of such barbaric practise.
His campaigning on behalf of PETA is admirable.
Some of these posts are laughable.

Get off your high horses! You cant even process a thought without Morrissey thinking of it first for you. I bet if he hadnt mentioned the seal clubbing that Canadians are consistenly scoulded for, you wouldnt have had a clue it was going on!

And what makes me throw my head back in laughter is the fact that many of these comments are coming from a bunch of lazy apathetics who spend much of their likelihood downloading music & rotting away in chatrooms meanwhile
pointing fingers. The fact that many of you are vegans doesnt make you a humanitarian. :rolleyes:

I'm a huge Morrissey fan...and in that I am conditioned to make my own choices and stand up for my own beliefs. Morrissey himself has often hinted at his hypocrisy of being a vegan, as he wears leather shoes,citing, "Theres no way around it"

If Moz never tours Canada again, thats fine with me. I enjoy his music nd respect his beliefs....But these empty headed comments about Canada are quite juvenile.
so are you saying there is a humane way of murder? it's contradictory and there is no such thing. any act that is directly meant to put an end to a life is cruetly. i think the only thing that i approve of is euthanasia of beings that are in so much pain and are guaranteed to not survive, but killing a healthy being is just beyond belief.

if this is the case then why is there a distinction drawn between the slaughter of seals and the slaughter any other animal such as cows, pigs, etc.? ill tell you why there is a distinction- for the idiots the distinction is made becos there are no flashy pictures to show of cattle slaughterhouses and the like, and also becos seals are objectively "cuter", and for the hypocrits its becos theres more money to be had or lost when it comes the the business of mainstream livestock and the USA. either way, these protests focusing on the Canadian seal hunt are never actually made for the moralistic and humane reasons they are purported to be.
Morrissey himself has often hinted at his hypocrisy of being a vegan, as he wears leather shoes,citing, "Theres no way around it"

what morrissey said in the 80s, isn't true now (the quote--which isn't word for word correct--is from 1986...there was no way around it then). you probably think morrissey is still celibate...Morrissey isn't even vegan and never said he was. You don't know anything, so don't talk.

You obviously don't know the details of the boycott and who is boycotting and the logistics involved in such protests. If you respect his beliefs, why do you then claim them to be empty-headed? because you are no different than the rest us. you have your beliefs and your agenda. And i take it you are Canadian, so your words are not surprising

really, you shouldn't talk, because you are jumping to assumptions and perhaps false conclusions. YOU ARE LAUGHABLE if you think you are this know it all--morally superior because you think your thoughts and beliefs are your own. I doubt that is true anymore than the rest of us. I KNOW I am better than you. Get off your high horse, you don't know the truth..there is no truth.

;) ;)
And speaking of barbaric acts, why doesnt Moz "boycott" Texas for example? The hometown of the Master of Slaughter, George W. Bush?

THis is a petty juvenile comment...because there is no current animal rights boycott on Texas. Why must canadians always bring up Bush or the U.S about everything. "We are not bad, look at our neighbors to the south." GET OVER YOURSELVES!!
Hey! I take issue with some Canadian calling our President the "Master of Slaughter"! That is totally outrageous. A scandalous lie. George W. Bush has never mastered anything in his life.
if this is the case then why is there a distinction drawn between the slaughter of seals and the slaughter any other animal such as cows, pigs, etc.? ill tell you why there is a distinction- for the idiots the distinction is made becos there are no flashy pictures to show of cattle slaughterhouses and the like, and also becos seals are objectively "cuter", and for the hypocrits its becos theres more money to be had or lost when it comes the the business of mainstream livestock and the USA. either way, these protests focusing on the Canadian seal hunt are never actually made for the moralistic and humane reasons they are purported to be.

but just because the cows and pigs are killed (just as terrible as any other murder, and if you wanted to see flashy pictures, go to PETA's website, they have been fighting the meat industry for just under 30 years, which is why you don't hear about it as much as the seal thing- it's not recent in practice, but the campaign to stop it is).
the fact that canada is slaughering seals is not approved by the fact that other countries are slaughering too. i agree that more emphasis should be made on the american meat industry...but canada should NOT be let off the hook just because "everybodys doing it".
WinkWink, is it?

Yes...I am entitled to my beliefs as you are. But I also believe that many...MANY members on this forum would have been clueless, myself and MANY CANADIANS inlcuded (and yes, I am proudly Canadian) about the seal clubbing had Morrissey not mentioned it. Do I agree with seal clubbing? Absolutely not! But why should I boycott anything? Would it really make a difference?

As one rather smart poster mentioned, what makes seal clubbing any more worth the protest than say cow slughter?
Or are you waiting for Moz to make noise about that?


