"My Life With Morrissey" Final Cut Screening

  • Thread starter Some Totally Random Moz Fan
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Some Totally Random Moz Fan

Hello All,

Tonight was the first screening of the completed film "My Life With Morrissey" at the Silent Movie Theater in L.A.

To see my review of the "rough cut" screened in March go here:


The ending has been changed- a surprise twist- and all of the Smiths/Moz music has been removed- but the sound quality and editing is much better this time around!!

They also handed out DVD's of the film afterward so I am sure it will be bootlegged on the Net somewhere very soon for all of you fans to watch on your computer...

A fun movie!!

Cheers ;^)
Here's A Few Pix

The Flyer for the Screening

Writer/Director Andrew Overtoom presents the film


DVD they handed out following the screening

cheers ;^)

My Life With Morrissey Web Site
Re: Here's A Few Pix

> The Flyer for the Screening

> Writer/Director Andrew Overtoom presents the film

> Marquee

> DVD they handed out following the screening

> cheers ;^)

Very interesting. Obvioulsy something that will probably be difficult to get hold of. Any ideas on distribution.. what did the DVD have on it?

I've met that Jose bloke. He's alright but would have played the role to death I would imagine! Hope he has an English accent in it!

> They also handed out DVD's of the film afterward so I am sure it will be
> bootlegged on the Net somewhere very soon for all of you fans to watch on
> your computer...

Wow -- what a coincidence. I was looking for this film on Kazaa last night. I wasn't sure of the release date. Thanks for the info.

> Very interesting. Obvioulsy something that will probably be difficult to
> get hold of. Any ideas on distribution..
- sorry I have no idea... I would check the web MLWM site for any updates on that...

what did the DVD have on it?
- actually the DVD has the whole film... I had it going in the background when I got home and wrote the review... the quality is stufdio-perfect

> I've met that Jose bloke. He's alright but would have played the role to
> death I would imagine!
- everyone in the film went waaaaaaay over the top- it was hysterical- but Jose's interpretation of the Manchester Moper was the most subtle performance...

Hope he has an English accent in it!
- yes he does

> Thanks.
> Ruffian
- welcome


What a waste of celluloid that was. They should have kept it as a "silent" movie. The acting was terrible and the plot was worse. That's two hours of my life I'll never get back.
i have to say i was really disappointed with this film. it wasn't funny. it was reminiscent of some of the better coyote/road runner cartoons. the only thing funny was that this guy thought he could make a film.

I thought the film was hilarious! I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard! Cheers, guys!
"My Life With Morrissey" Final Cut Screening- REVIEW

Another review on Film Threat about the screening last Thursday night! Check it out...


Re: "My Life With Morrissey" Final Cut Screening- REVIEW

I haven't seen the movie, and I doubt that I'll be able to get hold of it.
It's great when someone out there pay attention to Morrissey and includes it in documentaries and so forth, but I am sad to say, that this movie seems more like a film about some regular N'Sync fan or something. Morrisseyfans are obsessive yes, I'm the first to admit it. but I should say we're obsessive in a different way than the one that's shown in the picture...and I know it's a comedy, not a documentary and blah blah blah...but why make a film of an obsessive Morrissey fan, when it could just as well be a movie about an obsessive Ricky Martin fan. Morrissey fans tend to do everything the Morrissey-way. Read the Morrisseybooks etc...ANY FAN OF ANY ARTIST CAN LICK THE RECORDS, BUT MORRISSEYFANS ARE BEYOND REGULAR FANSHIP. Correct me if my impressions of the movie I haven't seen but heard a lot of, are wrong...
Re: "My Life With Morrissey" Final Cut Screening- REVIEW

> I haven't seen the movie, and I doubt that I'll be able to get hold of it.
> It's great when someone out there pay attention to Morrissey and includes
> it in documentaries and so forth, but I am sad to say, that this movie
> seems more like a film about some regular N'Sync fan or something.
> Morrisseyfans are obsessive yes, I'm the first to admit it. but I should
> say we're obsessive in a different way than the one that's shown in the
> picture...and I know it's a comedy, not a documentary and blah blah
> blah...but why make a film of an obsessive Morrissey fan, when it could
> just as well be a movie about an obsessive Ricky Martin fan. Morrissey
> fans tend to do everything the Morrissey-way. Read the Morrisseybooks
> BEYOND REGULAR FANSHIP. Correct me if my impressions of the movie I
> haven't seen but heard a lot of, are wrong...

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