FAO: Mr. Improper, The Pimp of the f***in' Nation

  • Thread starter the sun always shines on TV
  • Start date
Re: Ages?

> If you dont care about what i say,then why continue replying to my posts
> fatty????? you obvious do care,or you wouldnt.

> why would these posts get deleted???? unless you really are annoying david
> and begging him(like you did me) to take them down????? you're a fat
> f***in liar,and you know it.

I pride myself on telling the truth.

Yeah, I asked you to keep me out of your "beef". You couldn't do that, but you know what? You're proving to everybody what a pathetic dickwrinkle you are! I did everybody a favour!

I repeat, I haven't asked anybody to remove any posts, only the one where you posted a personal photo. (have you got a whole folder dedicated to me?)

The others have been removed because they are bullshit.
Re: play time has begun

You must not like your mam too much huh??? keep talking about her that way???? your mam's like a gun...give her a cock and she blows......
Re: Ages?

> And you'll continue showing the world........you're a fatty...and you're a
> useless dickwrinkle........thanks.

And you'll continue showing what a pathetic sad lonely loser you are.

Where's Let's Go Devils when you need her?

Is she in her thong playing with plaptop?
Re: play time has begun

thick c*** strikes again & it's got no place in the human race!
take your plaptops tiny cock out of your mouth, thicko.
Re: Ages?

Once again,why are you responding to my posts fatty if they are "bullshit"????

You know you bugged david and you continue to do so about my posts towards you...ONCE AGAIN fatty,leave the poor man alone,he;s got better things to do than to worry about fighting your battles for you,which you obviously arent smart enough to fight for yourself??????

Everything that comes out of your mouth is f***in bullshit,who you foolin piggy????

You again forget,I dont give a f*** what the people here "think" about me,that's the difference between you and I fatso,you do,I don't.
Re: play time has begun

My cocks in your moms mouth on a daily basis,who you foolin??? if it wasnt for me and my cash,your mom and you wouldnt eat.........
Re: Ages?

> Once again,why are you responding to my posts fatty if they are
> "bullshit"????

Because you obviously get your kicks from bullshit. Here's some more!

> You know you bugged david and you continue to do so about my posts towards
> you...ONCE AGAIN fatty,leave the poor man alone,he;s got better things to
> do than to worry about fighting your battles for you,which you obviously
> arent smart enough to fight for yourself??????

Once I asked him to remove a personal photo. Once. (am I repeating myself)?

> Everything that comes out of your mouth is f***in bullshit,who you foolin
> piggy????

I only speak the truth.

> You again forget,I dont give a f*** what the people here "think"
> about me,that's the difference between you and I fatso,you do,I don't.

Awwww, poor pimple. got no fwends.
obsession obsession obsession

you are really sick, fancy pretending that your plaptop is my mother whilst sticking your tiny cock in his mouth, you need putting down boy.
Re: Ages?

Like i give a shit about no friends????

awwww..poor fatty..........still cannot see your f***in feet huh????

thats funny,i thought you said you never contacted david about removing any posts??? see,isnt great being me??? not only did i demolish you(as always)but got you to admit you lied,and the best part??? you did all the work yourself.

As usual,You supply the ammo,I just use it to my advantage.

Tell us something else about you we alreadyd didnt know????

1) fatty with a lazy eye
2) asked to leave weight watchers by the back door
3) kicked out of every buffet in town for fear you'll scare away customers with your girth piggy
4)havent seen your feet since birth
5) gave birth to the ugliest two kids the world has ever seen
6) you live off the govt and they supply you with:more cheese to make you even more fat
7) you're a useless cumdumpster who got beat up on a daily basis by your ex boyfriend/husband,and you deserved it. You're lucky he didn't kick your f***in head in,he shouldve ,wouldve been an improvement
you f***in worry about what others here think about you fatty

Need I go any further????? I didnt think so.
Re: obsession obsession obsession

I have no iodea what you said,I dont think you do either???? falling back to the obsession thing huh grimp???? whats the matter,hit a nerve about your mam did I?????? she deserves it...probably out now suckin off the mail man as we speak???? she was always good at suckin,especially me.
GRIM O'Grody is a FAT BITCH who deserves all he gets!!!!!!!!! f*** GRIM!!
Re: Ages?

> Like i give a shit about no friends????

aha, yes you do!

> awwww..poor fatty..........still cannot see your f***in feet huh????

yes I can.

> thats funny,i thought you said you never contacted david about removing
> any posts??? see,isnt great being me??? not only did i demolish you(as
> always)but got you to admit you lied,and the best part??? you did all the
> work yourself.

Never denied I asked him to remove the personal photo. Did i?

> As usual,You supply the ammo,I just use it to my advantage.

Hmmmm, no?

> Tell us something else about you we alreadyd didnt know????

> 1) fatty with a lazy eye
not got lazy eye
> 2) asked to leave weight watchers by the back door
not arsed about my weight hence never been to weight watchers
> 3) kicked out of every buffet in town for fear you'll scare away customers
> with your girth piggy
don't really go to buffets, sorry to disappoint.
> 4)havent seen your feet since birth
yes, i have, see above.
> 5) gave birth to the ugliest two kids the world has ever seen
> 6) you live off the govt and they supply you with:more cheese to make you
> even more fat
> 7) you're a useless cumdumpster who got beat up on a daily basis by your
> ex boyfriend/husband,and you deserved it. You're lucky he didn't kick your
> f***in head in,he shouldve ,wouldve been an improvement
no, i actually beat him up.
> you f***in worry about what others here think about you fatty
not really.
> Need I go any further????? I didnt think so.
yes come on bring it on!
Re: Ages?

thicko c*** strikes again...
> Tell us something else about you we alreadyd didnt know????

