Off-topic discussion thread / moved as clogging other threads

I enjoyed this .
I have two vespas and have often listened to this song as I ridd. Actually crash once.
Very cool😎 any chance of a couple of pics ??
I’ve been fighting my conscience as weather to buy a Mini Cooper. I’ve wanted one for a while now, but as there ain’t to much with my present car, I’m struggling to justify a new purchase.
Maybe next year...
It depends. The ignore function is passive; dislike is aggressive. Sometimes you want to let a person know you don’t like their post(s). And with ignore, there’s always the chance you might miss something good. I guess in extreme cases there’s not much of a calculus; it would be like thinking a dozen monkeys with typewriters might produce the complete works of Shakespeare.
I don’t see it that way but I think we might have a different idea of the meaning of “aggressive,” and if you wrote “active” instead I could see what you mean. I do see what you mean but I think a downvote is really about the weakest response possible. “I don’t like your post and it’s important to me that you know this,” is really pretty funny.
I don’t know how much I want to get involved with this but I do understand Baz’ “psychology,” because I have been exposed to his different moods and I have seen very similar behavior in other people who making drinking alcohol a significant part of their character profile.
He is controlling. When I liked an Adele song he would tell me to stop posting about it even though I’d only made a couple of posts referring to it. But he felt that it was completely okay to write one poem where he fantasized about me killing another poster, and a second one where he fantasized about me raping another poster. I mean haha and yes I don’t think he was serious but it’s unusual and I leave it to the readers of his work to glean what they might.
The control issue has shown up multiple times with different posters and complaining that you “post on every thread” is one example of many to be found.
I don’t want to talk a lot about the alcohol factor because I don’t know Baz and I don’t want to present it as some kind of moral issue. I don’t care what people do to feel better as long as it doesn’t affect others, but sometimes it does. I think that if someone drinks for a period of time for a few hours some complicated things happen to their chemistry during that time. What I have seen with people I knew who made alcohol a part of their personality as opposed to just having a drink here and there,, is that at the beginning of the cycle it’s usually a loosening of inhibition and a “happy “ result. But alcohol is a depressant, and does make a person “tired” or wears on them over the evening.
After a while the person has long thrown off the inhibition and for certain types of drinkers the “happy “ part is over. They feel “tired” now and things begin to irritate them. They are sufficiently intoxicated that the inhibition is gone but they are not really having a good time. This is when they lose the polite facade and make complaints about things that bother them that they would normally just ignore.
I had a friend named Brian from high school who was kind of quiet. There was this little band I knew and sometimes I would play guitar with them. Brian had a sort of Ian Curtis voice although he really didn’t listen to that. But the point is he could write lyrics on the spot and he had a notebook of lyrics he would bring to these little recording sessions.
It was lots of fun to make up guitar parts on the spot and have him almost immediately have a vocal part for it.
That would be the first couple of hours. But then he would stop singing and want to talk about his problems, including some girlfriend none of us could recall. If you didn’t stop and listen he would then talk about how “no one cares about my problems,” which, to be fair, was true. We’d all heard them and there was no solution. Any attempt to look at the positive side was rejected. Sometimes he would cry and none of us knew what to do about that so we would start playing music again.
If would suck though because the other “singer” was not only an awful singer but had other chemical issues where you pretty much had to treat him like he was a legendary musical genius or he would stop singing and start playing awful wahwah guitar leads over everything. All I did was smoke weed so we were all in different chemical universes and the pressure was on me to navigate this situation and try to get along with everyone. That’s why I was the occasional guest instead of part of their little group.
Anyway, alcohol masks some issues until it doesn’t and when someone feels comfortable or is unable to avoid showing some of their less pleasant personality traits, don’t expect it to make sense. It’s not about you.
Sam Hyde is severely underrated, I hope he goes mainstream, dude is so funny.

