"World Peace Is None of Your Business" Reviews

What the f***? What happened to the man that wrote songs like Break Up the Family, Late Night Maudlin Street, This Charming Man, My Love Life, etc etc.
Los Angeles happened.
Los Angeles happened.

He doesn't even live there anymore. He doesn't really live anywhere.

Has there ever been a songwriter who, in their 20s and 30s out out amazing songs and continued to do so into their 50s?

Seems like after 40 for most songwriters something happens and their music just isn't as good.
I'm really quite astounded at the great reviews this album is receiving. The title track is just godawful -- each time I try to listen to it, I turn it off within the first 60 seconds - it's so profoundly corny and silly. I'd be embarrassed to be caught listening to it.

The rest of the album is also largely uninspiring. Instanbul, however is an okay track - a decent tragedy, and Staircase is cute.

I find it very odd that these songs could evoke emotions other than boredom and/or/combined-with irritation. I find it bizarre. Yes, yes, relativity, subjectivity and all that non-sense -- but really, really? What the f***? What happened to the man that wrote songs like Break Up the Family, Late Night Maudlin Street, This Charming Man, My Love Life, etc etc.

As a bit of a disclaimer, I actually really like Years of Refusal. I think it's a great album to drive and scream along with at the top of my lungs -- it's damn good fun, and cathartic. I feel like there is humanness in Years of Refusal. World Peace's lyrics seem to me to be words strung together for the sake of it.

I heard somewhere that true art is that which you absolutely cannot imagine somebody else disliking. Well, I think this album is the complete obverse of that -- it's something of which I absolutely cannot imagine somebody else liking.

Well said.

Nice typo on Instanbul! That would be a great alternative title for the album, with a picture of Morrissey sitting on the bog, comically holding a cup of Nescafe.
Has there ever been a songwriter who, in their 20s and 30s out out amazing songs and continued to do so into their 50s?

It’s difficult. Even the ones who manage to keep producing amazing songs either slow their output dramatically or else produce a lot of lesser stuff as well.

Nick Cave is probably the best example of someone managing to keep at it well until his 50s. There was a moment, around 10 years ago with No More Shall We Part and Nocturama, when it looked like he was going to finally succumb getting tired with age, but since then he’s raised his game and is as good as ever. He is actually even more productive nowadays than in his youth.

Leonard Cohen’s I’m Your Man and The Future, released when he was 54 and 58 respectively, are easily the equal of his early stuff, though quite different in style. I couldn’t say his work since then has been quite so amazing, but 2012’s Old Ideas, released when he was 77, is a terrific record.
He doesn't even live there anymore. He doesn't really live anywhere.

Has there ever been a songwriter who, in their 20s and 30s out out amazing songs and continued to do so into their 50s?

Seems like after 40 for most songwriters something happens and their music just isn't as good.

Nick Cave? Push the Sky Away (his latest) is a marvelous album.

edit -

It’s difficult. Even the ones who manage to keep producing amazing songs either slow their output dramatically or else produce a lot of lesser stuff as well.

Nick Cave is probably the best example of someone managing to keep at it well until his 50s. There was a moment, around 10 years ago with No More Shall We Part and Nocturama, when it looked like he was going to finally succumb getting tired with age, but since then he’s raised his game and is as good as ever. He is actually even more productive nowadays than in his youth.

You beat me to it! *high five*

I have to disagree with you regarding No More Shall We Part, though. That's my favourite Nick Cave album.
He doesn't even live there anymore. He doesn't really live anywhere.
Has there ever been a songwriter who, in their 20s and 30s out out amazing songs and continued to do so into their 50s?
Seems like after 40 for most songwriters something happens and their music just isn't as good.

Morrissey is not a songwriter - he's never written a song, he never plays an instrument. His band provide the music and the playing, he provides the words and the singing.
The quality of the music has very little to do with him. His skills as a lyric writer have clearly declined, however. Virtually every other song these days makes you cringe.
He doesn't even live there anymore. He doesn't really live anywhere.

Has there ever been a songwriter who, in their 20s and 30s out out amazing songs and continued to do so into their 50s?

Seems like after 40 for most songwriters something happens and their music just isn't as good.

It's had a lasting impact, regardless. Don't take it the wrong way. I like the album, and I like Morrissey. I've only said so all over this forum.
One thread for fans to post their own reviews

Please post your own review of "World Peace" here.
Re: One thread for fans to post their own reviews...

Please post your own review of "World Peace" here.

Good idea. I've abstained to date apart from what I have heard in concert. Once I've enjoyed the album, in full, and taken time to reflect, like many I will want to post a proper review. Cheers.
I'm glad you like it. The bonus tracks are amaze-balls. This is the most COMPLETE piece of work that Morrissey has delivered in decades. And I agree the production is so lush and clever. It is what I expected Ringleader to sound like but didn't quite manage. I can't stop playing this f***en album! At home, in the car, on my phone.

I'm glad I like it too. There's a few bad reviews here and it had me worried for a second, but only a second. What kept me sane was the fact that I love Years Of Refusal and many don't. The production on World Peace just fills the room!

I've done a car listen too which was very nice but I find I am now skipping the 4 early songs so the rest can catch up to the play count which for Istanbul reached around 80 plays! What the clincher is for me is the naysayers reviews stating that Istanbul is either nothing special or it's an okay song but not great

I can see why some Moz fans wouldn't like this album but if the detractors could see why the rest of us do then we'd really be onto something.
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Re: One thread for fans to post their own reviews...

Good idea. I've abstained to date apart from what I have heard in concert. Once I've enjoyed the album, in full, and taken time to reflect, like many I will want to post a proper review. Cheers.

Ghoul you know full well why you haven't listened to the album yet. Stop polling, start listening! :)
I can hear that, now that you've mentioned it.

This might have already been mentioned bit does the intro to 'Staircase' remind anyone else of the intro to 'Fatty'? Especially the drum rhythm.

I will let you know :)
Glad you like it. And the bonus tracks are just as good as the rest of the album to my ears.

Well my own ears will have to do bar some magical transplant. They will truly be bonus tracks for me. I can't but will have to wait to hear them. The good thing is I don't know Scandinavia very well. I've only heard part of Art-Hounds live on youtube. The only annoying thing is we have no new art work to look forward to and new B sides but we will get over it.

I've noticed I'm not crazy about the last spanish guitar bit of Staircase. It's quite superfluous and a bit cliche. I wish the song ended before that part.
I've noticed I'm not crazy about the last spanish guitar bit of Staircase. It's quite superfluous and a bit cliche. I wish the song ended before that part.

I love it. To my ears it's the best part (reminds me a bit of The Electrician. That and the horns and the hand claps. I just love the melody. I just can't get it out of my head. It's the best pop "single" he has recorded in 20 years. I love the way he sings "universi-tey".
[album review]*morrissey - world peace is none of your business


Powerful melodies, allusions to The Smiths, pop culture references, a touch of glam, wistful acoustic guitars, memorable and eloquent verses, brilliant jingles, humor combined with darkness and introspective moments a la Viva Hate, Bona Drag, or Vauxhall and I [...]


I love it. To my ears it's the best part (reminds me a bit of The Electrician. That and the horns and the hand claps. I just love the melody. I just can't get it out of my head. It's the best pop "single" he has recorded in 20 years. I love the way he sings "universi-tey".

I had another listen to the album and Staircase is growing on me as well as the end bit.

But holy Farking Sheet I love Kick The Bride...!
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morrissey new album
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