English beat


New Member
Any English Beat fans here? Dave Wakeling is touring the east coast this month. Will be in charlotte nc on the 24th, then heading up the east coast.
I saw the beat twice back in the day, once at Salford university, and once supporting Bowie at Milton Keynes bowl, always most entertaining, a good night out.
I first saw them when REM was their warm up act. Then as General Public and few times when it was Dave's reincarnation. Always a good show.

I saw the beat twice back in the day, once at Salford university, and once supporting Bowie at Milton Keynes bowl, always most entertaining, a good night out.
REM was once the beats support? thats amazing did they show signs of promise. I was at GMEX when radiohead supported james it was obvious at the time they would be special.
I only know Save It For Later but I love it immensely and I'd welcome a 15 track mix tutorial from those better informed.
Their first album, "I Just Can't Stop It" was a classic really one of those all killer no filler album's, I think I destroyed my vinyl copy from over play pretty much. I'll try and find an mp3 version and upload it some where, if you love save it for later you'll love that.
Their first album, "I Just Can't Stop It" was a classic really one of those all killer no filler album's, I think I destroyed my vinyl copy from over play pretty much. I'll try and find an mp3 version and upload it some where, if you love save it for later you'll love that.

Cool, I'll definitely illegally download it. Thanks for the recommendation.
Yes REM warmed up. They were a college band at the time and they were very good. I met Dave once in California and told him I saw REM warm up for them. He asked me where because he knew it happened but could not remember where or when:). I told him not to feel bad because I had no memory of driving to the show or how I woke the next morning in a gravel parking lot with a pizza box in my lap.

REM was once the beats support? thats amazing did they show signs of promise. I was at GMEX when radiohead supported james it was obvious at the time they would be special.
I still have my copy on vinyl. I have two General Public albums on vinyl as well. I also saw general public play a show with Mick Jones playing the whole set with them. That was a great show.

Their first album, "I Just Can't Stop It" was a classic really one of those all killer no filler album's, I think I destroyed my vinyl copy from over play pretty much. I'll try and find an mp3 version and upload it some where, if you love save it for later you'll love that.
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