On the Public Loo, tonight....

The Cat's Mother

We've discussed our favourite bits of Morrissey, done a spot of tubby-chasing and I'm now off to bed, leaving members to discuss the new topic of male nipples. Have your say on this important subject!

Edit: I should stress, following a slight case of misapprehension on LiveJoural, that the Public Loo isn't a Morrissey community; it's an adult community where you can bring the stuff like we had on the "kinky sex" and "length v girth" threads, and discuss them freely, without exposing the youngsters on these forums to rude conversations. I know the first topic was about "favourite bits of Morrissey", but as I stated in the link from this forum to the community, it was intended merely as a silly try-out topic, to get people over here to check out the place.


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