Post Whatever You Are Thinking At This Very Moment

I have to grudgingly admit that I've found being on the Webchat to 'customers' at work quite rewarding today. Sure, I don't like the restrictions it puts on my flexible working hours, but it's felt like company while I'm sat working from home. It's bought something home that I've long suspected though. I am judged by the way I speak. When I was on a telephone helpline things often became fraught, but I've not had that on webchat. I can only conclude that my voice precedes me. I've seen it happen on umpteen occasions in a social setting where people will approach me to pass the time of day and then glaze over when they hear me speak. I might pretend to become a mute and use sign language.

Song for every occasion in life.
I'd rather take a chance on someone with good intentions getting it wrong, than someone who has no integrity getting it right occasionally. His time is through. Not saying the Republicans are through, but Trump was a flash in the pan. Something we could have done without.

"Something we could have done without" -- I feel the same way about your drag queen dive bar singing and your presence here in general, and I'm sure the majority of people you meet in bars agree, you insipid old pederast.
I remember my grandad. He got many things wrong, but you lived with his cackeyed view of the world because you knew he was intent on getting things right. When someone does something in good faith, even when it goes pear shaped, you can live with it. It's surprised me how much having faith in a President of the USA has so many benefits for the world at large, and conversely, how when you have no faith in the man who is the leader of the most powerful nation in the world can lead to despondency on a very personal level. Our politicians are our surrogate parents and we need to feel they have our interests at heart. I loved Regan. He was the most loved president of the USA.
that probably wasnt true if you had aids or knew someone who had aids
Oh. I wonder how we'd react to AIDS now if it was a new phenomenum, in this climate of fear? I had a discussion with a taxi driver and I mentioned the fact that there was an article hidden on the 3rd page of a well regarded newspaper saying that scientists have concluded that Coronavirus only lasts a maximum of 5 minutes on any surface and that it is primarily airborne in its transmission? All this wiping down of surfaces has been for nothing. And what's worse is that when this is all over we are going to be so incapable of dealing with any kind of virus of any sort because we've been disinfected to high heaven our immune systems will not be able to cope with ANY virus. And it's going to hit the young worst because they're at a stage when they're bodies should be being exposed to germs to acquire immunity. It's a time bomb.

it's not really the same thing as aids though, at all
look at how great this coat is!!! influenced by brit pop!!!:hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:

Hideous imho
look at how great this coat is!!! influenced by brit pop!!!:hearteyes::hearteyes::hearteyes:

You could wear it on the dining room table laid out like Eva whilst getting your hair brushed out in devotion
* no social life frink advice artie lange awesome bitching blush bored brooms candies chat cheese with your whine? college is tough companionship complaining epiphany episiotomy friendships funny happy i think u stink just lust moaning never to be replaced rabid monkey sad suck my teeth sweet caroline wowzers
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