TTY: Music awards are none of your business

Please stay on topic. This thread is about awards, not animals. Can't you tell which thread you're on?


Brummie, I heard a joke yesterday that reminded me of you and your current trollmode of vegan shaming. A woman and her son are playing on the beach when a huge wave comes and sweeps the son out to sea. The woman falls to her knees and prays and begs to God to help her and return her son. Suddenly another wave hits the shore and virtually unscathed and safe, the ocean returns her son to his mother. Without hesitation the mother stands and proclaims, "Well? He had a hat!"

Vegan Shaming vegetarians is counterproductive from the perspective of meat eaters considering being vegetarian. You are literally HURTING animals by acting like a long-winded imbecile. You need to shut the f*** up.
You are off topic to this thread. I have replied to your ludicrous post in the thread entitled:
[h=1]"Morrissey: Why I Think He Should Be Applauded For His Animal Rights Convictions" by Barry Nicolson, NME blog"[/h]
Please do not bore me further with your Cheese-etarian propaganda.


Brummie, I heard a joke yesterday that reminded me of you and your current trollmode of vegan shaming. A woman and her son are playing on the beach when a huge wave comes and sweeps the son out to sea. The woman falls to her knees and prays and begs to God to help her and return her son. Suddenly another wave hits the shore and virtually unscathed and safe, the ocean returns her son to his mother. Without hesitation the mother stands and proclaims, "Well? He had a hat!"

Vegan Shaming vegetarians is counterproductive from the perspective of meat eaters considering being vegetarian. You are literally HURTING animals by acting like a long-winded imbecile. You need to shut the f*** up.
youve changed but so has he only just slightly so. morrissey is like melville, panned and loved, brilliant and terribly hard to read at times. i liked so many passages in autobiography that i would read them aloud to whomever was in the room they were so beautiful. personally i dont think morrissey wants to be as clever as people do when theyre younger and for sure hes less funny but thatll happen to most people with age. what makes you dislike it, his writing, and what makes you think him barely literate? i still think morrissey very well written but i dont think he holds the stance anymore of the old smiths fan who grew up and evolved like normal people and doesnt want to be funny much anymore which is fair enough at 50 plus. his humor is all in inference these days is which i think is also something that comes with age. kiss me a lot made me laugh out loud a few times and i thought the irony of earth is to be funny but still sad at the same time.

I've listened to The Smiths and Morrissey since about 1988, so I'm a longstanding fan, not a casual listener or reader. I also think he writes some of the best lyrics ever set to music. However, I begin to see much of his public persona and the pronouncements he makes as symptomatic of the dumbing down that has been so prevalent in the last few decades.

I'll give a few reasons why I think Morrissey's prose is barely literate, with reference to the 'Music awards are none of your business' article.

1. Repetition of the term "the elite", without specifying who the elite are. They remain an anonymous, blurry target, and the repetition of this vague, sullen phrase smacks of what philosophers have called 'ressentiment':

2. "It is the same whip used by the mass media when they tell you that something is happening because of public demand, the aggressive intention being that the people are shockingly naive enough to eventually echo whatever it is that the elite decides upon." And yet, Morrissey himself obviously thinks we're shockingly naive and have to have these things spelt out to us - by him. In fact, he presents us with a far cruder, less nuanced view of the situation than many of us have already worked out for ourselves.

3. "Now, we are trammeled once again by what is termed the British Phonographic Industry Awards..." Trammeled? Okay, although this does seem like the result of a tin-ear for prose that is close to malapropism, the sense is not entirely inappropriate.

4. "Thus, for 2015, we have MacDonna..." Childish joke about a person's name. This kind of thing belongs in the playground.

5. "...yet here she is again promoting her frightening career..." The value-laden adjective "frightening" is gratuitous, and redolent of tabloid language, in which everything is peppered with "shocking" and "disgusting" in order to manipulate (crudely) the reader.

6. " really is your own fault if you believe that this Awards show has any connection to anything other than the junk propaganda of the strongest labels gathering to share out awards for their own artists whom they plan to heavily promote in 2015". The inability to be articulate means that he has resorted to implying the reader is wrong not to see (and agree with) the point he is making.

7. He quotes some very low-grade, template-journalism examples of wit from Bracewell as if they are Wildean gems.

8. "The fine paste explosion of X-factory smash-and-grab plasticity as it exploits dreamers who dream of dreaming, leaves us with a trash culture unable to produce one genuine star, and with a flux of tantrum-need species all of whom make the same point in exactly the same way, whilst posing an urgent threat to public health." An incoherent mess of a sentence, full of mixed metaphors. The subject of the sentence is "fine paste explosion". This explosion apparently "exploits dreamers", and leaves us with "tantrum-need species" who pose "an urgent threat to public health". What kind of explosion does that? It is an incoherent image.

