FAO: Mr. Improper, The Pimp of the f***in' Nation

  • Thread starter the sun always shines on TV
  • Start date

the sun always shines on TV

could you please stop attacking GU, Grim, & Skinny out of the blue?

actually BG, He Hadn't Attacked Us For Ages. But Well Done, He Will Now

Re: FAO: the sun always shines on TV

Could you please go f***ith yourselfith?????

Re: Ages?

Awwwww man....GU deserves all the bashing she gets.......f***in useless fat slob that she is...lives off her govt and receives:food stamps/cheese/assistance.

Therefore,her brit compadre's pay for her to sit her fat ass at home and become even fatter and more disgusting at their expense,not something I'd be proud of. My logic: if she can sit her fat,triple chinned,lazy eyed self in front of her f***in computer all goddamned day and type shit to a bunch of f***in people who she thinks are her "friends",she can get her fat ass up off the f***in goddamned couch and take her fat ass to mcdonalds and flip burgers or something.

Why doesn't she?????hmmm....lazy,fat/disgusting/pathetic/worthless/useless come to mind. Not to mention her lazy eye which porbably would scare the beejesus out of the little f***in brats that go there.

Don't thank me GU,it's my pleasure pointing out to the world how much of a f***in useless/lazy eyed fatty you are to society. You do it with pride,take a bow(if you can bend your fat ass that is)
play time has begun

thicko's back with a vimto.
you useless thicko c***!
Re: Ages?

she told me she had a job...was that a lie?

> Awwwww man....GU deserves all the bashing she gets.......f***in useless
> fat slob that she is...lives off her govt and receives:food
> stamps/cheese/assistance.

> Therefore,her brit compadre's pay for her to sit her fat ass at home and
> become even fatter and more disgusting at their expense,not something I'd
> be proud of. My logic: if she can sit her fat,triple chinned,lazy eyed
> self in front of her f***in computer all goddamned day and type shit to a
> bunch of f***in people who she thinks are her "friends",she can
> get her fat ass up off the f***in goddamned couch and take her fat ass to
> mcdonalds and flip burgers or something.

> Why doesn't she?????hmmm....lazy,fat/disgusting/pathetic/worthless/useless
> come to mind. Not to mention her lazy eye which porbably would scare the
> beejesus out of the little f***in brats that go there.

> Don't thank me GU,it's my pleasure pointing out to the world how much of a
> f***in useless/lazy eyed fatty you are to society. You do it with
> pride,take a bow(if you can bend your fat ass that is)
Re: Ages?

Now your facts are way way wrong. Ask anybody, they will tell you what I already told you, I work in the travel industry.

As for the rest of your shite, seen it, heard it all before. Yawn!

Keep up the good work boyo!
Re: play time has begun

> you useless thicko c***! Shouldnt talk about your mam this way anus/....it's not nice.
Re: Ages?

of course it's a lie,everything that comes out of her f***in fat cumdumpster is a f***in lie.

She emailed me once,and BEGGED me to stop including her in my tirades,yet,she still continues to talk shit to me,so I said "f*** you fatty,Ill continue too".
Re: Ages?

I will....and you keep up being a fatty......FATSO!!!!!!!!

I dont care what you say,you live off the govt and get free blocks of cheese to serve to your fat/ugly f***in lazy eyed kids too.
Re: Ages?

> of course it's a lie,everything that comes out of her f***in fat
> cumdumpster is a f***in lie.

> She emailed me once,and BEGGED me to stop including her in my
> tirades,yet,she still continues to talk shit to me,so I said "f***
> you fatty,Ill continue too".

Yes I wanted it kept off the MORRISSEY discussion board. It's always you that starts the thread, did you ever notice that?

Sometimes it's better to say nothing (when you have f*** all of interest to say). But I will continue to reply to your dumb-ass posts.
Re: Ages?

> I will....and you keep up being a fatty......FATSO!!!!!!!!

> I dont care what you say,you live off the govt and get free blocks of
> cheese to serve to your fat/ugly f***in lazy eyed kids too.

I don't live off the government. I have a job. Am I repeating myself?

Well, so are you. f***face.

I'm sure this thread will be deleted later anyway. so I don't give a f***ety f*** f*** what you say anymore.

So there.
Re: play time has begun

it's only you that talk about my Mam & Me
you f***in sad c***
Re: play time has begun

Leave your mam out of this and Ill leave this out of your mam.
Re: Ages?

> Yes I wanted it kept off the MORRISSEY discussion board. It's always you
> that starts the thread, did you ever notice that?

> Sometimes it's better to say nothing (when you have f*** all of interest
> to say). But I will continue to reply to your dumb-ass posts.

And you'll continue showing the world........you're a fatty...and you're a useless dickwrinkle........thanks.
Re: Ages?

If you dont care about what i say,then why continue replying to my posts fatty????? you obvious do care,or you wouldnt.

why would these posts get deleted???? unless you really are annoying david and begging him(like you did me) to take them down????? you're a fat f***in liar,and you know it.
Re: play time has begun

finished having ya wank with plaptop thick c***.
Re: play time has begun

Not yet,your mam comes over for dinner at 8:00,then Ill be finished with her.......NOT!!!!!!

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