Whats to do in Vegas?

Well, Im out the door to Vegas for the show tonight. Hopefully, No "Ewoks" or "Jabba the Hut's" will be in attendance and f*** things up like they did last time? Have fun and I'll see you f***s @ the show. I;m really easy to spot, I'll be the one with the baddest bitch on the planet on my arm.
I;m really easy to spot, I'll be the one with the baddest bitch on the planet on my arm.

Are dogs allowed into the shows? Or is it only guide dogs for the blind!

Is your dog a pit bull, they are the 'baddest' doggies going, or so i've read.

Your radical 'Pimp':cool:
Are dogs allowed into the shows? Or is it only guide dogs for the blind!

Wow, what an original "comeback":rolleyes:. No, if they were, you'd have been banned from any concert hall in the world there bow wow, because it'd be a modern mystery how anyone could shave their dogs ass and teach it to walk backwards. Just because you can't pay someone to take your ugly ass out, nor could you get laid in a morgue, is no reason to get upset at what your parents did. I suggest a good bottle of bleach to off yourself with, that way, society won't have to continue putting up with you being visually unpleasant.

Is your dog a pit bull, they are the 'baddest' doggies going, or so i've read.
I wouldn't know...I don't own pitbulls. Nice to see you learning something finally, those online courses you're taking are really starting to pay off?

Your radical 'Pimp':cool:

You've just now come to this conclusion? thanks, but I've always known I'm a cool mofo. It is nice however, to hear it from the masses every once in awhile.
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You've just now come to this conclusion? thanks, but I've always known I'm a cool mofo. It is nice however, to hear it from the masses every once in awhile.

so, sarcasm not your strong point!
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