9. "Similarly, it seems unlikely that an end-of-the-world announcement would be believed nationally unless confirmed on BBC1 by Cheryl Cole whilst conditioning her hair." Cheap but passable sarcasm, with the arbitrary "whilst conditioning her hair" tacked on at the end.

10. "...the obvious lusty dictatorship of the 'royal' family (the one and only British institution that we pray for the government to 'sell off' - preferably to China)..." Lusty dictatorship? What does that even mean? Has Morrissey read any history? Studied politics? Does he have the faintest clue what the word "dictatorship" means? When was the last time the royal family changed British law or governmental policy? It's no use calling something "obvious" and assuming you've made your point - you have to actually make your point.

These are just things I picked out in a few minutes to oblige you. If I had the time, I could go through the whole thing almost sentence by sentence. It is badly written and immature. I am slightly younger than Morrissey, and, when I compare the conviction, the crudity and the lack of self-examination in Morrissey's interviews and little articles (not to mention their semi-literate nature) with the thoughtfulness of ordinary people I know, I have to suppose that working in the music industry hasn't given Morrissey the chances that most people have actually to develop as a human being. If he had had such chances, he would not be writing, at his age, this kind of embarrassing screed, in which his personal, emotional vendettas peep out from every shoddily assembled corner.
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You are off topic to this thread. I have replied to your ludicrous post in the thread entitled:
[h=1]"Morrissey: Why I Think He Should Be Applauded For His Animal Rights Convictions" by Barry Nicolson, NME blog"[/h]
Please do not bore me further with your Cheese-etarian propaganda.


You do not care about animals. You're just a fraud using veganism as a platform to flame Morrissey. You're interest in animal welfare and the greater good is non-existent. You're an egotistical person making vegans and vegetarians alike look like robotic morons, driving away potential converts to vegetarianism with your troll game. You're not even a f***ing vegan, you're a self-righteous do-no-gooder whose only interest in this dialogue is having the last word. Meanwhile animals want you to shut up and be cool.
I've listened to The Smiths and Morrissey since about 1988, so I'm a longstanding fan, not a casual listener or reader. I also think he writes some of the best lyrics ever set to music. However, I begin to see much of his public persona and the pronouncements he makes as symptomatic of the dumbing down that has been so prevalent in the last few decades.

I'll give a few reasons why I think Morrissey's prose is barely literate, with reference to the 'Music awards are none of your business' article.

1. Repetition of the term "the elite", without specifying who the elite are. They remain an anonymous, blurry target, and the repetition of this vague, sullen phrase smacks of what philosophers have called 'ressentiment':

2. "It is the same whip used by the mass media when they tell you that something is happening because of public demand, the aggressive intention being that the people are shockingly naive enough to eventually echo whatever it is that the elite decides upon." And yet, Morrissey himself obviously thinks we're shockingly naive and have to have these things spelt out to us - by him. In fact, he presents us with a far cruder, less nuanced view of the situation than many of us have already worked out for ourselves.

3. "Now, we are trammeled once again by what is termed the British Phonographic Industry Awards..." Trammeled? Okay, although this does seem like the result of a tin-ear for prose that is close to malapropism, the sense is not entirely inappropriate.

4. "Thus, for 2015, we have MacDonna..." Childish joke about a person's name. This kind of thing belongs in the playground.

5. "...yet here she is again promoting her frightening career..." The value-laden adjective "frightening" is gratuitous, and redolent of tabloid language, in which everything is peppered with "shocking" and "disgusting" in order to manipulate (crudely) the reader.

6. " really is your own fault if you believe that this Awards show has any connection to anything other than the junk propaganda of the strongest labels gathering to share out awards for their own artists whom they plan to heavily promote in 2015". The inability to be articulate means that he has resorted to implying the reader is wrong not to see (and agree with) the point he is making.

7. He quotes some very low-grade, template-journalism examples of wit from Bracewell as if they are Wildean gems.

8. "The fine paste explosion of X-factory smash-and-grab plasticity as it exploits dreamers who dream of dreaming, leaves us with a trash culture unable to produce one genuine star, and with a flux of tantrum-need species all of whom make the same point in exactly the same way, whilst posing an urgent threat to public health." An incoherent mess of a sentence, full of mixed metaphors. The subject of the sentence is "fine paste explosion". This explosion apparently "exploits dreamers", and leaves us with "tantrum-need species" who pose "an urgent threat to public health". What kind of explosion does that? It is an incoherent image.

