Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments -

Jesse Tobias statement -

13 June 2014

It's been quite Disheartening to see the "Facebook" Hatred thrown about by Our Former Friends/ Working Partners Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti.
I do feel that Someone needs to Speak Up for Moz in this situation as it is unbearable to watch people you once trusted , Attack and Pick Away at your Friend.
In my experience ANYONE associated with the Morrissey Camp know they are solely there because of Morrissey himself.
He chooses to tour/ work with certain people.
For Kristeen and Tony Visconti to go on about Her being better off now, without considering Morrissey's 9 years of help and promotion is Very Disappointing.
Only speaking from my experience, with the crew and Moz falling ill in Miami, for Kristeen to deny she was truly sick seems disingenuous.
I was told after the show in Miami by Crew and Security that there was some concern because Kristeen was obviously unwell.
Our crew then tried to keep her at a reasonable distance but being in such close quarters for months these things sometimes happen.
I am Upset that in this situation Kristeen could not take the tour as a whole into consideration and just comply with the postponement announcement.
One could only assume it was necessary for her to justify herself and ultimately receive some promotion out of the matter.
This combined with Tony Visconti's Parrot Like affirmation on "Facebook" that "she is better off, is Morrissey Capable of being handled?" is Repulsive.
This is a MAN who worked closely with us on a record and several sessions that Suddenly flips into Schoolgirl mode with "yeah you tell em" Chatter...??

Good Riddance to False Friends.

Jesse Tobias

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Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

In all my years I've never understood why fans care whether Morrissey is "nice" or not. His humanity and artistry is indisputable. That's all I ever demand of creators I admire and whom inspire. Whether Morrissey is one or more of: difficult, ornery, spiteful, juvenile, petty, misanthropic, (insert adjective), I could care less.

While I would've liked more respect shown toward Alain, for example, Morrissey makes good points in Autobiography about collaborators who joined The World of Morrissey (not helped create it) and what they feel they "deserve". If it were me I'd make more effort to mend bridges and certainly wouldn't fire someone by proxy -- face to face is the only way. But do I care if Morrissey does things his way? Why would I?

If Morrissey were truly racist, which I absolutely do not believe (despite the reactionary subspecies comment) I would have a problem with that.

The Norway comment is the only time I've felt truly, truly disappointed.

KY - if she is 49 she looks hot, but shove off (I will relish footage of her savaged before Foo Fighters come on).
TV - you've played your small part -- shove off.
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

It's not Jesse is not Alain. It's that Jesse is a mediocre guitarist of limited songwriting ability and a competent musical worker, but in no way a talent. Alain is the only songwriter Morrissey has worked with in his solo career that gave Morrissey music equal in strength and promise to his words and vocals. If Morrissey were say a weapon, then with Jesse he would be TNT, and with Alain a nuclear bomb.

This is an extremely excellent post.

The only disagreement I have with it is that you give Jesse too much credit (not that you gave a lot, which is appropriate.)

I love Alain and no one even comes near to him as a music writer for Morrissey (in his solo work) and it would great to have him back etc. but we all know that's not going to happen.

Jesse isn't good enough for Morrissey. He doesn't really "fit" with his playing. His style isn't conducive to playing the older material with any justice at all. The guy is pretty much a hack when he has to play Johnny Marr's riffs and to be honest, I don't think he has the more gentle touch of Alain's playing either in music that A. Whyte composed.

It's like if you can't compete properly (or at least in close enough acceptable ways), just play louder and throw everything against the wall and see if it sticks. It's all just volumn and distortion for Jesse. Play a ton of notes and hope it makes sense (and honestly, it doesn't).

Jesse is a standard mid-level guitarist. He's been able to make a career (if you think Mother Tongue, Splendid and Alanis Morrissette is a real musical "career"). There are thousands like him and hundreds and hundreds better than him.

I don't think people clamor for Alain's return (because we know he will never) as much as wanting someone else to take over. Somebody more fitting that Jesse Tobias.

The music is getting short-shrift with Jesse and that sucks.

(and I haven't even mentioned the atrocity of his music writing).
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

The point I was making was that after 17 pages on this thread there is mostly just your own self centered anonymous trolling and diatribe.
If there's anyone who is self serving and narcissistic it is you! Nice effort.

Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Originally Posted by Pokey
Morrissey is a dick, Jesse is illiterate, KY is a spineless coat tail rider and Visconti is doing it all for the nookie.

Stumbled upon Pokey's posts.


Nailed it.
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

I used to think the world of Morrissey. The last year was horrible for him. The cancellation and allowing Jesse to make a statement is too much. Even though he was outspoken thought he was a class act. Wouldn't even pose with a picture with his most devoted fan recently. What has happened to him?
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

I used to think the world of Morrissey. The last year was horrible for him. The cancellation and allowing Jesse to make a statement is too much. Even though he was outspoken thought he was a class act. Wouldn't even pose with a picture with his most devoted fan recently. What has happened to him?

