Alain Whyte: "Nothing Lasts Forever" (Due December 14, 2022)





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It’s a full studio version, and his voice sounds twice as good as he’s providing his own backing vocals (I think).
Pleased you like it. I think most bar a few purists, will be of the same opinion, tbh. He did everything but the drums (Dean Butterworth… yes, that Deano) on the tracks, including the bv’s.
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New Alain solo release

Ah Alain, what‘s the point in recording a Bunnymen song when Ian M has a so much better voice?
The second is ok, if Moz was doing the vocals.

Sorry Alain, you are such a nice guy!


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Great work from Alain. His vocals are similar to Ian's and the cover is very well done. "Principle Friend" is really good. Sounds like a Morrissey B-side of the mid 90s and also clearly breathes UK Indie vibes of the early 90s including a Whobreak (like Popa Jack). I'm glad Alain is back in the studio with him. He knows what the fans want to hear and is certainly getting a handle on Morrissey's musical irrelevance since 2014. No flamenco guitars!
Really good cover, the subtle changes to the sounds used in the verses and the different chord change on the chorus work really well. Going to be blasting it out in my car this afternoon.
Really good cover, the subtle changes to the sounds used in the verses and the different chord change on the chorus work really well. Going to be blasting it out in my car this afternoon.
He explained to me why he made those subtle, but noticeable changes and I gotta say the song really benefits from it. At least in the context of this version as a whole. I repeat myself, but I really do think most will find value in the song. It’s really very good, imo. And I had the single (both tracks) on repeat, over and over on the way home tonight… and I’ve heard them both numerous times since they were recorded. Still not tired of them 😉
Bought via Amazon (who have finally made purchased music easy to find & d/l).
Enjoyed both - his voice always stood out live on backing/harmonies, so no issue here for myself to hear full songs.
I'd like to buy a CD for my collection, but the site stops at 'Tell Me' products.

@dneuer :
Yes, please make a bundle offer (of all previous 12" and the new 2 trx CD), that you can't refuse. With shipping costs to Europe no more expensive than the records themselves. I would be in. The new single is great and I still buy CDs.
Thanks to the process of getting this, I’ve also found out Alain has done a rather good version of Last Christmas. Which is now also on my current playlist.
Certainly can't speak for M, but it would seem there are multiple reasons. Many of which have been discussed and speculated upon here. Logistically speaking, there are far more cogs in the "Morrissey" wheel and when one of them is even slightly off, it can cause things to grind to a halt. I suspect that is at least part of what has gone on. Alain doesn't have this issue because things are much more streamlined and to be frank, the scale of operations is considerably smaller. There are only 1-3 people at one time involved in the decision making process for the most part. Those involved in production have all been great with us and very accommodating (especially when other artists in the industry have endured excruciatingly long production turnaround times and complications).
Again, pure speculation... and I think others here have suggested the same, I do think M likes the prestige of the "Major Label". There's nothing wrong with that, but it does limit his options. His fan base is strong enough that he could do the self-release if he wanted. Surely, he must know a person (or 500) with the knowledge and ability to handle such things. If I/we can do it, (when I'm lucky if I can make a sandwich), it's clearly not THAT hard. I do think it's possible he'll warm to the concept at some point. If he does, he should embrace it, though and not see it as some sort of necessity or consolation. Maybe the next record with the Alain co-writes? He's only an email away if he wants to ask him for info.
Anyway, as noted, I know nothing and can only give perspective based on our experiences and what we do. The rest is conjecture and one may have a better chance guessing the lottery numbers for Tuesday ;)

Nice insight. Cheers.

I totally think Morrissey should self-release/publish. It'd give him much more creative freedom, more rights over his own work and it would be entirely his baby. Let's face it, whether he gets a major label or not, he will never be happy with the level of marketing they do for him, so why not just self release and market it directly to his audience and fanbase.

I know it's a different industry, but look at someone like Limmy. He had a few successful shows on BBC, did some tours, wrote books etc. but now he doesn't bother with that stuff. Why? Because he self releases his own work and thoughts, directly to his audience via Twitch. He can do what he wants, when he wants and get paid for it. It doesn't compare to Morrissey money, but in the Twitch leaks, it turned out Limmy made $400k a year, just from sitting there, streaming himself playing video games and streaming his own thoughts. Morrissey needs to take a page out of Limmy's book and take control of his own work and life, rather than waiting for someone to do it for him. It's far more dignified, and it may just give him a deeper connection to his fanbase.
Yes Alain is a good guy and all, but why is this necessary? There's no reason for this. Write songs for M and whoever else and play the geetar. No singing please.

It's necessary because he likes doing his own thing and is his own man. Alain had a music career before Morrissey, and he will continue to have one after Morrissey.

I don't know why you're trying to speak for Morrissey. Morrissey is clearly fine with it and he clearly respects Alain a lot, considering he's back in the band.
Bought via Amazon (who have finally made purchased music easy to find & d/l).
Enjoyed both - his voice always stood out live on backing/harmonies, so no issue here for myself to hear full songs.
I'd like to buy a CD for my collection, but the site stops at 'Tell Me' products.

Glad to hear you like the tunes! The site was and still is in somewhat of a holding pattern regarding the cd.. The disc is listed to purchase now, but other options will be added (perhaps a "signed" variant as before if there's interest as well as maybe some sort of bundle to help ease the product to shipping fee ratio for overseas customers).
@dneuer :
Yes, please make a bundle offer (of all previous 12" and the new 2 trx CD), that you can't refuse. With shipping costs to Europe no more expensive than the records themselves. I would be in. The new single is great and I still buy CDs.
Happy to hear. There will definitely be a bundle (or bundles) added. Maybe a mix and match option for those that want the new cd but missed out on the previous releases. Can't accommodate every suggestion or request, but there is definite flexibility in what is offered... I'm usually able to twist an arm or two ;)
Sounds great.
Nothing Lasts Forever is Al W's song now.
This reminds me of when Johnny Cash took
Hurt from NIN.
It's a little early for that, but I dig the enthusiasm. It's lined up to get some BBC Radio play at the beginning of the year... so, who knows?!?! AW was blown away when I mentioned your comment. 🙏
alain whyte

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