
Satan's Soul

Seal Clubber
its silly really...

what america does to mexicans alone is worse than a seal hunt and this doesnt even take slaughtering nearly 1 million iraquis in to account!

yay viva america lets play there there nice folks! ( now of course we must realize that most americans and certainly moz fans dont support the war, well likewise for Canadians and the seal hunt)

perhaps morrissey just realized that its over for him and its all about profit so crossing the border is too taxing for him and would cut his margin too much.

although he is crossing the mexico border for one gig, but then again he does have a thing or two for young mexican lads...

morrissey, you are more a poet than a politician, keep it that way, the world only needs one bonno ( whom ironically thinks canada is a mighty fine place)

your duty, should be to your fanbase, otherwise i suggest you sell your next album to the seal population.

the only reason we (or more aptly, they) hunt for seals is more becasue the marine ecology is totally out of balance and they are destroying fish populations. ( so its now or later really, eat ll of the fish and then starve and go extinct) Why are the fish stocks depleated you ask? becasue of the export to countries like the united states and the overfishing by our people and other countries.

i suggest morrissey and his fans alike do some research into this matter before spewing your comments about it.

as much as it is a pain in the ass for canadians, they can and do attend shows in the US, even when he did come to canada he only payed toronto and vancouver. So those fans who choose can drive across the mighty USA burning up fossil fuels along the way, but worry not we have pleanty of oil here in canada to keep your tour buses on the road.

morrissey is only stuck with this illogical position on canada if he refuses to swallow hi pride and admit that he is ignorant to the facts, on that i suppose this could go on for a while....

On that, see you in NYC perhaps, ill be sure to have extra bacon on my burger during the road trip down..
i live in canada too. you're wrong. morrissey is right. deal with it.

please elaborate, or piss off...

I don't like your "shut up and sing" approach. You want him not to have an opinion, and leave politics for politicians- go listen to Duran Duran, and you won't have a problem with that.

You came on here labeling yourself as a 'seal clubber' which automatically states your position. Idiotic.

You say it's just about the money and profit that he is ignoring Canada, when in fact, you are completely ignoring that Canada is the second most cruel country in the world when it comes to sea animals and sea life- moe than 350 000 seals are murdered every year of economics.

Morrissey isn't boycotting the US because he is not a part of a human rights group, but an animal rights organization. It would be quite hypocritical of him to go to Canada when he knows what kind of thing goes on here.

What else, what else...just check some old threads, there are great points made by people there.
Canadians need to stop bitching. Save up and see him in the states if you care, and if you don't, then him boycotting Canada doesn't really matter.
its silly really...

what america does to mexicans alone is worse than a seal hunt and this doesnt even take slaughtering nearly 1 million iraquis in to account!

yay viva america lets play there there nice folks! ( now of course we must realize that most americans and certainly moz fans dont support the war, well likewise for Canadians and the seal hunt)

perhaps morrissey just realized that its over for him and its all about profit so crossing the border is too taxing for him and would cut his margin too much.

although he is crossing the mexico border for one gig, but then again he does have a thing or two for young mexican lads...

morrissey, you are more a poet than a politician, keep it that way, the world only needs one bonno ( whom ironically thinks canada is a mighty fine place)

your duty, should be to your fanbase, otherwise i suggest you sell your next album to the seal population.

the only reason we (or more aptly, they) hunt for seals is more becasue the marine ecology is totally out of balance and they are destroying fish populations. ( so its now or later really, eat ll of the fish and then starve and go extinct) Why are the fish stocks depleated you ask? becasue of the export to countries like the united states and the overfishing by our people and other countries.

i suggest morrissey and his fans alike do some research into this matter before spewing your comments about it.

as much as it is a pain in the ass for canadians, they can and do attend shows in the US, even when he did come to canada he only payed toronto and vancouver. So those fans who choose can drive across the mighty USA burning up fossil fuels along the way, but worry not we have pleanty of oil here in canada to keep your tour buses on the road.

morrissey is only stuck with this illogical position on canada if he refuses to swallow hi pride and admit that he is ignorant to the facts, on that i suppose this could go on for a while....

On that, see you in NYC perhaps, ill be sure to have extra bacon on my burger during the road trip down..

You're the jackass for calling someone a "mexican" in the first place. The proper term is "hispanic", which I would suggest you use if you are going to use a holier than thou approach.
You're the jackass for calling someone a "mexican" in the first place. The proper term is "hispanic", which I would suggest you use if you are going to use a holier than thou approach.

This person is so ignorant....suggest we do research on the matter, when in fact, he put none into his ridiculous rant!
I think Satan's Soul makes some salient points myself.

Seagulls are taking over our towns and thats because of the depleted fishing stock, hence to adapt they go for our refuse. Its a terrible problem. And they're viscious too.

Incidentally I noticed that Pink had to retract her statement about Australian sheep farmers citing she didn't know enough about it to warrant her attack on them and their methods. Obviously Morrissey wouldn't do the same as he's far too stubborn but (pardon the pun) its food for thought!

