Mike Joyce on The Smiths, Morrissey allegations - Sam Delaney's News Thing

That was a queasy watch. Unfair on Mike.

Joyce quite obviously knows Morrissey isn't racist & is here defending his name; albeit rather hamfistedly - I wouldn't want him as my defence lawyer.
Skinny, you have a massive problem with all those defending Morrissey's name when it comes to racism, and yet you don't seem to have a problem with Joyce doing so. Explain yourself you contradictory snowflake.

What a load of old Daily Mail bollocks.

That argument doesn’t cut it anymore, Skinny. As I’ve said before, politicians and the media can pretend everything is fine, but in the end they cannot control what you see from your window or what you personally experience.

I’ll give you an example. Prepare to be infuriated. More infuriated. Most mornings as I open my front door the first thing I see is a chain of elderly Nepalese people in traditional dress walking in single file, as is their wont being mountain dwellers, either along the pavement or across the road. It’s rarely less than ten and on occasion has reached twenty. Now, I’ve no doubt they are lovely people, any more than the very idea that I even mention it triggers certain people here.

It doesn’t stop it being a curious sight in rural Berkshire.

“Well may I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically...”
His inability to represent himself in a nuanced way, and his unwillingness to adjust, and grow when it comes to his statements, only makes life unnecessarily difficult for him.

I think part of the problem is some people are unable to view Morrissey in a nuanced way.
it's a shame mozzer and mike cant be friends. I could imagine them as friends, sitting together, chatting. mike seems most agreeable.
This is it you see. Being northern you need other northerners around you to keep you sane and on an even keel.
Mike, bless him, after all that’s happened and been said he is still defending Morrissey. Listening to Mike makes me proud to be a northerner but it’s a state of mind others don’t follow.
Morrissey is not a racist. He just bemoans the things slipping away that he cares about. Isn’t it how we all start to feel as we grow up?
Very unfair to ambush Mike like that, who comes across well and a decent chap.

Although anyone whoring themselves out to anchor on RT doesn’t warrant taking seriously.
Joyce looked like the only person in possession of a brain in that clip.
The presenter’s voice made my ears bleed. We can say that because he’s a white Londoner. Perhaps that’s how Morrissey want Mr Khan to speak. You could see the pain in Mike’s eyes. I’m surprised his glasses didn’t shatter. But we can joke about this because he’s not Diane Abbott.
it's a shame mozzer and mike cant be friends. I could imagine them as friends, sitting together, chatting. mike seems most agreeable.

It is even more sad that Morrissey and Johnny Marr are not friends. They knew each other before Mike and Andy came in the picture. Morrissey and Johnny were like 'hand in glove'. However, that will be impossible now because of the way Morrissey is turning. Their minds are totally different. Morrissey still delusional about a Britain from the past that will never come back!!
That argument doesn’t cut it anymore, Skinny. As I’ve said before, politicians and the media can pretend everything is fine, but in the end they cannot control what you see from your window or what you personally experience.

I’ll give you an example. Prepare to be infuriated. More infuriated. Most mornings as I open my front door the first thing I see is a chain of elderly Nepalese people in traditional dress walking in single file, as is their wont being mountain dwellers, either along the pavement or across the road. It’s rarely less than ten and on occasion has reached twenty. Now, I’ve no doubt they are lovely people, any more than the very idea that I even mention it triggers certain people here.

It doesn’t stop it being a curious sight in rural Berkshire.

“Well may I ask what you expected to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window? Sydney Opera House perhaps? The Hanging Gardens of Babylon? Herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically...”

A pity that a band that started with such a good friendship and that we (and them) loved so much finished with all of them falling apart from each other. Specially Johnny and Morrissey. I could imagine them collaborating sometimes in each others albums, but that won't happen. There are miles away from each other in the way they see life. Pity!
I feel bad for Johnny Marr. The poor bastard is just about to release a new solo album, and will doubtless have press interviews with literally hundreds of journalists in various countries already lined up, knowing that every bastard one of them is only really going to be interested in whether he thinks some guy he's barely spoken to in the past 30 years is racist or not, and how they can get a 'controversial' headline reaction quote from him.
Thus we learn MJ is a very decent guy. Not that I thought he wasn't all along. Moz could learn a thing or two about loyalty and friendship from him.
That was good of old Mike. I know he has always held out hope he and Morrissey would speak again, not in anger. Well played indeed my dream lover. I want to play bongos softly on Smiths drummers buttocks. Call him Mozz.
O, so when its Mike hes "misunderstood".

PS if you want to make any point you have to be correct, strong point or otherwise, its not
like you would be correct making a 'soft' lol point talking bollocks.doh:
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