Ryan Adams and Taylor Swift talk about the smiths, among other things

Something about RA that I just CANNOT get into. He's like Evan Dando for this era's kids....
I am not a big fan of her music, but I don't think she deserves to get bashed or labeled as unintelligent or talent-less. She writes, sings and plays her own music. She must be doing something right to fill stadiums around the world and be one of the only artists remaining that does not solely rely on touring for income off of her music. She reminds me a lot of Morrissey from a song writing perspective in the sense that she is not afraid or shy to express her deepest emotions and to bare her soul for her fans.

Songs like Back to December and Tim McGraw have extremely potent lyrics and the music is rich and mature for someone her age. You get a sense from watching clips from her concerts that her fans feel towards her much the same way as Morrissey fans feel towards him. There is a quiet, unspoken understanding that makes us feel like "we get it" and "we are privileged that we do". One glaring difference is the kindness she extends to her fans. Signing autographs, meeting with fans, open to social media exchanges. Not to put Morrissey down as he was always a socially awkward person, but so was Taylor and so were most of us, but most people grow and mature into more social human beings. If Morrissey's growth as a person hadn't been so stunted there is no telling how much farther and wider his impact might have been. Not that this was his musical goal, but he to this day still seems overly concerned about chart positions and ticket sales.

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