Message from Morrissey; "...Playboys" re-release in March -

Wow ... surprised Melbourne gets a shout out for one of the best of the tour. Not that it wasn't an amazing show, but just that he was less talkative than any of the other shows I've seen him play and the crowd were sometimes slightly subdued, so I thought from her perspective it may have been one of the "off nights". But happy to be wrong and happy that he holds it as a positive experience so that I can stupidly hold out hope for another Aus tour before 2022 (assuming we're playing this 10 years game again).
Dear Sir. Please come to Chicago. We miss you so.

Much Love and Health.

I love you, Morrissey! Get well and take care of yourself.
Apart from the bad health...which i do hope the best.
but why release a single?...Playboys is a great song, but in my opinion, at this time and point of Morrisseys career,
I don't see it doing him any justice.
Boy, wouldn't it be nice if Morrissey actually still had the creative juices and quality musicians to compose a song like Playboys?

He has really declined in quality on all fronts.
Boy, wouldn't it be nice if Morrissey actually still had the creative juices and quality musicians to compose a song like Playboys?

He has really declined in quality on all fronts.

Have you been to a show lately? He's better than he's ever been.
Boy, wouldn't it be nice if Morrissey actually still had the creative juices and quality musicians to compose a song like Playboys?

He has really declined in quality on all fronts.

This is another Total Troll Post. I saw Morrissey in October 2012 and January 2013, and he is fantastic.
Obviously, I was in no shape to see him for the "Kill Uncle" or "Your Arsenal" tours, but, having seen videos from said period, I'm not sure if I'd go that far.

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Great to finally hear from him a week after the cancelation Jan 24. I was disappointed but not very surprised when I got the considerate cancellation notification call from The Whiting Theatre in Flint while en route from Detroit to the rescheduled show from Oct 2012. I'm very relieved to hear that he is fully recovering, and will resume 2013 tour in Vegas In Feb. Does anybody really think he was serious about his mentioning the intention to reschedule Flint and or Chicago?
"Equally, I am determined to play Flint (Michigan) if it kills me (which, on the face of it, it almost has.)"
Re: I know, I know it's serious, but...

I honestly thought the other two ailments besides the ulcer were humorous when I first read the statement. How'd he get a concussion anyway ? No one saw any serious tackle in the last show or anything of the kind to inflict him one, yet it sounds like something he might 'fancy' having given his love for boxing and self mutilation....oh well , do get better and see you in Moz Angeles !!

Nadie mas pensó que las otras dolencias que dice que lo aquejan son en broma? Como pudo haber tenido una concusión? Dado su historial de afición al boxeo y a auto inflingirse dolor, me suena mas bien a que fantasea con tener una !

At the Bethesda MD show, there was a long delay after the shirt-toss bit. He walked off stage and the band played out... whatever it was.... and there was a long lag. He came back on mentioning something of the effect of 'sorry for the delay -- I fell down the steps....' Maybe a joke/ maybe not????

I know concussions can take some time to show effects... That was Jan 16... ??
Sounds like Morrissey is saying his good byes! Once he indicated he can now afford to avoid people is now vowing to complete his tour!! Hope this is not really but the end of the family line!! I know it's going to happen some day but don't lose fait!!!
My preyer;
Dear St. Rita the saint of impossible causes. I prey that our Lord Jesus Christ touches the illness and heals any aliment, sickness or illness of Morrissey. I prey that he is healed and lives life abundantly! For he has brought to many of us joy, time and a spiritual happiness and a since of being!! Please St. Rita I prey to thee!! Amen!

Always, Nickie
Morrissey I love you!! Your lyrics have helped make so much since of my life!! They have saved me more than once!! I prey that you heal and you live long and healthy!!! It is more that music it's spiritual!!!
There is just nobody else who could write such a humorous, self-deprecatory letter than Morrissey. Yet, reading the letter, memo it feels full of optimism. Morrissey has openly named his illness. Knowing that every back yard quack will be on the internet looking for a diagnosis for him or predicting the day he’ll shuffle off this mortal coil because of his illness. An illness which can be treated.
How you face anything in life comes down to dignity, and in that Morrissey has it truck loads. The man hasn’t lost an iota of style or dignity.
Boy, wouldn't it be nice if Morrissey actually still had the creative juices and quality musicians to compose a song like Playboys?

He has really declined in quality on all fronts.

I really think the above statement is so untrue.I thought YOR was a really great album.I think Morrissey`s creativity is alive and well and doing damn fine.I think people would still complain if he had the same band.They would probably still complain if The Smiths were still together.No matter what we do things change.Artists need to grow and change.Morrissey is a true artist.Look at the utter trash that is on the radio today.It`s disposable.Morrissey still makes awesome music!
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