> Need I go any further????? I didnt think so.

nope you've proved yourself moron of morrissey solo once again!
well done chump! Such a thick c***!
Re: obsession obsession obsession

still f***in your poor plaptop & thinking of me & my Mam, you are one sick thick c***.
You rang Girl Unafraid? :p

> And you'll continue showing what a pathetic sad lonely loser you are.

> Where's Let's Go Devils when you need her?

> Is she in her thong playing with plaptop?
Laptop, no actually I just got off the phone with my friend who owns a travel agency and I telling her all about your attempt to fraudulently gain information about Josh. She couldn't believe you actually work for a travel agency and you weren't aware your actions are not only unethical but also illegal and your agency condones that kind of behavior.
Re: You rang Girl Unafraid? :p

> Laptop, no actually I just got off the phone with my friend who owns a
> travel agency and I telling her all about your attempt to fraudulently
> gain information about Josh. She couldn't believe you actually work for a
> travel agency and you weren't aware your actions are not only unethical
> but also illegal and your agency condones that kind of behavior.

Excuse me, what are you trying to accuse me of? What are these unethical actions? This is very serious if you are accusing me of doing something illegal. I would like to hear more.

Why are your friends incapable of believing that I work? We can't all sit around in our thongs all day playing with pimples and plaptops?

Your friend may also tell you that it's illegal to bring weapons into this country via an aeroplane (not that Josh knows what one of those is). Oh that's right of course, his *friends* were going to meet him at the airport with the weapons so that they could bash our skulls in. That's illegal too, I do believe.

Look forward to hearing from you megan man. (is that pimple's nickname for you? ohhh do you have lumpy bits in your thong?) No wonder he likes you so much, bet yours isn't as small as plaptop's though.
Re: You rang Girl Unafraid? :p

very funny can hardly wait for the reply, please please let's go do it!
Re: You rang Girl Unafraid? :p

> Excuse me, what are you trying to accuse me of? What are these unethical
> actions? This is very serious if you are accusing me of doing something
> illegal. I would like to hear more.

> Why are your friends incapable of believing that I work? We can't all sit
> around in our thongs all day playing with pimples and plaptops?
Why do you even care what people think of your your employment status. Personally I think being a parent is the most important job in the world, and if you would have told that to Proper that is a perfectly respectable answer. What I don't understand is I can't imagine any business condoning fraudulently obtaining personal information and then posting the information on a message board. If I did anything like that I would be fired and I would imagine a majority of the business' out there would do the same. So what would possess you to risk your only means of finacial support for you and your family because of a message board.

> Your friend may also tell you that it's illegal to bring weapons into this
> country via an aeroplane (not that Josh knows what one of those is). Oh
> that's right of course, his *friends* were going to meet him at the
> airport with the weapons so that they could bash our skulls in. That's
> illegal too, I do believe.
Well I hope one of your friends is reading this because he threatened the same thing to me if I ever came to Manchester.

> Look forward to hearing from you megan man. (is that pimple's nickname for
> you? ohhh do you have lumpy bits in your thong?) No wonder he likes you so
> much, bet yours isn't as small as plaptop's though.
Re: You rang Girl Unafraid? :p

> Why do you even care what people think of your your employment status.
> Personally I think being a parent is the most important job in the world,
> and if you would have told that to Proper that is a perfectly respectable
> answer. What I don't understand is I can't imagine any business condoning
> fraudulently obtaining personal information and then posting the
> information on a message board. If I did anything like that I would be
> fired and I would imagine a majority of the business' out there would do
> the same. So what would possess you to risk your only means of finacial
> support for you and your family because of a message board.
> Well I hope one of your friends is reading this because he threatened the
> same thing to me if I ever came to Manchester.
> Whatever.

a/ what personal information did I fraudulently obtain?

b/ where did I post this fraudulently obtained information?

c/ do you have proof that this fraudulently obtained information came through my workplace?

d/ which friend of mine threatened you?

You see, you can't prove a thing, because you know it's all bullshit.

Why not go on one of your campaigns to support violence against women.

Nice person that you are.
Re: You rang Girl Unafraid? :p

> a/ what personal information did I fraudulently obtain?

> b/ where did I post this fraudulently obtained information?

> c/ do you have proof that this fraudulently obtained information came
> through my workplace?

> d/ which friend of mine threatened you?

> You see, you can't prove a thing, because you know it's all bullshit.

> Why not go on one of your campaigns to support violence against women.

> Nice person that you are.
Im sorry, your right, it wasn't you who posted the info on the board, but I seem to recall someone very close to you saying they used their connections in the travel industry, in an attempt to find Proper's flight info. You do work in the travel industry don't you? I believe I also recall someone very close to you mentioning an attempt to obtain passport information. I also remember seeing a printout of said search, and unless it was doctored, you couldn't do that on a home computer. Just curious, Does your boyfriend also work in the travel industry?
As long as we are messing around with words here, when and where did I ever say I support violence against women.

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