Alain Whyte (video) interview - John Robb (April 11, 2022)

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I didn't know that Mick Ronson actually played guitar on 'Seasick, Yet Still Docked'. Was this common knowledge, or have I been living under a rock?
I didn't know that Mick Ronson actually played guitar on 'Seasick, Yet Still Docked'. Was this common knowledge, or have I been living under a rock?
Think he played the main riff running through “Certain People I Know” as well
I remember thinking the same thing years ago when I first read about Strummer’s brother who ran off to join the National Front. When the book Mozipedia came out, National Front Disco was one of the first entries I looked up but seems to have missed Goddard’s radar too. I’m convinced the song is about Joe’s brother until otherwise proven.

Alain mentions being related to Joe Strummer, and also mentions The National Front Disco. He doesn't connect the two, but I see from Wikipedia that Joe had a brother, David, who was a Nazi and member of the National Front (before killing himself in 1970). I wonder if this has been discussed on here already.
Not sure about that one. Have you heard Alain's solo stuff? It's not great.

True. But neither is Johnny’s.

Which points to the fact, they both need a frontperson like Morrissey to make it memorable.
He has dealt some pretty "Undignified, "Bad Treatment" to others. Doesn't bear grudges ? Oh yes he does. "Classy Guy" classy as the day is long. Never meet your heroes. Play in a band with them at your own risk or get things in writing and definitely get paid or quit immediately.
Did you happen to be struck by, umm, "lightning?"
He has dealt some pretty "Undignified, "Bad Treatment" to others. Doesn't bear grudges ? Oh yes he does. "Classy Guy" classy as the day is long. Never meet your heroes. Play in a band with them at your own risk or get things in writing and definitely get paid or quit immediately.

So you played in a band with Alain? Any good Mozzer stories? What were the circumstances of their parting ways back then?
It’s mentioned on the “Certain People” Wiki page. I’m sure I’ve read it elsewhere as well:

“The track is in many ways a tribute to the influence of Marc Bolan on both Morrissey and his guitarist Boz Boorer, featuring a guitar line played by producer Mick Ronson that recalls "Ride a White Swan" by T. Rex.”

interesting. I haven’t watched this thread video. But I don’t recall any of the band members mentioning him playing on ‘Certain’. It’s a sweet guitar line, not impossible it’s him.
Ah, good old wiki.
No reference for the assertion re:Certain People.
Seasick - confirmed by Alain YA twitter listening party and previously in print by D. McKinney.
Ah, good old wiki.
No reference for the assertion re:Certain People.
Seasick - confirmed by Alain YA twitter listening party and previously in print by D. McKinney.

Yeah, was thinking, surely Alain or Boz would have mentioned it more than once, if it were true.
I guess he's cagey because he's fully aware whatever happens next is up to Morrissey, not him. Not much point in Alain laying out huge plans at this stage - on a whim Moz could change his mind and he suddenly finds he's out of the band again and Boz back in, or his songwriting services are no longer required. Alain seems aware that his position is precarious - but even if it all ends again tomorrow, it looks as though this return has been mentally healing for him, and will help get rid of the bitter taste of the previ

Ah, good old wiki.
No reference for the assertion re:Certain People.
Seasick - confirmed by Alain YA twitter listening party and previously in print by D. McKinney.

I would argue that the Wiki is wrong and that the line is played by Boz. It doesn't sound like Mick Ronson at all to my ears - and I've never seen it asserted/mentioned anywhere else.

Mick must have offered Boz and Alain some tutorials on the eBow because Vauxhall is loaded with textures of it throughout.
Well, of course, Richard was in the Longpigs, who were a Suede wannabe band that happened to be good.
Their first LP was great. Richard was meant to be in M's band but M didn't want him, probably due to his looks.
To me I think it was a crying shame, Richard music-wise is way way beyond Alain, I don't say that to be cruel. Richards's first few LPs were great. He would have taken M some great places.
Whatever, this was nice to listen to .
Thank you
I love the first Longpigs album. Not sure I would call them Suede imitators. I didn't hear any glam on that album at all.
Sounds like he learned a few lessons from Moz.
You are 100 % correct. He sure did learn a few lessons. For all that he complained about his Boss he does the exact same thing.
You are 100 % correct. He sure did learn a few lessons. For all that he complained about his Boss he does the exact same thing.
Did Alain ever complain though? I certainly haven’t seen an interview where he has done so.
Did Alain ever complain though? I certainly haven’t seen an interview where he has done so.
Nor will you have heard it in an interview. I heard it personally. It no longer matters.
Let's see how long he lasts in this run. Even this Interview had things in it that could draw Moz's eire. The question is how much does he need AW at this point ? We will find out. I will remain a spectator for far away with my Popcorn. I only wish I had remained so all those years ago. Your's truly: Just a Guy Nobody
It's not loud in the mix, but there's what sounds like an ebow guitar line that runs from when Morrissey's vocal line finishes to the end of the song. So it's certainly possible Mick played it if he also played that ebow bit on 'Seasick'. However, it's a pretty easy 3 note sequence that wouldn't have been beyond either Boz or Alain's abilities, even if they were new to using the device.
Nor will you have heard it in an interview. I heard it personally. It no longer matters.
Let's see how long he lasts in this run. Even this Interview had things in it that could draw Moz's eire. The question is how much does he need AW at this point ? We will find out. I will remain a spectator for far away with my Popcorn. I only wish I had remained so all those years ago. Your's truly: Just a Guy Nobody
Yet here you are, years later..................
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