"Only If You Are Really Interested" - new book by Nicholas P. Greco (Spring/Summer 2011)

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"Only If You Are Really Interested" - McFarland
Celebrity, Gender, Desire and the World of Morrissey

by Nicholas P. Greco

Not Yet Published, Available Spring/Summer 2011

About the Book
One of the keys to the enduring popularity of the British singer Morrissey is his carefully crafted enigmatic persona. This critical book examines the role of enigma in the celebrity’s public life, exploring how a level of mystery is maintained through television interviews, videos, reviews and concerts, as well as through his music and lyrics. Of particular interest is the way in which enigma stimulates interest and desire in his audience, and how the artist manipulates traditional modes of masculinity and the conventions of pop music to further cultivate enigma.

About the Author
Nicholas P. Greco is an assistant professor of communications and media at Providence College in Otterburne, Manitoba, Canada. He is the author of numerous articles, and is a founding fellow of the Canadian Institute for the Study of Pop Culture and Religion.

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Re: Article: "Only If You Are Really Interested" - new book by Nicholas P. Greco (Spr

I think this book looks very interesting and I'll probably buy it.
Re: Article: "Only If You Are Really Interested" - new book by Nicholas P. Greco (Spr

it is perfectly fine to be inconsistent and misleading if he feels like it.

Is it? Really? Where you see "inconsistency," most reasonable-minded people would see hypocrisy. And that, I'm afraid, is less than "fine".
Re: Article: "Only If You Are Really Interested" - new book by Nicholas P. Greco (Spr

I think this book looks very interesting and I'll probably buy it.

After reading the review/summary below, I've decided that I'm definitely going to buy it. I think it sounds sounds fantastic! If Erving Goffman doesn't get a mention, though, it'll be an injustice (or, at least, an oversight).

Dr. Nicholas Greco's new book "Only If You Are Really Interested".

Why do we enjoy the music that we listen to? What keeps us interested when we encounter media texts? Dr. Nicholas Greco, Assistant Professor of Communications and Media at Providence College, addresses some of these questions in his new book, “Only If You Are Really Interested”: Celebrity, Gender, Desire and the World of Morrissey, published by McFarland Press.

“One of the keys to the enduring popularity of the British singer Steven Patrick Morrissey (who most often goes by his last name only, and was lead singer of the band The Smiths, from 1983-1987) is his carefully crafted enigmatic persona,” says Greco, who is both a scholar and fan.

Greco’s book examines the role of enigma in the celebrity’s public life, exploring how a level of mystery is maintained through television interviews, videos, reviews and concerts, as well as through his music and lyrics. Greco presents the case of Morrissey, using it to illuminate how celebrity functions, and how fans engage with celebrities that they like. The book explores both the nature of our desiring, and how enigma affects notions of traditional masculinity.

“Of particular interest is the way in which enigma stimulates interest and desire in his audience,” says Greco, “and how the artist manipulates traditional modes of masculinity and the conventions of pop music to further cultivate enigma, or a mystique.”

While the book focuses on the British singer Steven Patrick Morrissey, the concepts it explores are applicable to many celebrities in mediated society.

“Morrissey is a fascinating celebrity, one who maintains his celebrity through enigma, a constant state of mystery,” says Greco. “It is important to understand how celebrity works and how we as fans engage with celebrity.”

Nicholas P. Greco is the author of numerous articles, including work on David Bowie, U2 and the Canadian rock band Rush, as well as the television shows of creator Joss Whedon. He is a founding fellow of the Canadian Institute for the Study of Pop Culture and Religion.

Providence College and Seminary is a Christian academic community in the evangelical tradition that teaches people to grow in knowledge and character for leadership and service. Providence is located in Otterburne, MB.

McFarland is one of the largest companies in the area of scholarly texts that focus on popular culture. The book can be ordered from any book retailer, or from online retailers such as Amazon.
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