9. "Similarly, it seems unlikely that an end-of-the-world announcement would be believed nationally unless confirmed on BBC1 by Cheryl Cole whilst conditioning her hair." Cheap but passable sarcasm, with the arbitrary "whilst conditioning her hair" tacked on at the end.

10. "...the obvious lusty dictatorship of the 'royal' family (the one and only British institution that we pray for the government to 'sell off' - preferably to China)..." Lusty dictatorship? What does that even mean? Has Morrissey read any history? Studied politics? Does he have the faintest clue what the word "dictatorship" means? When was the last time the royal family changed British law or governmental policy? It's no use calling something "obvious" and assuming you've made your point - you have to actually make your point.

These are just things I picked out in a few minutes to oblige you. If I had the time, I could go through the whole thing almost sentence by sentence. It is badly written and immature. I am slightly younger than Morrissey, and, when I compare the conviction, the crudity and the lack of self-examination in Morrissey's interviews and little articles (not to mention their semi-literate nature) with the thoughtfulness of ordinary people I know, I have to suppose that working in the music industry hasn't given Morrissey the chances that most people have actually to develop as a human being. If he had had such chances, he would not be writing, at his age, this kind of embarrassing screed, in which his personal, emotional vendettas peep out from every shoddily assembled corner.

i see, so its more the content rather than the style of the prose which is what i though you meant. well to debate that would take a long time but i will say having spent my first twenty years of my life with some extremely poor people and then the last 15 or so with some extremely wealthy, well it has been eye opening. to see people that i grew up with echo what the influential rich say and want has been sad. i mean look at the gun control conversation in america as an example of what i mean. or taxation for that matter. ive never seen so many people push for bills so counter to there own prosperity. health care and union employment is another good example of people voting against there interests. ive connections to some politicians in maryland and looking at it from the inside as a silent observer has really been eye opening for me. my wife also works in health care as a nurse practitioner and the shady stuff that goes on there through billing and insurance companies has also been terrible. personally i think freds avatar is still accurate that morrisey doesnt like people including his fans but like everyone, read conflicted, he gets worked up until he blurts angrily and shortly until he just leaves it. also theres the point that whenever morrissey tries to go into length all we get from most is what a wall of words and im not reading all that and its to dense etc etc. that length, its just a rant.

i will also say that i think brand very intelligent if not very funny
I've listened to The Smiths and Morrissey since about 1988, so I'm a longstanding fan, not a casual listener or reader. I also think he
These are just things I picked out in a few minutes to oblige you. If I had the time, I could go through the whole thing almost sentence by sentence. It is badly written and immature. I am slightly younger than Morrissey, and, when I compare the conviction, the crudity and the lack of self-examination in Morrissey's interviews and little articles (not to mention their semi-literate nature) with the thoughtfulness of ordinary people I know, I have to suppose that working in the music industry hasn't given Morrissey the chances that most people have actually to develop as a human being. If he had had such chances, he would not be writing, at his age, this kind of embarrassing screed, in which his personal, emotional vendettas peep out from every shoddily assembled corner.

You do not care about animals. You're just a fraud using veganism as a platform to flame Morrissey. You're interest in animal welfare and the greater good is non-existent. You're an egotistical person making vegans and vegetarians alike look like robotic morons, driving away potential converts to vegetarianism with your troll game. You're not even a f***ing vegan, you're a self-righteous do-no-gooder whose only interest in this dialogue is having the last word. Meanwhile animals want you to shut up and be cool.

You are trolling this thread. It's about music awards, not animal rights. You are serioulsy off-topic. I replied to your fatuous nonsense on the appropriate thread. I do not intend to assist you in your attempt to disrupt this thread. You are a Cheese-etarian so your vehement reaction to being called out on animal rights issues is to be expected. It's you who insists on the last word by continuing to spam a thread on music awards with your absurd burblings claiming you are in communication with 'animals'. Just shut up and stay on topic about music awards or ktfcuk off. Thanks.

I've listened to The Smiths and Morrissey since about 1988, so I'm a longstanding fan, not a casual listener or reader. I also think he writes some of the best lyrics ever set to music. However, I begin to see much of his public persona and the pronouncements he makes as symptomatic of the dumbing down that has been so prevalent in the last few decades.

I'll give a few reasons why I think Morrissey's prose is barely literate, with reference to the 'Music awards are none of your business' article.