Very cool😎 any chance of a couple of pics ??
I’ve been fighting my conscience as weather to buy a Mini Cooper. I’ve wanted one for a while now, but as there ain’t to much with my present car, I’m struggling to justify a new purchase.
Maybe next year...
Avoid Coopers, they’re pure gas guzzlers, beautiful to drive but costly.
Very cool😎 any chance of a couple of pics ??
I’ve been fighting my conscience as weather to buy a Mini Cooper. I’ve wanted one for a while now, but as there ain’t to much with my present car, I’m struggling to justify a new purchase.
Maybe next year...
I have, but I do think of M solo as a kind of Private Shop (remember them ?)

You may have fun but you don't want people knowing you shot the shit on here

But when I got time, I may. my dumb ass son has got himself in bother- much prefer my daughter to my son .lol
The thing is, and this is the facts, M's more gay boy antics , seem fun when you are teen. When you grow up You just feel sorry for the guy .
That whole thing is played out .
Edge is hetero these days, baby .
I think johnny just has
A deeper feel for music

I mentioned Linder and James . I have to say i DO NOT know either of them but i know people who know both
They are good examples of thd straght /gay influence

Most people say the same thing she is strong and has some depth, has her life does her thing . Looks after M. Sticks up for him in private and public

Shr has her own life and is respected in Manceshter music world

James seems to just stay the f*** in picking up the crumbs M sends him , while living off his husband.
A classic "CryBully"
He will run his mouth ,then when people say something back
He goes away and emails everyone saying hes depressed on Suicide watch . Such a bitch move
I know a few of his Moz fans on his page .
He has emailed most of em - its so sad when you think about a 60 year old man having to email another mans fans to feel important.

He isnt the nicest about M either . He will act all "i got your back son"
Joke Reaction GIF by Best Friends Animal Society

Joke Reaction GIF by Best Friends Animal Society

Yes I apologize its a ramble as I'm bored in a police station While my son gets processed.
It was basically meant to be a dive into M's psych via two of his friends. How they kind of rep two parts of his personality.
i did that as we were on about HSIN and why johnnys is better .
I guess the point is Ms gay tricks are at times a deflection from depth. Even though they seem fun at times, there is nothing there when you scratch the surface .

I have slept for 18 hrs .
I don’t know how much I want to get involved with this but I do understand Baz’ “psychology,” because I have been exposed to his different moods and I have seen very similar behavior in other people who making drinking alcohol a significant part of their character profile.
He is controlling. When I liked an Adele song he would tell me to stop posting about it even though I’d only made a couple of posts referring to it. But he felt that it was completely okay to write one poem where he fantasized about me killing another poster, and a second one where he fantasized about me raping another poster. I mean haha and yes I don’t think he was serious but it’s unusual and I leave it to the readers of his work to glean what they might.
The control issue has shown up multiple times with different posters and complaining that you “post on every thread” is one example of many to be found.

Thank you for the insight. It did seem strange that he waited seven hundred+ posts in to tell me he thought they were all stupid. Perhaps he has a high threshold or something. Normally people will disagree with you or downvote you. I'm going to settle with him being a perplexing individual.

How proficient did you get with the guitar? I played the bass guitar when I was in high school, but was dismissed from the band I was playing with for being too ornery. I'm still grateful to the guitarist in that band because he taught me to play my instrument, as well as the guitar, and fostered in me an ear for bass lines. He was patient and generous, and I was a snob. I would've liked to have found others to play with, but never did. My skills eventually atrophied and I sold the bass.
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It's pretty obvious you are a registered poster hiding :lbf:

You’re off topic.

My statement is true. Morrissey did not come close to selling out any of his Vegas shows. Advertising that he would be playing new material was not the selling point he thought it would be. Most people would rather hear the hits and the Smiths.
Lol and you don't ?
You are on here nearly EVERYDAY trying to make people believe YOUR version of M.
Trying to make out he is lonely and isolated in LA, when really he has a nice network of friends and can often be found laughing and smiling in the pub- really you are just protecting your own shitty mentally ill little life- are you still trying to hit up KY for juice (as if she ever knew stuff )?

I was simply telling the truth that he has always been open about men .

And I was only sharing true nfo that has already been said on here
I rarely repeat any "secrets" about M .That haven't already been said on here .and I only mention stuff that I have heard or seen a few times myself .

