Morrissey, singer for The Passage and what could have been …

Supposedly, Morrissey tried out for the position of singer for the Manchester band The Passage. But vocalist Lizzy Johnson was chosen instead.

'As we were spineless about singing we once auditioned a bunch of hopefuls, including a certain Steve Morrissey, who we thought a bit too glum for the likes of us. But this explains gorgeous Lizzy Johnson's presence on Devils and Angels.'

Just imagine, Morrissey could have had quite a different life if he was chosen, and may have possibly sang on this single … the 1981 …

Musically, it’s a far cry from The New York Dolls and the 60’s girl groups that inspired him and Marr. What I find interesting is that this seems to have taken place in 1980/81, which adds some credence to my speculation that Morrissey had much more drive during that time, pre-Smiths, then he or others have led us to believe. If Marr never came around, of course both of them wouldn’t be who they are today, but I do believe there was the possibility that Morrissey would have eventually found some band to express his vision through. Even in obscurity, I believe he would have made and left his unique mark.

Thanks to @goinghome and @DaveC for the link and pointing out this bit of information.
to be fair, they needed each other.

Thanks for reading the full LTM profile attentively, ZoG, when I was short of time, and spotting that quote; something new, I think : )
Better look next time Moz! Although, I wouldn't have thought he'd need to audition for bands at this point in his career. Never mind, perhaps Johnny will take him back...
Pre or post The Nosebleeds, didn't Moz also try out for The Worst - a Manchester also ran Punk band? He was tight for a while with Woody from the band. Often seen at gigs together at The Squat on Oxford Road and The Ranch on Dale Street. Steve Shy who had a fanzine at the time, may also have been involved along with Art Kadmon who was in The Distractions and was friends with Linder.
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