Does Moz Celebrate Our 4th Of July??

Why would Morrissey celebrate the independence of a country thats system of goverment is based apon greed. Thats all capitalism is greed, money and compitition. We have an Idiot for a president that can not even make a speech without messing it up. Morrissey hates president bush.
I don't celebrate it. I am quite ashamed to say that I am American. :mad:

Correct, Ilike your comments. We used to have Margaret Thatcher in England, who was the ultimate capitalist, she once said "society is dead, every man for himself". Bitch!
Correct, Ilike your comments. We used to have Margaret Thatcher in England, who was the ultimate capitalist, she once said "society is dead, every man for himself". Bitch!

I agree, Thatcher was a total evil BIATCH!!!!! But did you ever hated your country because she happend to be a cruel bitch? Did you bad-mouth and spat on the name of England like many Liberals here do about AMerica?

It's one thing to hate one's Government, but it's another very different one to say bad things about one's country.

The 4th of July is a day for parades, lawn concerts of the 1812 Overture and Sousa marches, picnics, watermelon, everybody wearing red white and blue, salutes to veterans, and a bit of sentimental waxing about the ideals on which our country was founded. And then fireworks. It's a bank holiday, most stores are open limited hours or not at all, and it is widely celebrated.

I can't comment on everyone's motives. We still have all our essential freedoms, not much has changed, despite what the media may tell you. My three year old child is on the watch list- but so is his grandfather who shares the same, very Irish, name. I figure that there is an IRA suspect somewhere who also shares it, and we all laugh it off. It's fine.

What watch list? Why would a 3 year old be on a watch list? Are you another plastic paddy?
Ehm, no!
Come and join us in Dublin next March 17th to see St Patrick's day being celebrated. Hangover cures must be researched beforehand!

Hope all you Stateside Moz fans have a very Happy 4th July.

You got that right mate. We know how to celebrate on the 17th of March!
I agree, Thatcher was a total evil BIATCH!!!!! But did you ever hated your country because she happend to be a cruel bitch? Did you bad-mouth and spat on the name of England like many Liberals here do about AMerica?

It's one thing to hate one's Government, but it's another very different one to say bad things about one's country.


'Evil Biatch'? Politics has been reduced to this level of thinking, it's the 'Bush/Blair' mantra! Thoughtless nonsense.

As Moz would say 'we won't vote Conservative, because we never have, everyone lies'.

He is making the observation that Mrs Thatcher was Britain's longest serving Prime Minister. Like George Bush and Tony Blair, everyone supposedly hates them and yet they get elected again and again and again!

Thatcher changed the course of history, good or bad, at a social level. She is regarded as s a great stateswoman, even by the people that hated her.

What wouldn’t we give to have her now to face-off Al Quaeda.

I really wish the name-calling of ALL politicians would stop, it’s so childish and people would really try to understand politics and vote accordingly.
Why would Morrissey celebrate the independence of a country thats system of goverment is based apon greed. Thats all capitalism is greed, money and compitition. We have an Idiot for a president that can not even make a speech without messing it up. Morrissey hates president bush.
I don't celebrate it. I am quite ashamed to say that I am American. :mad:

Greed, money and compitition sounds like being in a pop/rock band!

Morrissey loves capitalism and so does his bank balance and his manager and record company....and so do mick joyce's lawyers!
'Evil Biatch'? Politics has been reduced to this level of thinking, it's the 'Bush/Blair' mantra! Thoughtless nonsense.

As Moz would say 'we won't vote Conservative, because we never have, everyone lies'.

He is making the observation that Mrs Thatcher was Britain's longest serving Prime Minister. Like George Bush and Tony Blair, everyone supposedly hates them and yet they get elected again and again and again!

Thatcher changed the course of history, good or bad, at a social level. She is regarded as s a great stateswoman, even by the people that hated her.

What wouldn’t we give to have her now to face-off Al Quaeda.

I really wish the name-calling of ALL politicians would stop, it’s so childish and people would really try to understand politics and vote accordingly.

Where I come from she is detested. She destoyed our industires, our communities and tore families apart. She was only voted in time and time again by Southern people who were looked after. Every heard of the "north/south" divide. I know people who tried to kill themselves because of the grief she brought. Even now, where I come from, there have been terrible floods, thousands of people are homeless and properties destoyed. Where is our Government. We lambasted the American Government for turning it's back on New Orleans when that was flooded, and now we are doing the same. The only person who has been is Prince Charles, pretending to be bothered about people who have got nothing. If this had happened down south, it would be much higher profile, on the news, in papers. No we are just Norther working class folk, so no-one gives a toss. Anyway rant over. Have a nice day.
Where I come from she is detested. She destoyed our industires, our communities and tore families apart. She was only voted in time and time again by Southern people who were looked after. Every heard of the "north/south" divide. I know people who tried to kill themselves because of the grief she brought. Even now, where I come from, there have been terrible floods, thousands of people are homeless and properties destoyed. Where is our Government. We lambasted the American Government for turning it's back on New Orleans when that was flooded, and now we are doing the same. The only person who has been is Prince Charles, pretending to be bothered about people who have got nothing. If this had happened down south, it would be much higher profile, on the news, in papers. No we are just Norther working class folk, so no-one gives a toss. Anyway rant over. Have a nice day.

