Morrissey v The Smiths

No, that's not what I am trying to say at all...although I do love Kylie as it happens!

I think Morrissey has fared pretty well chart-wise over the years...a lot better than The Smiths did at times. Sure, he has had the odd dry period, but then again haven't we all?

You're right in saying that Moz was never the musician, but after the dissolution of The Smiths what was he supposed to do? He was in quite a pickle there and probably extremely depressed about the whole thing but he came through it OK. In case you hadn't noticed, his profile these days is the highest it's ever been and I've been stalking that dude for 20 years, I should know!

It really gets my goat when people run down Moz as a solo artist. Personally I prefer Kylie's PWL work, but that doesn't mean she is rubbish now, does it?

If you ask any normal human being if they like Morrissey, the first thing you hear is 'oh, i liked The Smiths, but...' Well, that or 'do you mean that depressing bastard with the flowers sticking out of his arse?' We are supposed to be the fans, so why are we saying the same thing?

Retracted statement.
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A substantial number of people, quite rightly, view "Viva Hate" as a top Moz album. I (along with "Vauxhall" "YArsenal" & the "Bona Drag" & "Burglary Years" collections) agree to its near-perfection. But, compared to The Smiths?
Here's what Moz had to say himself on Viva Hate in 1990:

"I've always been fiercely self-critical and... it wasn't perfect. And it wasn't better than 'Strangeways Here We Come'! There's at least six tracks on it that I'd now willingly bury in the nearest patch of soil. And place a large stone on top." (laughs)
(interview with Nick Kent in The Face, March 1990)

Given the equation: "Viva Hate" = Best/Co-Best Moz Solo; Smiths > Morrissey

By Morrissey's own admission The Smiths are better.

However, I must dodge the pointless question and opine that the two bodies of work are complementary. Listen to "Queen Is Dead" followed by "Vauxhall and I" to see Morrissey at his two artistic peaks.
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My listening habits:

5% with The Smiths
95% Solo

Been that way for years.

He has b-sides that are better than any smiths song out there. Period.

How can you possibly say that moz's b sides are better than any smiths song out there i am sorry but thats just complete nonsense. The morrissey/marr partnership was sheer genius morrisseys lyrics then were of a much more intellectual value because he sang about disapointment, depression, shyness, sexuality and all with a hint of romance he also sang about voilence and brutality a whole number of taboo subjects but people could all relate to them it was a very personal experience that the writer and listener shared, johnny marrs guitar riffs where immensly sad sounding but very very beautiful the mans a genius of the guitar sound no doubt about that no one morrissey has worked with has ever and shall ever come close to marr. the smiths are one of the most iconic bands ever !!! and out of that an icon was born namely morrissey !! so to knock the thing that made morrissey what he is, is frankly criminal !!
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