He's not a zoo animal and doesn't have to pose for photos if he doesn't want to. As far as this cancellation I'm not all that sure he's actually sick. Doesn't he have a tendency to call ambulances for small afflictions?
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Well it all sounds very devious, truculent and unreliable if you ask me.


Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

now I don't want to disappoint anybody but I can't decide who's the craziest between the three. Re-reading Jesse's message he does sound like a crazed Mexican dude likely to run towards you to slash your throat with a machete in a deserted village with just a few undernourished panicking chickens to get in his way. That's the picture I'm getting anyway.

But tomorrow the craziest might be dishevelled promiscuous Kristeen and her decrepit pimp producer dancing like mad witches at a sabbat, hysterically singing and trying to pass "allergic germs" to everyone mad enough to shake their hands on facebook.

And if there's a third day, the winner might be the usual winner. The craziest dude responsible for everything in the first place, for putting all the nutters in the same unpadded cell and watching the situation get out of control, while retiring to a 5 star hospital to sob the bitter tears of depression, a mere decaying shadow too weak to even raise a hand to appease the tensions.

Now, Nancy, Chrissie, girls, you stay away now, you hear? You might get hurt. (Especially someone as gullible as you, Chrissie. Oh, don't force me to say the word "sect".) (-oOh, you KnOW.)

Oh and the talking bodyguard, that was a nice touch. As if bodyguards talked! On fb! rofl!!!

What a spectacle. Shame it can't last forever.
Nor can we...

Actually, Cliff seems like the most reasonable and decent guy now.
I almost want to see his free show.

Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Jesse wrote a piece that's included in the booklet for 25:Live and it too is full of random capitalisation and weird sentences; it must just be his thing.
Jesse Tobias' "thing" is idiocy and machismo. A real class act. Meanwhile, Visconti, someone who has nothing to do with the matter, is targeted for being supportive of an artist he produces after she's been fired. How many times have you have mutual friends break up, and even though you're friends with both, you tell the one who got dumped "you're better off". Toolbias needs to get over himself, but that will never happen. Further, why are supporter's of Jesse responding with "good for you"? No false statements were made about him, he wasn't fired, nor was he slandered. NOR WAS MORRISSEY and all of a sudden MOZ camp declares war on KY. Um, okay. Speaking of facts, remember when KY directly gave Morrissey her allergies? Oh wait, allergies aren't contagious and this is a pathetic and vile publicity stunt for the upcoming album... Yes, poor poor Morrissey and Jesse for not being fired and for not being slandered. Awww, the poor rich babies. I'd like to end on this: Does it not make you question the integrity of people who who be so quick to slander someone's name and commit LIBEL against them without having EVER made an attempt to speak with the person they're targeting directly and privately? Good job for being a complete dick, Jesse.
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Thank You, Jesse Tobias for being supportive and loyal to your friend and standing your ground as well .A lot of people are two faced and superficial so it is great to see your commitment. Your sincerity is appreciated. I have to say that I agree with Jesse on the conduct of Tony Visconti .I think it was uncalled for given the previous involvement that Tony had in working with all of them previously .I believe I mentioned it on another post as well .It is extremely childish .In addition ,whatever has happened with their relationship the work he has done with Morrissey and his team all is a part of history, his resume and a part of his past as well as a part of his present preserved forever (maybe?) and this is how you would like to be remembered? Essentially Tony is making an ass out of himself and if this is how he wants to preserve his own image by all means Tony, that is exactly what you are doing .It's ridiculous. tony must not be very thankful for the life he leads either .By trashing someone you have worked for you are also trashing your own work and it is there for all the world to see, all over the globe. I am the same age as Jesse Tobias. Tony is old enough to be my damn parent but not much wiser I am sorry to say.I would expect a little more wisdom from someone who has been on the planet longer than me . People who are not genuine for the most part whether they think anyone can see it or not there are a fragment of people who DO see through it . Some people are blind followers and some people they just know things. It is unfortunate at the same time it is good to be aware of those who cannot be trusted and to move on.

All he said after his artist was fired was "you're better off" THAT'S IT! Never ONCE trashed Morrissey. Get out of here with this bullshit!
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Good for Jesse! I think he is a true friend to Morrissey. I imagine he asked M first if he should respond though. But its a good point that all of them are only there because of Morrissey and should extend some respect and appreciation.

That said I did think it was a bit off that M blamed KY for getting him sick. He couldn't possibly say for sure. He has contact with many people, including those he touches and hugs at concerts!

Still, I wish she had bit her tongue a bit. I mean c'mon they main people that even discuss her is us, because of him!

I'm curious, what exactly did she say that you think she should have bit her tongue instead? Was it when she said she was grateful for all he's done for her? Or was it the part where she clarified saying that she had allergies and not a virus?
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Or, maybe Jesse is a true friend to Morrissey and was genuinely upset by the way he's been hurt by her?