Are you implying there are no working class people in the South. B
I agree, Thatcher was a total evil BIATCH!!!!! But did you ever hated your country because she happend to be a cruel bitch? Did you bad-mouth and spat on the name of England like many Liberals here do about AMerica?

It's one thing to hate one's Government, but it's another very different one to say bad things about one's country.


No you are right, I do love my country and wouldn't bad mouth it, even though the politicians are ruining it.
Where I come from she is detested. She destoyed our industires, our communities and tore families apart. . Every heard of the "north/south" divide. If this had happened down south, it would be much higher profile, on the news, in papers. No we are just Northern working class folk, so no-one gives a toss.

The North/South divide indeed. Hear hear.
Are you implying there are no working class people in the South. B

No of course not, but can you imagine if this disaster that's happened hear in Yorkshire had happened in London, or Surrey or Dorset!
Where I come from she is detested. She destoyed our industires, our communities and tore families apart. She was only voted in time and time again by Southern people who were looked after. Every heard of the "north/south" divide. I know people who tried to kill themselves because of the grief she brought. Even now, where I come from, there have been terrible floods, thousands of people are homeless and properties destoyed. Where is our Government. We lambasted the American Government for turning it's back on New Orleans when that was flooded, and now we are doing the same. The only person who has been is Prince Charles, pretending to be bothered about people who have got nothing. If this had happened down south, it would be much higher profile, on the news, in papers. No we are just Norther working class folk, so no-one gives a toss. Anyway rant over. Have a nice day.

Nice 6th form speech, but poverty affects people all over the UK, not just where you 'come from'. Have you actually been to North Yorkshire? most of them are down to their last million :>
Why would Morrissey celebrate the independence of a country thats system of goverment is based apon greed. Thats all capitalism is greed, money and compitition. We have an Idiot for a president that can not even make a speech without messing it up. Morrissey hates president bush.
I don't celebrate it. I am quite ashamed to say that I am American. :mad:

You don't even recognize that people died for you to have the right to write this nonsense. Bush is not America and you should know that. Besides, do you think England is a communist country or something? Remember that we escaped the rule of a monarchy.
'Evil Biatch'? Politics has been reduced to this level of thinking, it's the 'Bush/Blair' mantra! Thoughtless nonsense.

As Moz would say 'we won't vote Conservative, because we never have, everyone lies'.

He is making the observation that Mrs Thatcher was Britain's longest serving Prime Minister. Like George Bush and Tony Blair, everyone supposedly hates them and yet they get elected again and again and again!

Thatcher changed the course of history, good or bad, at a social level. She is regarded as s a great stateswoman, even by the people that hated her.

What wouldn’t we give to have her now to face-off Al Quaeda.

I really wish the name-calling of ALL politicians would stop, it’s so childish and people would really try to understand politics and vote accordingly.

Well, Bush actually was appointed the first time, if you check the record. I wish the name-calling would stop too, but then you have horrible old slags like Thatcher, what can you do?
Nice 6th form speech, but poverty affects people all over the UK, not just where you 'come from'. Have you actually been to North Yorkshire? most of them are down to their last million :>

Nice 6th form speech. Do you think so? I might be able to flog it one of them at the school where I work. Or are are you being sarcastic! No, not North Yorkshire, I'm talking about South Yorkshire.
what did you do on the 4th? i worked till 5 ...came home watched movies and drank a lot of beer all alone. it was fun! i cant wait until next year. the 4th of July is my favorite holiday.

I went to sleep. I've been getting up early. There was a party but I didn't feel like going.

I forgot, I burned an effigy of the Queen, another old slapper.
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Nice 6th form speech. Do you think so? I might be able to flog it one of them at the school where I work. Or are are you being sarcastic! No, not North Yorkshire, I'm talking about South Yorkshire.

Yes, I was being sarcastic, I know you are a teacher. Very emotive words, not really very scholastic of you.
Yes, I was being sarcastic, I know you are a teacher. Very emotive words, not really very scholastic of you.

But you are wrong, I am NOT a teacher and to be honest wouldn't want to be. Have you ever been in an inner city comprehensive school recently! I am a humble curriculum support assistant, which is a fancy name for a dogsbody.
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