1. Repetition of the term "the elite", without specifying who the elite are. They remain an anonymous, blurry target, and the repetition of this vague, sullen phrase smacks of what philosophers have called 'ressentiment':

2. "It is the same whip used by the mass media when they tell you that something is happening because of public demand, the aggressive intention being that the people are shockingly naive enough to eventually echo whatever it is that the elite decides upon." And yet, Morrissey himself obviously thinks we're shockingly naive and have to have these things spelt out to us - by him. In fact, he presents us with a far cruder, less nuanced view of the situation than many of us have already worked out for ourselves.

3. "Now, we are trammeled once again by what is termed the British Phonographic Industry Awards..." Trammeled? Okay, although this does seem like the result of a tin-ear for prose that is close to malapropism, the sense is not entirely inappropriate.

4. "Thus, for 2015, we have MacDonna..." Childish joke about a person's name. This kind of thing belongs in the playground.

5. "...yet here she is again promoting her frightening career..." The value-laden adjective "frightening" is gratuitous, and redolent of tabloid language, in which everything is peppered with "shocking" and "disgusting" in order to manipulate (crudely) the reader.

6. " really is your own fault if you believe that this Awards show has any connection to anything other than the junk propaganda of the strongest labels gathering to share out awards for their own artists whom they plan to heavily promote in 2015". The inability to be articulate means that he has resorted to implying the reader is wrong not to see (and agree with) the point he is making.

7. He quotes some very low-grade, template-journalism examples of wit from Bracewell as if they are Wildean gems.

8. "The fine paste explosion of X-factory smash-and-grab plasticity as it exploits dreamers who dream of dreaming, leaves us with a trash culture unable to produce one genuine star, and with a flux of tantrum-need species all of whom make the same point in exactly the same way, whilst posing an urgent threat to public health." An incoherent mess of a sentence, full of mixed metaphors. The subject of the sentence is "fine paste explosion". This explosion apparently "exploits dreamers", and leaves us with "tantrum-need species" who pose "an urgent threat to public health". What kind of explosion does that? It is an incoherent image.

9. "Similarly, it seems unlikely that an end-of-the-world announcement would be believed nationally unless confirmed on BBC1 by Cheryl Cole whilst conditioning her hair." Cheap but passable sarcasm, with the arbitrary "whilst conditioning her hair" tacked on at the end.

10. "...the obvious lusty dictatorship of the 'royal' family (the one and only British institution that we pray for the government to 'sell off' - preferably to China)..." Lusty dictatorship? What does that even mean? Has Morrissey read any history? Studied politics? Does he have the faintest clue what the word "dictatorship" means? When was the last time the royal family changed British law or governmental policy? It's no use calling something "obvious" and assuming you've made your point - you have to actually make your point.

These are just things I picked out in a few minutes to oblige you. If I had the time, I could go through the whole thing almost sentence by sentence. It is badly written and immature. I am slightly younger than Morrissey, and, when I compare the conviction, the crudity and the lack of self-examination in Morrissey's interviews and little articles (not to mention their semi-literate nature) with the thoughtfulness of ordinary people I know, I have to suppose that working in the music industry hasn't given Morrissey the chances that most people have actually to develop as a human being. If he had had such chances, he would not be writing, at his age, this kind of embarrassing screed, in which his personal, emotional vendettas peep out from every shoddily assembled corner.

An excellent summary of why this rant is ridiculous. Morrissey still writes like a teenager. He's in his mid-50s. What has he been doing for the last 30 years? He shows no signs of having developed intellectually or emotionally. So many people have invested their own emotional reality in his songs only to have to face the fact that he is a stunted, damaged person who is reduced to communicating from his TTY bunker like some crazed cult leader. He wouldn't last 10 minutes in a structured debate with you, me or any reasonably educated middle-aged person. Presumably, he doesn't care, as he's positioned himself as Patron Saint to Doomed Youth. Unfortunately, singing and writing emotional meltdowns is attractive when you're young, but desperately sad in your dotage.


On personal vendettas, anyone who's read music autobiographies will tell you that all musicians seem to suffer from the same fate. I've read tonnes, it doesn't matter whether it's John Lydon, Morrissey, Marc Almond, you name them, they talk about getting shafted by band mates, legal spats, enemies made, and the stories in between. Morrissey's no different. I don't think any of the others' fan base hold them to task like they do Morrissey though. The man can literally do nothing right.