I dom think I ever attack M or am nasty about him, not really i defend him 99% of the tine
I wasnt attacking him hete .
Saying M can be a bit slutty is hardly tabloid news info - you know he was active pre amd post Smiths
Amd dont come at me with make belive quotes from fake biography or one of M's myth buildimg interviews .

Sorry if M having a sex life conflicts with your own boring little life

Its true I can ramble the f*** on (Yestetday was a stressy day with my Son in the police statiom , not f***ing fun. Sorry readers )
You know that's the second BS little attack from you. You twisted my words to try and make out i was a racist . Hardly

When I said "men and boys " I didn't mean "under age " its a phrase
Like in the song by Raymond
"men and boys you bring them home "
Wow - what a nasty, unhinged response.

Call you out for your obvious gossiping / 'insider routine' and suddenly I've got a "shitty mentally ill" life? If that's your best attempt at proving that you're not gossiping and sneering and you've got good intentions really, well - you've made a poor job of it.

I have no interest in Kristeen Young, James Maker or other non-entities from decades ago and I don't know why you keep suggesting that I chase Kristeen, it's bizarre. I don't care who has "juice" or who "knows stuff" - the fact you even use that kind of language shows your hand. You dismiss Morrissey's own words as "myth building" but expect people here to treat your sad-sack bar stories like the gospel - then explode in anger when anybody challenges you. Loon.
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You know that's the second BS little attack from you. You twisted my words to try and make out i was a racist . Hardly
That is an utter lie. I never insinuated you were a racist or anything close to it, I told you I was sick of your "Johnny Foreigner" crap and attitude to fans that aren't from the UK.
Thank you for the insight. It did seem strange that he waited seven hundred+ posts in to tell me he thought they were all stupid. Perhaps he has a high threshold or something. Normally people will disagree with you or downvote you. I'm going to settle with him being a perplexing individual.

How proficient did you get with the guitar? I played the bass guitar when I was in high school, but was dismissed from the band I was playing with for being too ornery. I'm still grateful to the guitarist in that band because he taught me to play my instrument, as well as the guitar, and fostered in me an ear for bass lines. He was patient and generous, and I was a snob. I would've liked to have found others to play with, but never did. My skills eventually atrophied and I sold the bass.
I have tried bands but it’s always some drama in the end. I taught myself music theory and gave lessons for a few years. I really enjoy playing with other people. It’s one of my favorite things but for me it has worked out best to keep it casual. When I do a project with someone I am always the one pushing it and I never met compatible people that wanted to take it seriously. I play every day, though.
I am probably a difficult person to deal with and I am very sensitive to manipulation so when someone is trying to be controlling in an indirect way I attempt to address it. People who operate that way tend not to want to directly address the situation and so that usually ends communication.
I have made lots of recordings on my own but I think my best situation is just casually playing with others in a one-off situation.
I had friends in bar bands but I never wanted to do that because they have this idea of learning “popular “ songs , trying to sound like the record, which is never going to happen and why would you want that, and they basically treat it like a job and still have the “artistic “ and personal drama.
I have tried bands but it’s always some drama in the end. I taught myself music theory and gave lessons for a few years. I really enjoy playing with other people. It’s one of my favorite things but for me it has worked out best to keep it casual. When I do a project with someone I am always the one pushing it and I never met compatible people that wanted to take it seriously. I play every day, though.
I am probably a difficult person to deal with and I am very sensitive to manipulation so when someone is trying to be controlling in an indirect way I attempt to address it. People who operate that way tend not to want to directly address the situation and so that usually ends communication.
I have made lots of recordings on my own but I think my best situation is just casually playing with others in a one-off situation.
I had friends in bar bands but I never wanted to do that because they have this idea of learning “popular “ songs , trying to sound like the record, which is never going to happen and why would you want that, and they basically treat it like a job and still have the “artistic “ and personal drama.
course ya taught yerself. off the internet, im guessin. just like you've taught yerself everything you know. off the internet.

and it shows. :laughing:
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