'Morrissey, we're through' by Cameron Cook - article at Noisey

Morrissey, We're Through - Noisey
by Cameron Cook
Illustratration by Efi Chalikopoulou

"In the wake of Moz's James Baldwin T-shirt debacle, this long-term Smiths fan wonders if it's finally time to break up with his hero."

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it's a trip how Morrissey can switch so quick from wearing lipstick to smoking chronic at picnics
White people have privilege? What is "white" people? You are totally naïf, not me. Maybe rich people have privileges. Also, I don't agree with that article. Articles like that produce monsters that thrive on racism, so they fuel the hate. I'm against feeding the beast, mainly because that beast doesn't feed me. I'm vegan.


Why are you "anonymous" on a site that already anonymous? Why not have a nickname and an avatar so I can keep track of who is posting what and whether I am interacting with the same anonymous or a different one? The conversations could be more coherent that way...
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That was kinda painful. He can feel how he wants but I think the part where he comments on being hyper aware of any racial transgression down to the slightest remark is kinda telling on perhaps some paranoid over sensitivity. The being called the black kid in the morrissey shirt is maybe an example of this and reminded me of Chris rocks comments on people being to sensitive and politically correct to the point of sillyness. talked about how even saying the guy sitting next to the black kid and was viewed as racist by some and how people are addicted to the rush of being offended. As for Baldwin I dont think being black was the central tenant of his work as least not in his fiction writing though it was obviously a major factor. I would say his focus was human nature often the depressing side of it. I don't think he'd be happy being so absolutely defined by his skin color either. He did write about depression and had some dark thoughts and moment in his life including being on the brink of suicide at times and some really volital tense romantic relationships that left him really emotional unstable. least of all he was wearing black in he picture. A lot this would be easily relatable to morrissey I think. To the central idea though that a white person, an artist, cant put a black artist deeply admired by the first who probably feels they shared themes and highlights this with a lyric is taking there hyper awareness of racial insensitivity much to far imo. To the point where they can only seem to see, and look for, racial offense and will believe whatever improbable reasoning to see it while ignoring the more obvious like meaning. In this case the homage to Baldwin as being talented and influential. Even to white people. As for the other comments about his racial insensitivity I think have been discussed to death. The Union Jack incident, tell it to suede and there nme cover or Brit pop in general and Pakistani people and Pakistan are a nation and a culture not a race. It is possible to dislike culture because unlike race it does effect your actions and beliefs though it was discriminatory to lump all Pakistanis as adherents to the dominant culture. Etc etc
Summarize please.
Why are you "anonymous" on a site that already anonymous. Why not have a nickname and an avatar so I can keep track of who is posting what and whether I am interacting with the same anonymous or a different one. The conversations could be more coherent that way...

hear hear ! :thumb:

We'll Let You Know rated your post
Troll in this thread :laughing:

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Are you honestly this dense? It's pretty obvious why you aren't ready to "look at problems of race/gender, etc" because when we do we find that Morrissey makes a lot of statements that explicitly "set up walls between us, a feeling of difference" such as his remarks about immigration a few years back, and the same idea expressed in song previous to that. Morrissey just loves everybody apparently but loves them more if they speak English, speak it in the correct accent, and don't immigrate to his country.


'It's pretty obvious why you aren't ready to "look at problems of race/gender, etc" because when we do we find that Morrissey makes a lot of statements'

Wait, is your response directed at me or Morrissey? His name was never mentioned in my post (#8). And I never said that he was innocent or guilty of the comments I made in my post. It's pretty shitty of you to make such a presumption, the presumption being that you would think that I think Morrissey would be free of the comments that I made in that post. Are YOU really that dense?, or are you just trolling me? both ?

We'll Let You Know rated your post
Troll in this thread :laughing:

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1. Ketamine Sun wrote some idiotic things and I was responding to her.
2. I'm not responsible for your perception. If you see a statement of the facts as some kind of implication your problem is not with me but with the facts.
3. I don't care what you think of what I think of what Ketamine Sun thinks of what Morrissey thinks.
4. I was wondering how you type but maybe you own slaves.

'1. Ketamine Sun wrote some idiotic things and I was responding to her.'

And what a 'response'! :clap: reflex reaction moron.

'3. I don't care what you think of what I think of what Ketamine Sun thinks of what Morrissey thinks'

And why should you?, since I never mentioned him or wrote what I think what Morrissey thinks in my posts #8 & # 12 of this thread.

