New book? : "Meetings with Morrissey"

Apologies if this is already known about but according to this, Omnibus Press will be publishing a book called "Meetings with Morrissey" by Len Brown

scroll down to near the end

''Meetings With Morrissey (Oct., 2008, $19.95) Morrissey is amongst the most provocative and controversial performers in popular music. From the formation of his Manchester band The Smiths in 1982 through to the release of his acclaimed 2006 solo album Ringleader of The Tormenters, his career has spanned 50 UK top 40 singles and 20 UK Top 10 albums. Author Len Brown gets behind the public image to tell Morrissey's story in the man's own words and explores in detail the extraordinary lyrical content of the songs.''

For those too lazy to click and scroll :cool: :)

I'd like to read it. It sounds like it would be interesting. And, Omnibus Press published The Severed Alliance, didn't they? Which is also a widely popular book.
Meetings with Morrissey - release date, cover art

maybe you all know it...or it's somewhere else..then i'm sorry;)


Meetings with Morrissey - release date, cover art

2nd May 2008

Finally, there's a cover art to the book Meetings with Morrissey by Len Brown, which is now due out on the 2nd July, 2008 by Omnibus Press. The picture, taken from the old The Smiths days, has been taken by Kevin Cummins at Tatton Park in September 1983!

The book, containing 400 pages, is announced as follows by

"This book gets behind the public image to tell Morrissey's story in the man's own words and explore in detail the extraordinary lyrical content of his songs. A former NME writer, Len Brown has interviewed Morrissey more times than any other journalist. He was the first writer to talk to Morrissey about the death of The Smiths and the birth of the singer's solo career. The book will celebrate the many artists Morrissey has elevated to iconic status - via the lyrics or Smiths covers including Cilla Black, Dusty Springfield, Billy Fury, Marc Bolan and The New York Dolls. It will offer in-depth insight into Morrissey's lifelong commitment to promoting the genius of Oscar Wilde".

In Germany, the english book can be ordered in advance for EUR 13,99.

UPDATE 19/05/2008: The release date has been put back to October 2008 again on the Amazon site.

Source and further information:



New Morrissey Title!

I was just browsing on Amazon and there's a new book about Morrissey coming out October 1st called, "Meetings With Morrissey" by Len Brown. :) I wonder what happened with, "Morrissey:The Pageant Of His Bleeding Heart? Anyway, I thought I'd pass this along.
Re: New Morrissey Title!

I was just browsing on Amazon and there's a new book about Morrissey coming out October 1st called, "Meetings With Morrissey" by Len Brown. :) I wonder what happened with, "Morrissey:The Pageant Of His Bleeding Heart? Anyway, I thought I'd pass this along.

Probably a collection of already-published articles. IIRC Len Brown had a couple of reallly good interviews with Morrissey over the years.
Re: New Morrissey Title!

Probably a collection of already-published articles. IIRC Len Brown had a couple of reallly good interviews with Morrissey over the years.

Hm. Well, I'll probably buy it anyway! I REALLY wanted, "Morrissey: The Pageant Of His Bleeding Heart" which was SUPPOSED to come out in May.
Re: New Morrissey Title!

Hm. Well, I'll probably buy it anyway! I REALLY wanted, "Morrissey: The Pageant Of His Bleeding Heart" which was SUPPOSED to come out in May.

I'd probably buy that book too, provided someone removed all mention of the title the way a dutiful mom peels off the crusts on a sandwich for her kid. Otherwise I don't have any interest in reading the thoughtful analyses of Morrissey's music by someone who would call his book "The Pageant of His Bleeding Heart" and apparently mean it.
Re: New Morrissey Title!

At O2 they were handing out flyers wanting people to contact Len Brown if they'd ever met Morrissey. I'm somewhat surprised it's already on Amazon if they hadn't even got enough stories last month.
Re: New Morrissey Title!

I wonder what happened with, "Morrissey:The Pageant Of His Bleeding Heart? Anyway, I thought I'd pass this along.

I posted this some time ago.

Bad news. I e-mailed the publisher and got the following response:

There seems to be some doubt about our publishing this book because we have still not received the manuscript from the author. The new publication date is December 2008.
Meetings with Morrissey?

Sounds like that blurb the other month about 'doing Business the Morrissey way'?
Re: New Morrissey Title!

I posted this some time ago.

OOPS, I didn't see that, bysshe. Well, why in hell would that author (I can't think of his name) tease us like that and show us the supposed cover of the book, and he didn't even RELEASE the manuscript? Hello!? Shoddy bookselling. I'd never attend HIS reading. :rolleyes:
Re: New Morrissey Title!

I posted this some time ago.

I'd probably buy that book too, provided someone removed all mention of the title the way a dutiful mom peels off the crusts on a sandwich for her kid. Otherwise I don't have any interest in reading the thoughtful analyses of Morrissey's music by someone who would call his book "The Pageant of His Bleeding Heart" and apparently mean it.

How very true, Worm. What a horror of a title. Very melodramatic.
Re: New Morrissey Title!

OOPS, I didn't see that, bysshe. Well, why in hell would that author (I can't think of his name) tease us like that and show us the supposed cover of the book, and he didn't even RELEASE the manuscript? Hello!? Shoddy bookselling. I'd never attend HIS reading. :rolleyes:


Bastard. :p
Re: New Morrissey Title!

At O2 they were handing out flyers wanting people to contact Len Brown if they'd ever met Morrissey. I'm somewhat surprised it's already on Amazon if they hadn't even got enough stories last month.

Anybody have Len Browns contact info/email addy?
Just got an e-mail from Amazon saying this book will be with me next week. Yay. Nothing on the Gavin Hopps book though.

I recently purchased dvd called The Queen is Dead a classic album Under Review

To be honest I wasnt expecting too much but it was a great watch and LEN BROWN featured heavily in the DVD. I will be ordering the book and would recommend the DVD for any fans

All these books have the SAME info. I say we another "All Men Have Secrets" part 2.
Whats everyones TOP 5 Smiths/Moz books?
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