How has Kristeen hurt anyone??? You don't have to like her, but can you even articulate what she has done in this whole retarded mess? Everyone that has spoken in support of Jesse's classless statement, can't even specify what exactly Kristeen did that is soooo horrible. I know this is Morrissey-solo, but come on! NOT EVEN JESSE can say what exactly she did that was so wrong. And no one cares that he took Visconti's comment out of context. Learn to question things. Separate the music from the man.
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Hasn't there been problem s like this before with kirsteen young? I love Moz and hope that he learns his lesson and Stops!!! Touring with her. Everyone at the shows I've seen doesn't even enjoy her set. I personally don't like her music and I'm speaking for lots of other Morrisey fans. Get Well soon and Surround yourself with more positive people on your next tour. And please come to St Louis soon.

Because Morrissey's such a positive person. LOL x a billion. And yes, Kristeen is this negative entity that's behind all of his cancellations and illnesses. It's all part of her evil scheme to add juvenile and irrational drama to her own life. Thank god, most Morrissey fans don't like her. That would be so embarrassing for any artist, lol!
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

It's rather simple:
1. Due to his cancellation history and the cost (whatever it is) of organizing, promoting and executing a tour, there was likely something written into the tour or insurance policy that upon cancellation someone has to pay up unless there is an ironclad reason.
2. So... Mozzer got sick in Miami, asked KY (and the rest of the squad) to cover for him. Likely if Kristeen is the sick one (i.e., Patient Zero) the Mozzrasaurus isn't on the hook for something financial relating to a cancellation.
3. For whatever reason, KY doesn't cover for him and says, "hey, I just had an allergy attack; all is now well." Likely she doesn't cover for him because there is insurance money involved with cancelling and she's not exactly a huge star that can defend any insurance fraud claims. Notice how both TV and KY are ready to produce doctor's notes.
4. Things start to unravel for Tryanosaurus Moz when she won't play ball and they ask her to leave the tour temporarily which leads to permanently as this is the only chance at salvaging the tour (and more importantly: salvaging the money).
5. Mozza plays Boston, collapses in a heap of stomach cramps, likely foaming at the mouth as one last ditch to save something (again, likely the tour money) and outright cancels everything.
6. Why cancel the rest of the shows? Because he's already done the math and realizes that because KY didn't play ball and vouch for her being Patient Zero, he's pretty much screwed with the underwriters and the promoters and lost whatever collateral Harvest or he put up to get the tour off the ground.
7. He takes a last shot (a shot in the dark really) by blaming her for getting everyone sick.
8. KY misses the point that she was just supposed to cover for him (or maybe she didn't miss the point at all)
9. Jesse opens his big mouth and gives it all away with the word 'Comply' which really means, "if she had just said, 'yes, i got everyone sick' none of us would be in this predicament."
10. Cliff Richard and Tom Jones aren't too concerned because they already probably got paid up front (a condition of joining a tour where the main act has a history of cancellation).

I'm inclined to accept this as the most credible, absent rebuttals to the contrary.
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

All he said after his artist was fired was "you're better off" THAT'S IT! Never ONCE trashed Morrissey. Get out of here with this bullshit!

He said plenty on fb, over and over again.

Morrissey made a public statement and left it at that. Tony Visconti bitched and made petty, nasty comments on fb to his little clique.

Kristeen also made statements on her fb page and let all her followers do the dirty work for her by responding so she wouldn't have to say it herself. Pathetic.

As for Morrissey not 'communicating' with them properly - 1) you've only their word for that, 2) if he communicated via his tour manager, so what? He's their boss and quite frankly he owes those users nothing 3) Did Tony Visconti 'communicate' in a professional and direct way? No he did not. Pathetic.

Jesse responds in a straightforward, public way and puts himself and his views on the line and it's assumed he couldn't possibly be doing it out of friendship or loyalty, or as a grown adult (Morrissey has to have pulled his strings).

Tony Visconti responds, but writing snarky, nasty, personal comments on fb and laps up the attention, but he's just being loyal to his friend and he's got every right to respond...

For someone who likes to portray herself as a strong woman, Kristeen is awfully adept at playing the victim. She's great at letting rich successful old men fight her battles for her.

Give it a rest.

All this drama over a third rate support act.
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

"if Kristeen is the sick one (i.e., Patient Zero) the Mozzrasaurus isn't on the hook for something financial relating to a cancellation."

why would his insurance company care who got him sick?

furthermore no one knows who wrote the thing on true to you
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

I'm curious, what exactly did she say that you think she should have bit her tongue instead? Was it when she said she was grateful for all he's done for her? Or was it the part where she clarified saying that she had allergies and not a virus?

Or the bit where she let all her followers and Tony Visconti repeatedly write shit about Morrissey on her fb page (thread now deleted) so she wouldn't have to say it herself and she could pretend to take the moral high road. Classy.
Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Well it all sounds very devious, truculent and unreliable if you ask me.

Re: Article: Statement by Jesse Tobias about Kristeen Young and Tony Visconti Facebook comments - tr

Meanwhile, Visconti, someone who has nothing to do with the matter, is targeted for being supportive of an artist he produces after she's been fired. How many times have you have mutual friends break up, and even though you're friends with both, you tell the one who got dumped "you're better off".

Sure, but not publicly in front of all the fans. :crazy: Viscunti is the tool.
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