Morrissey's U.S. Tour Cancelled - Pitchfork

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Morrissey's U.S. Tour Cancelled - Pitchfork
By Mark Richardson on March 15, 2013 at 09:40 p.m.

Following several reports of Morrissey cancelling shows due to illness, Moz has officially cancelled the remainder of his North American tour. A press release reads:

The remaining dates of the Morrissey U.S. North American tour have officially been pulled down due to medical reasons. The singer has suffered a series of medical mishaps over the past few months including a bleeding ulcer, Barrett's esophagus and double pneumonia.

Despite his best efforts to try to continue touring, Morrissey has to take a hiatus and will not be able to continue on the rest of the tour. Morrissey thanks all of his fans for their well wishes and thoughts. Refunds for the remaining shows are available at point of purchase.

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I really do hope his health isn't getting worse. It seems he's been plagued by illness in recent times. Get well soon, Moz!
Moz's health should come first. These are not things to fool around with. Get well.
I was saddened and disappointed but I know this is for the best. I hope he rests and recovers well.

I was a convert on this tour, for that I thank my sister. I regret the years I missed out on Moz, but thank him publicly for Boston, Portland (ME), Atlantic City, Reading, Brooklyn, Port Chester and Staples Center on this tour. Brooklyn in particular was one of the best shows I've ever seen anywhere. He still has it in him, he just needs to get back up to speed physically. He made my sister the happiest girl in the world that night, so we'll hold out hope that he'll be back. In his own time.

Feel better, Morrissey!
It's not on TTY or Huff-Po or his FB page...sooo.....I'm not running to the Ryman to turn in my tix just yet.

I know, naive as all get-out. The tour dates are still listed on his FB page- the Ryman's page is still listing tix for sale.

Stubhub's already refunded money for shows we bought for this month, and Atlanta, Nashville and Philly are already listed as canceled on TM, with refunds pending.
So according to KY's facebook page (where she mentions concern for his health for the first time ever as it helps her seem more sensitive) Morrissey didn;t have the willpower to make the shows happen. :straightface: She basically says he failed the fans. Oh wait, I mean her "tour partner" failed the fans.

I'm not one of her "friends" so I can't read message. Will you post what she said, please?
I got a refund notice from ticketmaster for Philly, but they are still showing DC as happening as according to plan. I guess they are slow to update?
So according to KY's facebook page (where she mentions concern for his health for the first time ever as it helps her seem more sensitive) Morrissey didn;t have the willpower to make the shows happen. :straightface: She basically says he failed the fans. Oh wait, I mean her "tour partner" failed the fans.

Can you link us to it? I am having problems finding the exact statement on facebook. Just pictures of her in Manchester and how many "likes" she has.
Stubhub's already refunded money for shows we bought for this month, and Atlanta, Nashville and Philly are already listed as canceled on TM, with refunds pending.

We bought ours directly from the Ryman ticket office- Ryman $65; TM $118

Perhaps Miss Margaret's death hit him harder than expected.

OK. It's on Huff-Po (not that they're the be-all, end-all, it just wasn't anywhere else- not even TTY), but I had to DIG for it! It was on the third "More Entertainment News" pulldown. :(
It was a L O N G shot even getting the tickets. Then when all the cancellations started, it looked even less odds of it happening. I'm a tad disappointed. Nashville is only a 45 minute driving distance from my home, so I didn't have to book airline or hotel reservations. And...our son (whom we are planning to adopt) is coming to live with us permanently 29 MAR. Thus the personification of the song "I Know It's Gonna Happen Some Day". :thumb:

Get Well, Morrissey!
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Can you link us to it? I am having problems finding the exact statement on facebook. Just pictures of her in Manchester and how many "likes" she has.

"It was a shame we didn't get to say 'good-bye' to each other. But, I want you to know that every moment I spent with you ....during these 3 little spurts of a U.S. tour....was a great joy. It's strange for me to even be able to say such a thing because I've experienced such little of the stuff in my life. But, I thank you for this and the valuable gift of your gaze for the first 30 minutes of each night. The ONLY discomfort has been watching my tour partner struggle with health and struggle with shows slipping through his steel grip will-power to make it all HAPPEN (for you). But, take heart (take mine). It will all HAPPEN again, in some form, and this personal time apart will be a nourishing, healing interval. It might feel crushing at the moment (for me), but it's really just a pebble in the shoe...for us all. And now I'm going to go record a new album and eat lots of extremely sour taffy."
"It was a shame we didn't get to say 'good-bye' to each other. But, I want you to know that every moment I spent with you ....during these 3 little spurts of a U.S. tour....was a great joy. It's strange for me to even be able to say such a thing because I've experienced such little of the stuff in my life. But, I thank you for this and the valuable gift of your gaze for the first 30 minutes of each night. The ONLY discomfort has been watching my tour partner struggle with health and struggle with shows slipping through his steel grip will-power to make it all HAPPEN (for you). But, take heart (take mine). It will all HAPPEN again, in some form, and this personal time apart will be a nourishing, healing interval. It might feel crushing at the moment (for me), but it's really just a pebble in the shoe...for us all. And now I'm going to go record a new album and eat lots of extremely sour taffy."

