Ideas for an essay on morrissey.



Ideas for an essay on morrissey. 200 words or more. Time:1 1/2 Hours

(1) The banana had been in the freezer for 2 days, that was how long it took.
A full two days, hardening.
It wasnt from experience that Morrissey knew this, it was more instinctual
A full two days, hardening.

(2) Morrissey was happy. He sat, legs crossed on the brown leather seat, staring
blankly out the foggy car window moving his middle finger up and then down the
outside of his thigh. It was something he did subconsciously but as the car door
opened it became
frenzied .................

(3) lifting the tight, soft............

(4) As frontman of the The smiths it had not really been an option, but now things
were different,and he really wanted to shave off his eyebrows .........

(5) Undoing the tight, soft........

(6) Pillow had only rented the costume for a week but Morrissey was adamant.
Grabbing here hand he led her down to the Basement again. Mr improper lay
outstreched on the billard table, tied down and still blubbering incoherently. You've wet
yourself again!, morrissey exclaimed, I think I’ll take to calling you Mr. impooper.
pillow laughed. Hahahahahahahah. .

(7) An inflatable johnny Marr, Morrissey mused, the possiblites were endless.
And a £20 price tag was also well within his means...............
Re: Ideas for an essay on morrissey.i like the cut of you jib
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