Next single NEW SLEEVE ???

I think it's from the Vauxhall years, not earlier than that. Is that the 1oz necklace? It's too small to tell.

If so, maybe it's a Jake shot -- maybe it's a message.
This could be a problem.
This picture has made me go a bit 'gay'
I may have to phone my girlfriend to break the news

hahahah aww bless.

^^ Don't worry - that's pretty normal.

I like the pic....except for the fact he has no neck. Looks a bit odd.

I have read a couple of comments saying that, I do not understand it, to me its clearly the angle and his head is tipped back so that is why you can not see his neck too much.
I think it's from the Vauxhall years, not earlier than that. Is that the 1oz necklace? It's too small to tell.

If so, maybe it's a Jake shot -- maybe it's a message.

I thought it might be a Jake shot as well, he looks scruffy, bit like the "honey" shot.
I'm trying to control myself since it's not the frink thread but I think he looks insanely gorgeous on this pic...:o I don't care if it was taken by Jake or not (I like the honey pic too, a lot), and altough I find it a bit weird that he uses an old photo, I kind of understand it, firstly because the album will be a look-back (though it's the single sleeve, isn't it?) and secondly because we've never seen this pic before... So, it's :horny: and I shut up now.
no-neck angle

As I have mentioned before, this is a luvverly photo save for the no-neck camera angle. It occurred to me that this angle is useful in hiding double-chins. I blelieve this trick was employed to help make Dianne Chandler, former Playboy Playmate (1966), look youthful in photos taken in the noughties. She wrote reviews of Playboy vids at avn, and this hide-the-double-chin photo ran with every review she penned. I always thought this was an awkward angle.

I also learned the camera trick of helping a certain media mogul/NYE host look youthful was to saturate the picture with light. If you fill the picture with light, no shadows exist to emphasize wrinkles. It's like make-up without the make-up.

But I prefer Moz the way he is NOW -- unretouched, eye crinkles, and all. The only thing is that he should stay out of the sun. Kinda too late, but he shouldn't continue to ravage his skin with the carcinogenic sunrays.
"That's How People Grow Up" Sleeve

I've not been on the forums for a week or so so not sure if this has been mentioned or not (and i can't be bothered to check, before one of you smart-asses posts a link to another similat thread...) but the HMV site has a different cover to the new single than the one that was featured on the main page a while back. instead of morrissey in his West Ham t-shirt, it has a picture of him in a swimming pool (i think.. pic is too small to tell).

just thought i'd let you know. apologies if this has been posted before.

Re: "That's How People Grow Up" Sleeve

I've not been on the forums for a week or so so not sure if this has been mentioned or not (and i can't be bothered to check, before one of you smart-asses posts a link to another similat thread...) but the HMV site has a different cover to the new single than the one that was featured on the main page a while back. instead of morrissey in his West Ham t-shirt, it has a picture of him in a swimming pool (i think.. pic is too small to tell).

just thought i'd let you know. apologies if this has been posted before.


the west ham shirt photo is the promo cd single.
the release is the swimming pool photo
what do you think? I made it into one that looked a bit more real to me.

yesss! that's it!!! it's like this one hasn't been photoshopped unlike the "original" one; how come the editors didn't manage to make it look more natural I wonder.
thanx for my new desktop :p
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