Hmmm maybe I should have a chicken tikka kebab tonight and all!?! Some things should be left alone.
the rage will subside. i promise. i too reside in the land of beavers and mounties and was all too enfuriated when moz announced that he wasn't coming here. but time passes, and you get over it. now i am truly astounded that he has the courage to really stand up for a cause that he believes in. i admire that so much that i don't mind travelling to shows. and why are you holding our natural resources over his head? that makes no real sense at all. "ooo, look we've got the oil, come and get it morrissey."
he's not going to come here, not for oil, not for anything. and it's not because he's stubborn he simply has beliefs and will not compromise them.
and obviously it would be ridiculous for morrissey to not come to the united states because he would be ignoring half of his fanbase. i suppose the phrase is "pick your battles." he can stand up for a cause that he believes in without committing career suicide. furthermore, i would rather him not come here because after the bad press he recieved during this whole thing, radicals with pitchforks might attempt to kill him. :p
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I`m all for a bit of democratic debate but for what purpose do you bring your views here?Knowing perfectly well that Morrissey supports animal rights and is a vegetarian.He does not need to justify his views or actions even if profit did come into the equation.Plus you know that the majority of people on here are going to agree with him.There are enough people in the world trying to defend human rights-he is doing his bit to bring attention to one of mankinds most abhorent and disgusting deeds.If a human being can club a baby seal to death and watch while its mother screams for profit then to my mind they are capable of far worse deeds. If he suddenly started touring Canada we, and especially me a life long fan would be cross and consider him to be a hypocrite.We can all contribute in small ways that may not make a huge difference to the world.But in his efforts he has got us all discussing it.If people in Canada have to travel to see him live and they truly love and respect his views they won`t mind.
...There are enough people in the world trying to defend human rights...

Well, that's not really true since there are sadly a lot more people denying human rights.

As for the seal issue - it's a tough call for Morrissey. I daresay he feels pretty bad for what he's doing to Canadian fans, at least I hope he does, but he has his beliefs and it would be hypocritical of him to tour there. And like slubacca said, he has to "pick his fights" in order to keep his career intact. On the other hand, I doubt all Canadian fans have the financial ability to travel to the US to see him, and that sucks for them. It would be nice if he offered a concert in the US that was free to Canadian fans or something.

the rage will subside. i promise. i too reside in the land of beavers and mounties and was all too enfuriated when moz announced that he wasn't coming here. but time passes, and you get over it. now i am truly astounded that he has the courage to really stand up for a cause that he believes in. i admire that so much that i don't mind travelling to shows. and why are you holding our natural resources over his head? that makes no real sense at all. "ooo, look we've got the oil, come and get it morrissey."
he's not going to come here, not for oil, not for anything. and it's not because he's stubborn he simply has beliefs and will not compromise them.
and obviously it would be ridiculous for morrissey to not come to the united states because he would be ignoring half of his fanbase. i suppose the phrase is "pick your battles." he can stand up for a cause that he believes in without committing career suicide. furthermore, i would rather him not come here because after the bad press he recieved during this whole thing, radicals with pitchforks might attempt to kill him. :p

This is the reason why I married you.

My msn is not working, oddly nuff. Gimmie a call?
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its silly really...

what america does to mexicans alone is worse than a seal hunt mean pretty much allowing them to work here without paying taxes is more cruel than slaughter?? damn, your expectations are high. Canada has border rules too you know.

You're the jackass for calling someone a "mexican" in the first place. The proper term is "hispanic", which I would suggest you use if you are going to use a holier than thou approach.

You're joking...All the Mexicans I know call themselves Mexicans. I really don't know why there are white people who feel they need to treat non-whites differently. you don't have to go extra to prove you are tolerant and sensitive. We trust you, lets not make silly social rules that make no sense. We are talking about the word 'Mexican', not 'nig--r' (i didn't spell out the word because banning on this forum is set on 'extra sensitive' these days). We call Americans Americans...Mexicans are Mexicans. Deal with it. Mexicans are proud of being from Mexico, and naive yuppies negate that when making these silly PC rules, thinking they are doing good when they are not.
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You're the jackass for calling someone a "mexican" in the first place. The proper term is "hispanic", which I would suggest you use if you are going to use a holier than thou approach.

I respectfully disagree with that. People from Mexico are Mexican. It's when you call Hispanics or Latinos "Mexican" as a generic term that you are wrong. Most of the people that I've heard use the term Hispanic are white liberals (not them again) that secretly think (yes I can determine their secret thoughts) that Mexican is a bad word.

I'm over the Canada thing and think we discussed it exhaustively on previous threads, but I've worked with Mexican people and I think they are proud to be Mexican. To me, avoiding the word Mexican would be like avoiding the word Canadian. (Although maybe we should come up with a more polite way to say Canadian ;) )

I might be wrong. This is just my experience.
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