I'm just quite tired of the "Simon Says" attitude alot of Moz fans take. I stand by my comment 100%. Everybody is up on arms about my Bush comment...get over it! Open your eyes....your selfrighteous attitude will make you recognise seal clubbing but NOT human tragedy?

Grow Up!
I'm so mad at him. If he cut down dates in Canada because of this, why would he play in Spain, where torturing and killing Bulls for the public's amusement is mandatory? Why on earth does he love Mexico so much (same thing) I applaude his decision if it's true and sincere, but he HAS to stay away from Spain and Mexico until they change their culture. It won't happen (in my lifetime), but he SHOULD. Torturing animals for entertainment? Ok, I'll do a couple of shows there then. I'm mad at him. I never heard him talk about bullfights, if anyone has a quote or a link, I'd appreciate it.
I'm mad at him. I never heard him talk about bullfights, if anyone has a quote or a link, I'd appreciate it.

Can't find any official interviews regarding it but when the Smiths played in Spain in 1985 he said "We've heard about your national sport and we have to say, we don't think it's very kind!" The clip should be somewhere on youtube but the gig is split into sections.
"We, we have seen your national sport, and it's not very kind"
Here you go. :) I think I might actually have the whole (or most at least) of the concert on video if anyone is interested in it being uploaded, or just this one song, or any of them I guess. ;)
"We, we have seen your national sport, and it's not very kind"
Here you go. :) I think I might actually have the whole (or most at least) of the concert on video if anyone is interested in it being uploaded, or just this one song, or any of them I guess. ;)

Thanks :o forgive my rather inaccurate paraphrasing.
Oh no, it was plenty accurate, I hope it didn't seem like I was being snippy :o, just providing the link and the complete quote. ;) So I checked and I have the Madrid concert in two parts, so unfortunately no individual songs. If anyone is interested I could upload them, but I will create a Downloads/Bootlegs thread and then post a link here just so more people will find the upload in the proper fourm. ;)
Understand your frustrations.

Personally, i'm not a veggie or an active animal rights campaigner but there is no f***ing way I am boycotting Morrissey.

See Ya.

in the age of 'direct action', i firmly believe that we have a duty to take a stand against a styling of hair that is wholly objectionable.

we have the power to do something about it and yet most of us are content to let it persist, unchallenged. it's been going on for about three years, now (maybe longer and we didn't realise). i find that problematic. don't you?

there's too much apathy.

True there is too much apathy, I wish everyone else would go out and demonstrate about it while I sip my tea and pontificate at the keyboard.

But whats the point of worrying about a w i g? Tasteful, and rather fetching too... but when it comes down to important matters it's the human being not the hairstyle I'm interested in.

WinkWink, is it?

Yes...I am entitled to my beliefs as you are. But I also believe that many...MANY members on this forum would have been clueless, myself and MANY CANADIANS inlcuded (and yes, I am proudly Canadian) about the seal clubbing had Morrissey not mentioned it. Do I agree with seal clubbing? Absolutely not! But why should I boycott anything? Would it really make a difference?

As one rather smart poster mentioned, what makes seal clubbing any more worth the protest than say cow slughter?
Or are you waiting for Moz to make noise about that?


I'm just quite tired of the "Simon Says" attitude alot of Moz fans take. I stand by my comment 100%. Everybody is up on arms about my Bush comment...get over it! Open your eyes....your selfrighteous attitude will make you recognise seal clubbing but NOT human tragedy?

Grow Up!

i was just providing a self-righteous attitude to counter yours.

You still fail to realize he is JOINING an EXISTING Peta boycott. How many times must some of us repeat this? He has close ties with Peta and so he decided to join the boycott. He doesn't lose anything out of this. It was a decision bringing him hardly any consequences.

After pointing out that he is joining a boycott, and yet you go on and on about cow slaughter in the US (or others pointing out bull-fighting in Spain), then i can only assume you lack something in your head. It's a pick and choose which you want to join or which to start (does Peta even have boycotts in those countries?). How hard is this to understand?

that's rather righteous of you to decide what values other people should have (human life vs. animal life). other people's priorities are their own. You say you recognize other people's entitlement to their beliefs, but then you dismiss them as lacking since they are not yours.

Open my eyes to Bush? oh yeah, because they are so closed. It's amazing the simple perception you have of Americans. Bush has the lowest approval rating of any president in decades. He WILL go down i history as one of the worst. He STOLE the election, and lied to get the second; but you are not from here, so you wouldn't know.
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what morrissey said in the 80s, isn't true now

WinkWink, I do believe Morrissey sold a sports car a year or two ago that had very leather seats.

Not a single animal had to die for my Toyota. :)

(the quote--which isn't word for word correct--is from 1986...there was no way around it then).

No way around it? What are you talking about?
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