Morrissey Dreams

Bent over in a school and spread, he likes watching it go in and out
I had a dream last night that Morrissey told me he didn't like his neck. All I wanted to do was kiss it. :o

EDIT: Okay not exactly a dream, more like a sleeping puzzle that I just remembered. It was around 2 amish? Maybe? And this thought popped into my brain and woke me up, like my body felt a rush and I had to reconstruct the thought that said "I don't like my neck." and I was so perplexed by this thought that I forced back the thought "Don't be silly, there is nothing more kissable and handsome than your neck." THen zonk, I went back to sleep. :)
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Last night I dreamt that Morrissey played a concert near my house, but I didn't find out about it until a few days later. I saw a poster about the concert and I was sad/mad that I missed it.
Last night I dreamt that Morrissey played a beautiful little old theatre near my hometown. The mister and I were right at the rail.

They only played one song before I woke up, but it was incredible: Moz and the lads did a Jeff Buckley cover. Wow.

Edit: I forgot to mention - Alain was back!
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Last night I dreamt that I liked this guy and he took me back in time to see the smiths play in concert. A weird, but awesome dream.
About a month ago I dreamed that I had to buy a bus ticket for Morrissey and myself. It was a classic anxiety dream, (which for me very often involves public transport). I didn't have any money on me, obviously. Morrissey was standing at my left shoulder and I was trying to figure out how I could buy this ticket without any money. I thought he was probably getting annoyed, so I didn't look at him, so I didn't see him at all. he was just a concept on my left side. Then the dream moved on to something else.

As far as I know, this is the one and only time I have ever dreamed about the Moz. (And it's really dull. Sorry.)
About a month ago I dreamed that I had to buy a bus ticket for Morrissey and myself. It was a classic anxiety dream, (which for me very often involves public transport). I didn't have any money on me, obviously. Morrissey was standing at my left shoulder and I was trying to figure out how I could buy this ticket without any money. I thought he was probably getting annoyed, so I didn't look at him, so I didn't see him at all. he was just a concept on my left side. Then the dream moved on to something else.

As far as I know, this is the one and only time I have ever dreamed about the Moz. (And it's really dull. Sorry.)
Blimey, I've just realised what my dream meant!

(It's so weird the way you can interpret dreams, sometimes, but it's much harder to interpret your own, and it was only when I saw this appear on the thread that I understood what it was about.)
When I actually manage to sleep I normally only have really confusing or upsetting dreams but I have had two Moz dreams in the past month or so.

First one, I was at home and very anxious about something. I was just going to bed when there was a knock on the door. He came in without waiting for me to answer, then sat down on the bed with me, hugged me and told me not to worry. I woke up feeling very calm (for me).

Second dream, I had somehow been invited to a private concert at someone's house. He was just walking round the middle of this big room singing, while we stood in a circle around him. Two people started having a fight in the next room and he had to go and break it up. I was really upset about the fight for some reason and when he came back to do the next song he stood by me holding my hand and stroking my arm, again comforting me.

No idea what either of these mean but they were both rather nice. :blushing:
Last night I dreamt that a robust, middle-aged Morrissey walked on stage, stripped himself naked, struck a supplicating pose towards the audience, and proceeded to give a blistering performance consisting of aggressive poetry-reading and the acting-out of scenes from an unspecified play.

At first the audience was aghast, but it turned out to be really quite moving.

I had my first domestic Morrissey dream. It felt real, it was odd, and it's very relevatory to my own working out issues of self esteem, but it's rather sweet. :blushing:

Morrissey and I were sharing a hotel room. It was clear it was very lived in, the bed was unmade, it was the middle of the day I think because the room was very bright, there was food on the table. I was digging through the closet looking for something to wear. It was clear that we needed to go to the laundrmat soon as there weren't many shirts left on the hangers. I was frustrated because I was looking for a shirt to wear and all of them were, as I perceived, too small for me. I was having fat crisis. Morrissey, who looked like today Morrissey, stopped what he was doing and came to the closet and helped me. You could tell that he'd rather be doing something else, he was watching a movie and the pause button didn't work for some reason so he was making a sacrifice, stopping what he was doing to come help me find a shirt. He said they all fit, that it was just in my brain that I thought I was too big. He finally pulled out the black see-through shirt he wore on the cover of Bona Drag (Why this is in our closet could only be explained as being a dreamland thing because I'm pretty sure that shirt wouldn't fit either of us today. :p) and we agreed it would be perfect. I was going to an appointment to see a cosmetologist to get semi-permanent lip stain that lasts for 6 months on my lips. :squiffy: Morrissey was supportive of my decision to do this but told me he didn't think I needed it because my face was perfect the way it was. He said that he'd just kiss me twice as much so it wore off faster.:o Then I woke up.
Ha! You're remarkably dressed, CG!

In my latest dream I was attending an event like a conference - some live acts, some discussion - and met a serious but nice woman afterwards with whom I left for tea in a cosy house. Morrissey rushed in behind us and, sitting in an armchair, casually shared with us in an animated friendly way how he had some misgivings about the opinions presented earlier on several of his previous albums. The place was lit low as if with candles and we were sitting in front of not just one but three roaring fires. A fairly large log fell out of the one in front of Morrissey onto the hearth flooring and without blinking an eye, he took the tongs, picked it up and put it back in. Then he said he had to investigate something and was away. As he was leaving, I lifted the precarious log out and into the fire in front of me where there was more room, happily expectant of what might be in the back-burner. Busy busy! ;)
Ha! You're remarkably dressed, CG!

THank you, goinghone. :o

Just woke from an alarming one, might not be Morrissey related so this isn't particularly relevant to this thread I hope. SOmetimes dreams are less visual and more auditory. I was drinking alcohol in a subway with old friends from work, it was like a cafe in a subway. THen that whole scene went away, it was just darkness and a child's voice whispered in my ear with urgency, "My dad almost died."

Those are the kind of dreams that make you bolt up and be angry that you're typing them on a message board.
THank you, goinghone. :o

Just woke from an alarming one, might not be Morrissey related so this isn't particularly relevant to this thread I hope. SOmetimes dreams are less visual and more auditory. I was drinking alcohol in a subway with old friends from work, it was like a cafe in a subway. THen that whole scene went away, it was just darkness and a child's voice whispered in my ear with urgency, "My dad almost died."

Those are the kind of dreams that make you bolt up and be angry that you're typing them on a message board.

Scary dream. I hate those ones. Of all the scary dreams, the ones like that are the worst. A few months ago I was dreaming, and then suddenly my dreamed changed and it was like the world was turning in on itself and imploding in a space time twisting way and there was the sound of glass breaking and a girl screaming. It doesn't sound scary describing it, but it was one of the really frightening creepy dreams that leave you lying in your bed scared.
Scary dream. I hate those ones. Of all the scary dreams, the ones like that are the worst. A few months ago I was dreaming, and then suddenly my dreamed changed and it was like the world was turning in on itself and imploding in a space time twisting way and there was the sound of glass breaking and a girl screaming. It doesn't sound scary describing it, but it was one of the really frightening creepy dreams that leave you lying in your bed scared.

Eeeeerie. For the most part my dreams balance each other. It's like the Manager of Dreams says, "Okay, she can have a pleasant, happy Morrissey dream. But the next night she has to have a discombobulating nightmare that makes her feel uncertain and frightened about the imaginary and real world she lives in, just to keep her in check." :straightface: The Manager of Dreams can be a dickhead.
some of your dreams are very interesting .. here is mine :)

Its the only one i have ever had about morrissey, and it involved me going to one of his gigs with a girl i grew up with (she is my worst enemy). It was indoors and the stage was high, like as high as a skyscraper and all you could see was morrissey's head popping over the top now and again ... he was singing black cloud and as the song ended i flew up into the sky and began circling the room like some possessed devil chld or something

weird huh.
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