- - - Updated - - -

You are trolling this thread. It's about music awards, not animal rights. You are serioulsy off-topic. I replied to your fatuous nonsense on the appropriate thread. I do not intend to assist you in your attempt to disrupt this thread. You are a Cheese-etarian so your vehement reaction to being called out on animal rights issues is to be expected. It's you who insists on the last word by continuing to spam a thread on music awards with your absurd burblings claiming you are in communication with 'animals'. Just shut up and stay on topic about music awards or ktfcuk off. Thanks.


Morrissey is none of your business.
On personal vendettas, anyone who's read music autobiographies will tell you that all musicians seem to suffer from the same fate. I've read tonnes, it doesn't matter whether it's John Lydon, Morrissey, Marc Almond, you name them, they talk about getting shafted by band mates, legal spats, enemies made, and the stories in between. Morrissey's no different. I don't think any of the others' fan base hold them to task like they do Morrissey though. The man can literally do nothing right.

- - - Updated - - -

Morrissey is none of your business.

BrummieBoy is none of CG's business. What you think about me is none of my business. Stay on topic!

These are just things I picked out in a few minutes to oblige you. If I had the time, I could go through the whole thing almost sentence by sentence. It is badly written and immature. I am slightly younger than Morrissey, and, when I compare the conviction, the crudity and the lack of self-examination in Morrissey's interviews and little articles (not to mention their semi-literate nature) with the thoughtfulness of ordinary people I know, I have to suppose that working in the music industry hasn't given Morrissey the chances that most people have actually to develop as a human being. If he had had such chances, he would not be writing, at his age, this kind of embarrassing screed, in which his personal, emotional vendettas peep out from every shoddily assembled corner.

What an articulate and well-reasoned post. Are you sure you are on the right web site? ;) After reading your post and considering Morrissey's missive...the word "stunted" seems to come to the forefront of my mind. In many ways it appears that he has not matured past the self-absorbed, self-obsessed stage of life. It is natural when we are young to be focused on our own well being, feelings, and thoughts until we learn that there is a bigger world outside of ourselves and that other peoples' well-being, feelings and thoughts also matter. I don't think he fully ever made it to this place.

His me, me, me way of communicating his thoughts is a little off-putting to say the least, and this is from a fan since the 80's. What must the world outside of his fan base think of his diatribes? Not that he would say he cares, but his writing seems to indicate otherwise.

If he wants to win a "popular" music award (and this is still up for discussion), then hmmmm...what to do....oh...why not try making "popular" music. There is no Critics Choice Awards for music. If there were, he might have won. But to shake a fist at the way things are in reality comes across as a bit delusional.
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You are feeding a troll, better stop replying Brummie.

Why don't we all simply ignore his posts and do not respond. That way we steal his opportunity to spout his shit. He has taken over this site and we have let him get away with it by responding to his posts. If we don't respond he will soon get fed up. If he continues to post and no one replies it will become Brummie Solo and I am sure thats not the Mods want?
An excellent summary of why this rant is ridiculous. Morrissey still writes like a teenager. He's in his mid-50s. What has he been doing for the last 30 years? He shows no signs of having developed intellectually or emotionally. So many people have invested their own emotional reality in his songs only to have to face the fact that he is a stunted, damaged person who is reduced to communicating from his TTY bunker like some crazed cult leader. He wouldn't last 10 minutes in a structured debate with you, me or any reasonably educated middle-aged person. Presumably, he doesn't care, as he's positioned himself as Patron Saint to Doomed Youth. Unfortunately, singing and writing emotional meltdowns is attractive when you're young, but desperately sad in your dotage.


Amazing or scary BB...but we are of the same mind here. ;) I posted just after you without reading what you had written and we came to the same conclusion.

For me his music will remain in a glass case. Unaffected and untarnished by whatever he might say or do in the future. Trouble Loves Me moves me as much today as it did when I first heard it. He has given us a great gift. His talent for writing and emoting a feeling that no other artist of either music or screen has come close to equaling. A number of his songs have made me laugh out loud and brought me to tears....sometimes within the same song. His music lives in my heart, and in my mind and in my soul. I will always be thankful for that, and I would be willing to bet a lifetime achievement award will be waiting one day for him...if he chooses to accept it.
You are feeding a troll, better stop replying Brummie.

Edit: I personally believe Charlie is a troll, but he also believes I am a troll. You are entitled to your subjective opinion though I suspect you do not understand the meaning of 'troll' with regard to online forums. Please notify me if and when DavidT considers I have breached the TOS, otherwise I am grateful to you for silently moderating in the background.


"Application of the term troll is subjective. Some readers may characterize a post as trolling, while others may regard the same post as a legitimate contribution to the discussion, even if controversial. Like any pejorative term, it can be used as an ad hominem attack, suggesting a negative motivation."
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