TTY: Supreme, yet not; Morrissey's second statement on Supreme

Link from an anonymous person:

Supreme, yet not -
15 February 2016

As a matter of fact, I do not have, do not want, nor do I need, any money from the company called Supreme.

If Supreme have sent money in my name then they could track it down and reclaim it - if they had NOT printed that photograph of me for their 2016 campaign.

By running prints of the photograph they have derailed their own negotiations. This is why they are angry.

The photograph is dreadful and will help neither myself nor Supreme. Who needs it? Nobody.

Supreme were warned by my lawyer and accountant that the photograph should NOT be used. Supreme ignored this advice. Hence this mess.

I write these statements because there is no one else to write them. The joy I receive from such statements is non-existent.

thank you,
15 February 2016.

Related items:
Higher resolution photograph, much better than what ended up on the poster/t-shirt...

So, just to be clear:

1) Morrissey is currently engaged in a several years' long boycott of Canada, because they kill seals.
2) Morrissey accepts money and goes as far as attending a photo session (and later have his flunky nephew leak his own promotional photo) to promote a clothing brand that sells sheepskin/cowskin products and has ties to White Castle, facts which he could have found out in approximately 10 seconds of Google research.

I don't really see how to square these facts without one (or both) of the following being true. Either Morrissey is a complete hypocrite who will do anything for cash/exposure, or he is so dumb he doesn't even bother to research companies he is being paid to promote. Either way, it makes him look very bad.
Higher resolution photograph, much better than what ended up on the poster/t-shirt...


Very grateful if any photoshop artists could post their artwork using this photo. How about a White Castle logo or BtBB
let your creative juices run riot.

i feel like they retouched his face too much tbh.Like you can even a wrinkle in his forehead. I don't know,it's kinda weird. It looks a bit plastic imo
that is what photo's of himself Morrissey only likes these days, ones that are retouched to f***.
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Yeah, because he was so open to the world during The Smiths' days? Give me a break. Morrissey hasn't changed at all. Insularity, paranoid thinking that everyone is out to get him, whilst simultaneously thinking he is the greatest human being who has ever lived, the constant feeding off of negative energy, and a seeming total inability to get through any business deal without ending up in a bitter feud over money. Back in the Smiths day this would just be another one of those issues where Moz would refuse to pay back the money, stop answering the phone, and dump it all on Johnny to try and sort out. Absolutely nothing has changed about this man in the years he's been in the music industry. He still follows his own egocentric/paranoid whims, leaving a trail of chaos and unpaid bills behind him, and blaming everyone else for anything that goes wrong - as he has from Day One.

Don't get me wrong - I love the guy's music and lyrics (well, mostly), but he's a natural born asshole, and always has been.

Anyone who knows anything real about Morrissey knows this to be true.
It's hilariously sad to watch people make excuses for him.
At least Morrissey has good looks, style and talent unlike his mugging ugly as f***, talentless neephew
Yes Sam you really are talented, which is why your uncle has to pay for everything. What a wanker you are, what a fool He is the worst of the leaches yet. Worse than Peter Hogg, jake, Kristeen the lot.
So, just to be clear:

1) Morrissey is currently engaged in a several years' long boycott of Canada, because they kill seals.
2) Morrissey accepts money and goes as far as attending a photo session (and later have his flunky nephew leak his own promotional photo) to promote a clothing brand that sells sheepskin/cowskin products and has ties to White Castle, facts which he could have found out in approximately 10 seconds of Google research.

I don't really see how to square these facts without one (or both) of the following being true. Either Morrissey is a complete hypocrite who will do anything for cash/exposure, or he is so dumb he doesn't even bother to research companies he is being paid to promote. Either way, it makes him look very bad.

How dare you ? Your going ruffle a few of the cults feathers with a post like this. Well done you.

Who is Morrissey pleading his case with, if not Morrissey-Solo commentators?

Is the world-at-large waiting for Morrissey's rebuttal on this Supreme debacle?
Moz started something and now...
It's so obvious he needs a real manager/agent/friend , at least someone who cares enough to help him in all of these constant failures..

That's right. Morrissey is too good an artist to have to bother about this kind of crap. He needs a decent manager who can handle this low level rubbish. He should never get embroiled in nonsense tit for tat. Airing grievances in public is a waste of time. It was just a photo shoot and is not worth the negative press.
Very grateful if any photoshop artists could post their artwork using this photo. How about a White Castle logo or BtBB
let your creative juices run riot.

Supreme's new line in his&hers pants.


  • supreme.jpg
    75.8 KB · Views: 8
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That said, it is interesting that Supreme managed to work with Lou Reed, a notoriously unpleasant pain in the arse, without complication, yet Morrissey, true to form, causes trouble.

or, supreme caused trouble...depending on your bias.
I'm totally qualified to be Morrissey's new counsel and best friend on the payroll. How do I apply? I'm seeking legitimate employment opportunities.

And I totes agree with Moz, the Sesty photo was way better than the Supe photo.


Moz started something and now...
It's so obvious he needs a real manager/agent/friend , at least someone who cares enough to help him in all of these constant failures..
That's right. Morrissey is too good an artist to have to bother about this kind of crap. He needs a decent manager who can handle this low level rubbish. He should never get embroiled in nonsense tit for tat. Airing grievances in public is a waste of time. It was just a photo shoot and is not worth the negative press.

It's great fodder for solo comments though.
there should be an application to be morrisseys frined on tty as a joke. it would be endlessly funny to see the application he writes up
supreme should have known about moz and his five finger ways. at the luxury hotel lobby, the word is that the young male attendants are to keep focused on the silverware, as some pieces have been known to disappear during the linguini and beer parties. cut to the photo with the new ring.

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