It reads like a heartfelt message written to Morrissey. Why didn't she just send it to him? Why post it on FB?
Re: Morrissey's U.S. Tour Cancelled - Pitchfork

Bitter, etc. I believe these words do apply to your post.

Only great artists are capable of such devotion and (in your case) hate.

Get well soon Morrissey!

So its ok for silly old Steven to give it BUT heaven forbid anybody who dares to fire back and give him shit back is it. The guy is a wrinkly dried up prune with nothing to offer what is he trying to achieve apart from CASH ? What next ? Well he can always re-issue some re issues and talk about his so called book of bollocks penguin classic.
He's fast becoming a miserable nobody the fall from grace has been moving at an alarming rate recently, I'm sure he has surrounded himself with "Yes men".
The guy needs to re-invent BIGTIME. A good start would be eating some meat now and then and get some colour in his cheeks.

Benny the butcher
Is it just me or is the DC tour date absent from the list of "pulled dates" on Pitchfork Media? This is just an oversight right? The only reason I even ask is that I got a refund notice from ticket master for Philly, but not for DC.
"It was a shame we didn't get to say 'good-bye' to each other. But, I want you to know that every moment I spent with you ....during these 3 little spurts of a U.S. tour....was a great joy. It's strange for me to even be able to say such a thing because I've experienced such little of the stuff in my life. But, I thank you for this and the valuable gift of your gaze for the first 30 minutes of each night. The ONLY discomfort has been watching my tour partner struggle with health and struggle with shows slipping through his steel grip will-power to make it all HAPPEN (for you). But, take heart (take mine). It will all HAPPEN again, in some form, and this personal time apart will be a nourishing, healing interval. It might feel crushing at the moment (for me), but it's really just a pebble in the shoe...for us all. And now I'm going to go record a new album and eat lots of extremely sour taffy."

Ah. Not as bad I as imagined, but still somewhat self-absorbed. She doesn't even mention Moz by name which is weird. With all of his falling outs and feuds with truly great artists--Johnny Marr, Stephen Street, David Bowie--maybe Kristeen Young is soon to join them? In falling out with Morrissey, not with being a great artist.

Perhaps next time he'll have to get a real tour partner? I'm realistically hoping for Patti Smith since they played together in LA. But my ultimate dream would be for him to reconcile and tour with Bowie... Well I guess my ultimate dream would be Marr, but that's another story...
So now you are trolling Ms. Young's Facebook page..Pathetic!

"It was a shame we didn't get to say 'good-bye' to each other. But, I want you to know that every moment I spent with you ....during these 3 little spurts of a U.S. tour....was a great joy. It's strange for me to even be able to say such a thing because I've experienced such little of the stuff in my life. But, I thank you for this and the valuable gift of your gaze for the first 30 minutes of each night. The ONLY discomfort has been watching my tour partner struggle with health and struggle with shows slipping through his steel grip will-power to make it all HAPPEN (for you). But, take heart (take mine). It will all HAPPEN again, in some form, and this personal time apart will be a nourishing, healing interval. It might feel crushing at the moment (for me), but it's really just a pebble in the shoe...for us all. And now I'm going to go record a new album and eat lots of extremely sour taffy."
Is it just me or is the DC tour date absent from the list of "pulled dates" on Pitchfork Media? This is just an oversight right? The only reason I even ask is that I got a refund notice from ticket master for Philly, but not for DC.

At 8 a.m. this morning, only Philly was canceled on TM, the other two have trickled in slowly over the afternoon. The other San Fran show (resched for 5/1) isn't listed on Pitchfork either. Don't panic, all the refunds will come. I have tix for DC too and figure it's just a matter of time all the shows show up as cancelled on TM. On StubHub they've all been deleted.
Thank you Moz for the Portland show, it was nice to see you out and about with the fans before show. You are a man of class and I wish you a speedy recovery. Thank you truly for enriching my life with your wonderful music.

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