Robert Smith asked about the Autobiography


Robert Smith has really let himself go.
Who cares what this "wacko" (I think I have to say) means anyway?
You know you want them to reconcile and be friends. For the Morrissey/Cure/David Bowie/Patti Smith super tour's sake.

I'm looking forward to that just about as much as a Smiths reunion... :)
Cure makes up for lost time with marathon shows - SFGate


Q: Did you read the Morrissey autobiography?
A: Strangely enough, no. I haven't got to that one yet. There are about 101,000 other books I would like to read first.

Q: I figured there might be some shared experience there.
A: I doubt we have a shared experience. I'm not interested in reigniting a feud, but I don't think our approach to life has been similar in any way. I don't read biographies. I'm more interested in fiction.
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so it is 101,001 book on his list. Regardless of how robert smith looks, i really wish moz would stay on the stage as much as robert does with his shows, as well as take note of how to do killer encores
I'd rather be forced into a depraved life of heterosexuality than ever listen to The Curse.
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