Morrissey and his jewellery??


New Member
Anyone seen the rings Moz wears? If so has anyone seen anything similar? I love the rings in the pic im pasting below!!

And love the pic too, very charming and cheeky looking!

A claddagh ring advertising his availability?

It's quite a long time since Morrissey has been photographed wearing his Claddagh ring. Perhaps, as you point out, this is a suggestion that he is not available (although you are meant to just wear it the other way round to signify this)?

I used to wear a Claddagh in the early/mid eighties. I stopped wearing it, not because I was suddenly unavailable, but because it got caught on absolutely everything. I was once walking past a wire fence when it got caught and nearly ripped my finger off.
i hated Claddagh rings for getting caught on things!!!!!!!!!!

The ring in the above picture isnt a Claddagh ring though, just wondered if anyone had seen a similar ring to the one above?
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