Jacqueline Morrissey statement re: England Is Mine (via SER) - "OFFENSIVE misrepresentation"

Sam Esty Rayner Photography / Facebook:

"Mark Gill's England is Mine is a lie.

This is not our family or how we lived.

It is an OFFENSIVE misrepresentation.

He has made a shambles of a glorious opportunity."

-Jacqueline Morrissey
September 5, 2017.


Closing the stable door...
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I have seen the movie - all I can say is I didn't recognise the character portrayed in the movie as the man who would go on to write some of the greatest lyrics ever written. The character portrayed was bland and pathetic. I can understand why she isn't impressed. The movie was good intentioned - but it didn't capture the genius of Moz.
I have seen the movie - all I can say is I didn't recognise the character portrayed in the movie as the man who would go on to write some of the greatest lyrics ever written. The character portrayed was bland and pathetic. I can understand why she isn't impressed. The movie was good intentioned - but it didn't capture the genius of Moz.

Did you also think it was good until you were told to denounce it? And what genius Moz are we talking about here? The 1984 tortured lyricist, or the 2014 embittered racist?
skinny posting like theres no tomorrow.how can someone be a moderator on a site which is a vehicle for a singer called Morrissey yet he detests the person the site is actually for.
You're rude and offensive. I think I've been proved right by the fact his sister has seen fit to comment in this way. Never seen that before. I read his beautifully written autobiography and that's the version of his life that I choose to keep in my mind. Each to their own. Live and let live.
There's no point arguing with this embittered and hateful man. He doesn't think twice about spouting the most vicious bile against any given member on this forum who veers slightly from his own standpoints. He hates Morrissey and anyone who has the slightest affection for Moz. There is obviously something very wrong with him.

I think it's good that she came out and said this and I hope we get more responses from people who where there. But it is a film not a documentary. A hodgepodge of real events (or second hand accounts) cut, distorted and dumbed-down to form a cohesive story that anyone (non fans) can follow and enjoy. It's not how it really was and it takes responses like Jacqueline's to remind people of this.

Wait a minute there! Are you saying that Hitler really didn't get machine gunned to death in a French cinema? Flipping heck.
Now that I think of it: a Tarantino version of a Moz film is something I would go to. It could be titled 'Inglourious Defeat'.
Who did the filmmakers reach out to for insight on Morrissey's life at home, then? Or after they failed to gain Morrissey's cooperation did they just "wing it"?

It can be a logistical nightmare to put even smaller film productions on hold, but mayyybe they could've schedule things a little later and done some rewrites knowing that Autobiography's release was imminent.
I dunno. Autobiography was a mess in my opinion. At least Marr's is cohesive and linear. Moz's is all over the place. Great first line. Pity about the rest of it.
Did you also think it was good until you were told to denounce it? And what genius Moz are we talking about here? The 1984 tortured lyricist, or the 2014 embittered racist?
Even if he is embittered and racist he is still making great music. He doesn't have to cure cancer or even be a nice person if you like the music. I'm not looking to marry him. I'm just looking to hear a great album. Sure he has said some daft shit down through the years and his answers to many questions are simplistic and not always thought out, but he still has a load of brilliant songs to his name. Before you attack me I know you didn't say anything negative about the music. I'm a Moz detractor at times but he can emigrate to North Korea to help build H Bombs and his music will still endure.
Even if he is embittered and racist he is still making great music. He doesn't have to cure cancer or even be a nice person if you like the music. I'm not looking to marry him. I'm just looking to hear a great album. Sure he has said some daft shit down through the years and his answers to many questions are simplistic and not always thought out, but he still has a load of brilliant songs to his name. Before you attack me I know you didn't say anything negative about the music. I'm a Moz detractor at times but he can emigrate to North Korea to help build H Bombs and his music will still endure.
"Funny" how racist lost its original meaning.

Were you in any way guilty of that happening by your own actions?

I ask that as someone who is always prepared to rethink things in my own life.
skinny posting like theres no tomorrow.how can someone be a moderator on a site which is a vehicle for a singer called Morrissey yet he detests the person the site is actually for.

On its face, Skinny can be rather direct. But IMHO he says exactly what many long-time fans have come to realize about our Moz. For me, I still enjoy his music and much of what he still represents -- but he makes it so difficult to actually *like* him at times. For others, I believe blind adoration makes little sense.

Bottom line, he (Skinny) has his opinions like anyone else. I value his positive contributions here over those that may arguably speak otherwise.
acton step away from the keyboard NOW.
its fine skinny having his own opinion but calling someone a f***nugget when hes in a position of responsibility on here isn't right.
england is mine movie
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