Morrissey Official Facebook new photo: 'It's on!'

New photo published at Morrissey Official Facebook:

It's on!

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Mando's instagram post with the caption "Session Day" is tagged with the location of Chinatown Central Plaza, in Los Angeles--not Rome. Jesse posted the same exact picture of Moz with the caption "ROME IS HOME." So maybe Morrissey is getting settled in Rome while the band members will be traveling there soon to record?
Maybe the band is just recording all of the music before handing it over to Morrissey to slap some lyrics on.
"You boys have this. I'll be over here eating pizza."
so pensive, just looking at this picture and its sine qua non compositional details makes me feel like listening to shakespeare's sonnet 130 as read by alan rickman, divine
All I take from the picture is bitterness. He looks like a bitter, angry man, consumed by negativity.
But then, in the pictures with fans, he looks at ease, and warm. Such contradictions.
I wonder if there's ever been such a stereotypical Gemini in all of history.
"I am two people" indeed.
All I take from the picture is bitterness. He looks like a bitter, angry man, consumed by negativity.
But then, in the pictures with fans, he looks at ease, and warm. Such contradictions.
I wonder if there's ever been such a stereotypical Gemini in all of history.
"I am two people" indeed.
Two people and a dozen others inside of him.
He looks happy to me and he is wearing the bracelet from the concert.

I guess no announcement today. It's on must have meant facebook is now on.
Are you projecting?

All I see is someone in thought, content and aware that he is posing for a photo.

View attachment 41658
I'm not projecting. To me, he genuinely looks very pissed off and bitter. It's a meanness around the eyes and mouth, and it isn't the first I've seen it in a picture. But then, I don't know the guy personally. He could just be feeling farty from too much pizza!
oh my gosh, he looks soooooooo cute! he looks genuinely happy here, as in, his smile is less upside down than normal. oh mozzer <3

Well, he certainty doesn't look bitter or pissed off, here.
More like charmingly shy and happy to feel loved by his fans.
He likes it there in Rome, the people of Rome.

Is is just me or are we seeing much more fans pics and it is just like a warm bath for him? As if he has more time and allows much more fans encounters?
Not that other fans in other parts don't love him as much, it's just he seems happy to be there.
So, Rome really feels like home to him?
Sorry Aztec but I didn't see that much fans photos from Malibu!
I can't mark any comment as a like or as a funny due to not being registered, but this one seriously made LOLOL so hard. And well said!
So you join a group of 3 touchy people then and in this world many are. They are usually full of themselves and have absolutely no sense of humour at all.

Dead people on the streets is not gross at all but words on a forum sure is, right?

Moz takes 5 gram of c-vitamin every day just like Trinny Woodall which explains his wonderful complexion. Apparently he can stomach it and probably takes the neutral kind just like I do.

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