The epic banter thread

yeah, I watched a doc on Icke a long while back.

He doesn’t come off as mad, so does he just see his beliefs as a good career and business move?
That’s what I can’t quite work out. He does say a lot of things that make sense, but then a minute later he’s going on about reptilians and the annunaki - all very seriously - maybe that’s the point. Lure them in with a bit of common sense chat, hit them with the psycho-babble and those that stick around are the ones you target.
That’s what I can’t quite work out. He does say a lot of things that make sense, but then a minute later he’s going on about reptilians and the annunaki - all very seriously - maybe that’s the point. Lure them in with a bit of common sense chat, hit them with the psycho-babble and those that stick around are the ones you target.

Hmmm maybe. Anyway, I’m hooked! ;)

Expect a song about this on Morrissey’s next unreleased album.
”My Mate Russy-Wussy Didn’t Do Nuffin”
Innocent until proven guilty, but why are so many famous people so.....evil?
They are rich beyond belief, spend every minute of the day in their own little bubble, constantly being catered to and never hearing the word ‘no’, having minge/cock thrown at them from all directions.
Only a matter of time until they start thinking they really are special and can do anything they want.
in what way do you think Icke is evil? Can’t blame him for people believing in him.

I was just saying nice guys don’t win, in my other post.
I don’t think he is evil. A lot of his… “stuff” is about how evil famous people are (Royals, politicians, bankers etc)
With the whole Russell Brand thing, it does seem to boil down to one persons word against another. Although, that people can make such allegations and be believed so easily would suggest that they’re not totally out of the realm of possibility.
Also, unless the claims made by these women can be proven, he’ll be able to spin this as the mainstream media being out to get him and generate more ‘followers’ and revenue from it.

Of course, he could be totally innocent.

Innocent or not, he is not funny, never has been and is just a new-age junkie-turned-philosopher who makes a living dazzling idiots with his big hair and winkle-pickers while he pilfers their wallets.
That’s what I can’t quite work out. He does say a lot of things that make sense, but then a minute later he’s going on about reptilians and the annunaki - all very seriously - maybe that’s the point. Lure them in with a bit of common sense chat, hit them with the psycho-babble and those that stick around are the ones you target.
I think it's all metaphor with Mr Icke. He's basically saying the same as Moz - those in power are not to be trusted. Moz calls them terrorists. Icke calls them lizards. It's really just the same thing, with a bit of poetic licence thrown in.
I think it's all metaphor with Mr Icke. He's basically saying the same as Moz - those in power are not to be trusted. Moz calls them terrorists. Icke calls them lizards. It's really just the same thing, with a bit of poetic licence thrown in.
I’m not so sure that Icke is talking in metaphors. Unless his whole thing is an act, I think he genuinely does believe all the lizard stuff.
I’m not so sure that Icke is talking in metaphors. Unless his whole thing is an act, I think he genuinely does believe all the lizard stuff.
Who knows? I think it's important though in any movement taking on vested interests to use a bit of craziness. Something they did well in the 60s. The 'levitation of the Pentagon' has got to be one of the best acts of political protest ever.
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