Moz in Russia-Rumours and truth



A friend of mine who came from Moscow where Stepan Patrikeevich Morrissey(in Russian he would be)was rumoured to have a gig, told me that russian organizers were at least puzzled by gig's conditions - no meat to be sold in the club ("16 tons")that day and(can you imagine) no alcohol! With all love to one of the idols of russian rockers(few love him,but truly) it's very hard for russians to imagine a gig (or anything,actually) without beer-and-vodka. So the question is open yet, as my friend told me. That's the story. Thank you.
Mozzer versus Vodka ... LOL

> A friend of mine who came from Moscow where Stepan Patrikeevich
> Morrissey(in Russian he would be)was rumoured to have a gig, told me that
> russian organizers were at least puzzled by gig's conditions - no meat to
> be sold in the club ("16 tons")that day and(can you imagine) no
> alcohol! With all love to one of the idols of russian rockers(few love
> him,but truly) it's very hard for russians to imagine a gig (or
> anything,actually) without beer-and-vodka. So the question is open yet, as
> my friend told me. That's the story. Thank you.

Jee. Mozzer spooked Russians by his vegetarian, anti-alcohol ways!!! Nu i nu, polnyi pizdetz, vot tebe babushka i Mozza den'! (Smile)

Well, Lev Tolstoi was a vegetarian, but his ways were never truly popular in Russia, especially because Russian cold winter with lack of vitamines truly requires meat products..., Russia is not a warm, sunny, fruit-rich India... LOL

Oh, about "beer-and-vodka"... I'm afraid Mozzer will be "mizundastood" by Russkis... LOL Being a 'lil dreamy virgin pioneer boy in Riga, at 1985, I remember idiotic Gorbachev anti-alcohol campaign... Results: priceless grapewine gardens were destroyed by party hacks, all alcohol-related lyrics were cut out from the songs, novels, plays... (Sheer idiocy - Russian style? Yeah!)... Also, consumption of very low-quality sometimes health-dangerous Russian moonshine (samogon) by simple folks increased around 5 times or perhaps 10 times... Later Gorby successors realized that "The happiness of Russia is drinking" (Peter the Great) : "Schastie Rusi est' pitie" (Petr Pervyi)...
Anti-alcohol campaign was forgotten like dozens of other Communist idiocies (including trolleybus and prohibition of homosexuality and collective farms woth slave labour of peasants, and feeding bearded loud-mouthed horny parasite Fidel Castro with Russian taxpayers monies et cetera. et cetera...) Personally, I wish Russians would start to drink less and less... in a sense, alcohol is a reaction of peoples here and there to the stress of life and daily workplace humiliation by all kinds of bosses, at least that's what I sense myself... However, Russian drunks are happy drunks, at least speaking about myself and my friends, also most drug-users in Russia are rich spoiled kids at 2 capitals - Moscow and Petersbourg... simple peoples have no idea about pot and what to do with it, even if it grows wild under their feet at Russian South like Caucasis...

If Mozzer would stop being such a pussy and will bee-have like a REAL IRISHMAN, drinking not Corona or other urine, but Guiness, Black'n Tan plus good dozen shots of Scotch or Brandy, his rating with Russians would be mojo risin'... Thinking 'bout it, Hewmingway sky-rocketing popularity in Russia, according to Vasily Aksenov, could be explained partially by his bravery and machismo appeal, partially by his gin'n whiskey aura of drinking author-soldier...

Hey, Russian concertgoers could use authentic Soviet experience by bringing vodka and assessories under their coats or pants... OR, maybe Mozzer would realize that Russian free-wheeling nature ought to be respected, or Russian boys would not extend Mozzer their "hands in glove"... LOL

P.S. Poor Mozzer, he has to compete with Soviet Popsa gay starzzz like VITAS and SHURA... I don't even want to mention certain fat 50-something woman with smoked husky voice, who looks scarier then Baba Yaga and who supposed to be present at all happenings with her fat cat of a "husband"... She was a great Soviet songstress at 70s - her real prime (Arlekino, Woman Who Sings etc...), but now. ouch... strashok! OK, maybe to avoid embarrassment, all Soviet Popsa starzzz have to be put asleep with animal tranquilizers (triple doses) while Mozzer is in Russia... Har, har, har....

P.S. Oh, Rossia, Rossia nekogda ne skuchno...

P.P.S. Sorr'ki za to cho prosvetlyau amerikanskie umy s ochevidnymi factami...

could this possibly be true? don't they sell booze at the shows?

What's the deal, he doesn't approve of meat, but he drinks, so what's the problem with booze?
Re: could this possibly be true? don't they sell booze at the shows?

Sure anus,how do you think you were conceived?? your parents were at an reo speedwagon concert,got drunk and then bumped uglies and out your ugly ass came. it's no wonder your prents stopped drinking soon after your birth. With a kid as ugly as you,Id stop drinking too. you were the reason why abortions were created.
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