Morrissey Central "DAVID VANCE" (June 17, 2023)



Not to pile on the hate but I think Moz is on tablets and his dosage is messed up or someone is hiding them. This shite carryon is not the Moz we all grew up loving. Make this scatty screaming stop.

I really don't think whoever is posting on Morrissey Central has thought this one through - aside from anything else the Vance twitter feed is full of the most vile homophobia - calling gays Satanists etc and then there is this gem which I doubt Morrissey would agree with......

That's why I don't believe it's coming from Morrissey.
He should clarify - his career is taking the hit - so, he can say, these aren't my views but I let my nephew post what he likes.
Or he can say, as is the case, that these ARE his views, and nothing goes on extraordinary without his approval.
He should clarify - his career is taking the hit - so, he can say, these aren't my views but I let my nephew post what he likes.
So many reasons why this will never happen. Once again, you cannot accept the obvious overlap between Sam and Morrissey’s thinking. The burden of proof is on you to show this isn’t the case.

This much is clear - Morrissey is increasingly marginalised and will accept any and all praise. If your political compass goes askew for these reasons, that’s hardly acceptable either.
I love it that people can't seem to get their head round the fact that Moz and Mr Vance have little in common with each other and would probably disagree on 99% of things - and probably despise each other on many topics. That's allowed. Vance previously stood for the TUV (Traditional Unionist Voice) in Northern Ireland. Moz has voiced support for a united Ireland and wants to abolish the royal family. But on this one topic they have found some common ground - a readiness to have a discussion about how we keep our streets safe. Whereas the mainstream media would rather that wasn't discussed. This doesn't mean Moz is far right. He has said himself he is not far right. He just wants to confront realities - and have an open discussion that is not straitjacketed by the mainstream media. Good luck to him.
I agree Les but the audience is shrinking and posts like this don't help.
Morrissey once said:
“The Smiths were like a painting,” he muses sadly. “Every month you’d add a little bit here and a little bit there. But it wasn’t quite complete, and it was whipped away."

Now Moz is blurring bits of his solo painting with projectile vomiting from Moz Central Heating.
Morrissey once said:
“The Smiths were like a painting,” he muses sadly. “Every month you’d add a little bit here and a little bit there. But it wasn’t quite complete, and it was whipped away."

Now Moz is blurring bits of his solo painting with projectile vomiting from Moz Central Heating.

He needs to be careful here as the next thing will be venues cancelling his gigs.
Well Joe Frady has spoken.
Not sure why everyone is getting all worked up. Surely there’s more for everyone to be doing.
Yes, giving additional publicity and amplifying the reach of a homophobic carnivore is quite the own goal!

I guess that is Morrissey’s goal. Because Sam just tweeted he doesn’t decide what goes up on Central.
I love it that people can't seem to get their head round the fact that Moz and Mr Vance have little in common with each other and would probably disagree on 99% of things - and probably despise each other on many topics. That's allowed. Vance previously stood for the TUV (Traditional Unionist Voice) in Northern Ireland. Moz has voiced support for a united Ireland and wants to abolish the royal family. But on this one topic they have found some common ground - a readiness to have a discussion about how we keep our streets safe. Whereas the mainstream media would rather that wasn't discussed. This doesn't mean Moz is far right. He has said himself he is not far right. He just wants to confront realities - and have an open discussion that is not straitjacketed by the mainstream media. Good luck to him.
But promoting this guy's tweet on Morrissey Central does the opposite of showing that Morrissey despises any of his views. Why would you want to have a discussion or find common ground with someone who calls gays Satanists? How exactly did Moz think that would help his recent PR problems? In addition, was Moz aware that this Vance guy is proudly declaring himself as a meat eater with pictures of steaks on the grill? Unless, of course, M has superglued his finger to the self destruct button......
Since when did Morrissey sit idly and allow his name to be associated with something he disagrees with?
Yes, giving additional publicity and amplifying the reach of a homophobic carnivore is quite the own goal!
Has he actually said anything homophobic? Or has he just criticised kids in primary school being exposed to fairly adult and extreme LGBTQi+abc-xyz propaganda?
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