your top 10 reasons to abhor FREEYOURfatSELF

Re: you disgusting animal, vile filth, piece of shit

> I am not old. I am 2 years younger than morrissey, if i am old, so is
> morrissey. I am not old. I also rarely use moth balls so that is a LIE you
> despicable filthy vile ginger (no offence sexy lover) animal. You are
> filth and i will track you down broken because you said my arse smelled
> after earls court 2004. It didn't. I sprayed extra lynx on my anus to make
> f***ing SURE you little queen. That how I know. Got it? I'm looking for
> you, c***. I'll find you. c***. Nobody says my arse smells, especially not
> since I spent £10 000 on a private sphincter repair. c***.

ha,ha,ha,very funny,it even sounds like
Re: What you mean is it sounds like you.

I`m not who you think I am and there`s no harm in laughing at a funny post no matter who it is about.I laugh at anti broken and Quentin and the server net trolls posts too.Note I used the word *and* each time between their names.
You are a scummy man,even worse than broken who is sick,you are scummy for fun. Scumbag.
All IPs that have trolled fys i see. Why do you do it?

if it's just for fun, why don't you troll anyone else, broken for instance? huh?
freeyourself, you should be stoned to death. Natural Justice demands nothing less.
So you made the post,then changed proxies to laugh at your own post?Then denied it when challenged?

> I`m not who you think I am and there`s no harm in laughing at a funny post
> no matter who it is about.I laugh at anti broken and Quentin and the
> server net trolls posts too.Note I used the word *and* each time between
> their names.

and wrote the above, even though you had made the 'Freeyourse1f" post?
So, basically, the troll posts not made by broken and his aliases have been made by you and your aliases.
Very clever, your parents must be thrilled.
Be quiet scummy,you've already been told I'm not fys,get back into bed and go to sleep.

Re: All IPs that have trolled fys i see. Why do you do it?

> if it's just for fun, why don't you troll anyone else, broken for
> instance? huh?

You just dont get it do you?

The point I`m making is that you cant tell who is who anymore here.Many people are posting under the same servers as me.Just have a look at some of the people who are backing freeyourself on the threads above (unless it is all him and/or his partner of course) who are using the same servers as me and impersonating anyone who posts an anti freeyourself post to discredit them.

Nobody can tell who is who anymore and I dont give a toss for broken or Quentin or the server net troll or any on freeyourselfs side either.

I`m on my side.
I know people who were born in council houses...but really...

There is no real excuse for this:;read=322533

> 1 Freeyourself ruined the only Morrissey album I enjoyed listening to from
> beginning to finish, from the laid back sun-kissed sound of California on
> "America is not the World" to the high camp self-pity of
> "you know I couldn't last." "But how?" I hear you ask.
> By naming himself after the lyric towards the end of "All The Lazy
> Dykes" - that's how. Every time I get towards the end of one of my
> favourite songs on the album I hear those warm, loving words "free
> yourself, be yourself" and I see some hideous pile of lard covered in
> pubic hairs, reclining on a dirty floor surrounded by kylie records with
> "hot and "cum" emblazoned on his grotesque face, pulling
> some revolting "homoerotic" pout. It's a little like pre-emptive
> nausea when you're on the way to the hospital for chemotherapy. Even the
> *thought* of those words towards the end of the song makes me nauseated
> these days. I often reach for the track skip function as late as I can
> bear to, without risking having to hear those words.

> 2 Freeyourself has the eprsonality of a vicious poisonous old queen, who
> spends all his time bitching and looking at porn.

> 3 Freeyourself is apparently dating a man "with form." I think
> you know what I mean.

> 4 Freeyourself is obese and smells like moth balls, yet he acts like he's
> some sexy young superstud. Yucky.

> 5 FYFS is into the "bear scene" - this means he likes to dress
> up like a gimp and meet other fat, ugly men for halitosis-ridden kisses,
> and fungal foot play.

> 6 Have you seen that pic of him on the floor with "hot and
> "cum" on his face? Hahahahaha

> 7 FYS is a vile racist who uses terms like "chink" and also
> happens to be a bit of a pervert. A disgusting combination, frankly. The
> contents of his typing probably reflect the contents of his mind. Not a
> pleasant thought.

> 8 FYS sits on his fat arse typing messages to himself and registering IDs
> on this forum for 20 hours a day. This probably means (i) he has a
> personality disorder or (ii) he is an insomniac with no life, friends,
> family or job or money.

> 9 FYS was reported to be "a bit pongy" after the earls court
> show - apparently after moshing, his bum started to smell a bit of damp,
> warm shit.

> 10 FYS is a fat c***. Did I mention that?

Oh really
Re: Be quiet scummy,you've already been told I'm not fys,get back into bed and go to sleep.

> Prick.

You really are a c***, aren't you?
If I throw a stick, will you leave?

> You really are a c***, aren't you?

What, not a "fat" c***? Has the penny finally dropped you?
Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.
Wrong, which just goes to show

> and wrote the above, even though you had made the 'Freeyourse1f"
> post?
> So, basically, the troll posts not made by broken and his aliases have
> been made by you and your aliases.
> Very clever, your parents must be thrilled.

I didnt do the original post but cant prove it of course but it all goes to reinforce my point that the board is now anonymous(e) and nobody can now tell who is who.

But anyway I`ve made my point for tonight and had fun of course so am now off to bed.Work beckons unfortunately in the morning.

Night all.
Re: All IPs that have trolled fys i see. Why do you do it?

> You just dont get it do you?

> The point I`m making is that you cant tell who is who anymore here.Many
> people are posting under the same servers as me.Just have a look at some
> of the people who are backing freeyourself on the threads above (unless it
> is all him and/or his partner of course) who are using the same servers as
> me and impersonating anyone who posts an anti freeyourself post to
> discredit them.

> Nobody can tell who is who anymore and I dont give a toss for broken or
> Quentin or the server net troll or any on freeyourselfs side either.

> I`m on my side.

The point I'm making is you only ever troll freeyourself, which suggests you have a personal grudge against him which is what interests me. i've watched this whole thing develop and I can see why freeyourself and broken hate each other, what i don't get is why you so enthusiastically join in on brokens side every time. I believe you that you're not him, but you've just proved you're the "(" troll who has made many of the most vicious posts against fys, and now you say you have nothing against him specifically, it's just "a bit of fun" for you to troll him?
Forgive me for not grasping the "logic" of that.
Re: All IPs that have trolled fys i see. Why do you do it?

> Forgive me for not grasping the "logic" of that.

You don't grasp anything do you, you fat c***.
Re: All IPs that have trolled fys i see. Why do you do it?

> The point I'm making is you only ever troll freeyourself, which suggests
> you have a personal grudge against him which is what interests me. i've
> watched this whole thing develop and I can see why freeyourself and broken
> hate each other, what i don't get is why you so enthusiastically join in
> on brokens side every time. I believe you that you're not him, but you've
> just proved you're the "("
> troll who has made many of the most vicious posts against fys, and now you
> say you have nothing against him specifically, it's just "a bit of
> fun" for you to troll him?
> Forgive me for not grasping the "logic" of that.

Wrong again, just use Proxy and you will get the 20 232 72 ip as several are doing and if you want the 68 232 72 ip from the same server then use 78Y.Net, again as several are doing.And for the last time I am not the person who has trolled freeyourself with variations of his name or ever posted any pics of him either.

Must go ,night ,night
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