We'll Let You Know rated your post
Troll in this thread :laughing:

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'It's pretty obvious why you aren't ready to "look at problems of race/gender, etc" because when we do we find that Morrissey makes a lot of statements'

Wait, is your response directed at me or Morrissey? His name was never mentioned in my post (#8). And I never said that he was innocent or guilty of the comments I made in my post. It's pretty shitty of you to make such a presumption, the presumption being that you would think that I think Morrissey would be free of the comments that I made in that post. Are YOU really that dense?, or are you just trolling me? both ?

I guess I'm guilty of making the assumption you were posting on topic.
get a bit fed up with this rascist issue, not even Morrissey related

[like love and war and poverty, these are the things that kill me]

We Dutch have cultural, traditional festive days, food, but our multi cultural society has ruined a lot of what was once just a chocolate with cream innit or a children's festive day on dec 5th

btw I have lots of Dutch friends whose roots come from former colonies, or people who came here to work fr north Africa and the Middle East and thereabouts,before you mark me as Geert Wilders fan, which I definately am not.I voted for the Animal Party
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I guess I'm guilty of making the assumption you were posting on topic.

no, you're guilty of assuming the topic was just about M. But like the topic, my post was on the subject of peoples beliefs and racism.

If you feel that I'm off topic then you should of responded with how you thought my comment was off topic. Then we can discuss that.
^^"I am not a racist but multiculturalism and political correctness have ruined a great tradition where people thought it was a brilliant idea to run around with blackface make-up ..."
no, you're guilty of assuming the topic was just about M. But like the topic, my post was on the subject of peoples beliefs and racism.

If you feel that I'm off topic then you should of responded with how you thought my comment was off topic. Then we can discuss that.

I'm guilty of knowing that general discussion is about Morrissey and that a thread on a specific topic, in this case an article about Morrissey and race issues, is about, well, Morrissey and race issues. If you're writing about something else then, yes, I'm guilty of assuming you're on topic. You're the one saying you're writing about something else, so there is no reason I "should of" (sic) responded. Who knew I was giving you too much credit for understanding how the site works.

"Then we can discuss that." No. I was interested in your post as I believed it was related to the thread. If it was just random thoughts you were having I don't know what we would discuss. Like I said, my mistake.
This guy is a moron. GO. We don't need you. A person not liking reggae makes him racist? f*** reggae.

James Baldwin would've hated you.

Bengali In Platforms is a great, honest song.

Transgression? What are you, a Cardinal? f*** off.

The cab drivers in NY don't speak english and it's a f***ing problem.

This idiot reminds me of the people who say, "I am never coming back again!" And then, they come back the very next day. Typical millennial moron. GO AWAY.
"Then we can discuss that." No. I was interested in your post as I believed it was related to the thread. If it was just random thoughts you were having I don't know what we would discuss. Like I said, my mistake.

'No. I was interested in your post as I believed it was related to the thread.'

It was related to the thread, because the thread topic is more than just about M. And picking up on that, that is what I commented on in my post #8.

But what I got from your post #29 in reply to my post #8 is that you presumed so quickly that I would feel that M would not be guilty from my comments in my post #8, and I never mentioned that he would or would not be innocent or guilty in relation to the comments I made in that post.

We'll Let You Know rated your post
Troll in this thread :laughing:

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I Love this artwork, i think it sums up how SOME older fans feel, the original fans who are in their 40's and 50s now. Its a great sadness to see our Moz use his fans as a pension pot. Great bit of art. x

Morrissey, We're Through - Noisey
by Cameron Cook
Illustratration by Efi Chalikopoulou

"In the wake of Moz's James Baldwin T-shirt debacle, this long-term Smiths fan wonders if it's finally time to break up with his hero."

I didn't break up with Moz because of a t-shirt. I dumped his ass 15 years ago because he's a pompous, irrelevant, hack, has-been twat.

Yet you take time to visit and post upon a Morrissey site. Seems that you are the twat, my sad friend. Be careful when you chew...
Well done Cameron Cook for voicing his opinion !
4CK the mozbotz :angry: and their stupid cult leader.
The game is up well and truly up now for Fakin Steven.

Debunking is me ! ! !
A munchkin bot, I'll never be ! !

4CK STEVEN :tiphat:

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Yawn...again! What an utter twat you are.
'No. I was interested in your post as I believed it was related to the thread.'

It was related to the thread, because the thread topic is more than just about M. And picking up on that, that is what I commented on in my post #8.

But what I got from your post #29 in reply to my post #8 is that you presumed so quickly that I would feel that M would not be guilty from my comments in my post #8, and I never mentioned that he would or would not be innocent or guilty in relation to the comments I made in that post.

So is he or is he not guilty in relation to the comments you made in that post? I think this is the third time you've raised that point without saying? Does he make divisive comments or not?

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