Need a wee bit of advice

I have a really closed-minded attitude about this sort of stuff, but I'll say it anyway.

If he's cheating on her, (even with flirtatious internet banter,) he'll cheat on you.
Forgetting the fact that he's engaged for now, would you be happy enough just to talk to him? As I see it, it's better to live in a dream and have him than be out of it and he'd be gone. Seems to work a lot of the time...

haha no, thats horrible advice!!! :eek::p

*puts hands over halfaperson's ears*
haha no, thats horrible advice!!! :eek::p

*puts hands over halfaperson's ears*

:D It works fine! I find it's okay, just to talk to people like this.:p Perhaps Half A Person would be the same!:D
:D It works fine! I find it's okay, just to talk to people like this.:p Perhaps Half A Person would be the same!:D

haha, no its not okay, cuz he still has a fiance, and she already admitted to having feelings for him, so talking to him is just gonna make her feel worse, knowing she cant have him. and living in a dream world is never healthy! like i said, i wouldnt want my fiance to have some random female internet buddy who had feelings for him, who only lived 15 minutes away. seeeeee? :cool::)
haha, no its not okay, cuz he still has a fiance, and she already admitted to having feelings for him, so talking to him is just gonna make her feel worse, knowing she cant have him. and living in a dream world is never healthy! like i said, i wouldnt want my fiance to have some random female internet buddy who had feelings for him, who only lived 15 minutes away. seeeeee? :cool::)

Hmm, personally, I'd rather still have the person as the personality is the reason for feelings... but I understand how people can be different!:D
do you have national statistics for this?

I never claimed numbers or statistics, I made a general statement, and general statements make no specific, statistical claim, thus need no proof, there is nothing to back up. They are made as a generalization because they are generally true, not because they are statistically true. There is a huge difference.

If you don't believe it to be generally true, that's fine, I don't really care. Although there has been surveys done about myspace and hooking up. Perhaps I should make a concrete accusation or claim so I have an excuse to look them up.

There is also a huge difference between making a ignorant statement such as ALL men think or act a certain way, which Hellie did, and making a general statement such as myspace is generally for hooking up, which I did. One leaves no room for compromise, and uses a concrete and absolute term such as ALL, while the other is based on personal experience and things which are generally accepted as being the truth. There is a huge, huge difference.
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One leaves no room for compromise, and uses a concrete and absolute term such as ALL, while the other is based on personal experience and things which are generally accepted as being the truth. There is a huge, huge difference.

Just as there can be a huge, huge difference between personal experience and "things which are generally accepted as being the truth".
the issues are muddied, but you CAN find love on myspace and you CAN feel strongly for someone you've never met.
You can even find love with someone else's fiance (although I'd personally avoid it).
But this still seems like a dead end. And a dodgy one at that.
Just as there can be a huge, huge difference between personal experience and "things which are generally accepted as being the truth".

Which is why a generalization is made up of many things, and not just one thing alone, such as personal opinion.

We generalize all the time, because we find things to be generally true. If it's cold, people wear jackets. A general statement, and nobody will ever demand 'statistics' or facts, because it's generally true. It snows in the winter time. Not always, not in all parts of the world, but it's generally accepted because it's generally what happens. What generally happens on myspace is that people hook up, or are looking for something along those lines. Sure, it's used for bands and such as well, but a huge, huge part of it is "social networking', aka, hooking up.

It's generally what goes on there, and just because a few people may not have snow in their countries for the winter, or may not wear a jacket when it's cold out doesn't mean it's not generally true, same for the myspace statement.
blushing jeremy kyle romantic advice you said wee
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