London, England - Eventim Apollo (Sep. 21, 2015) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


You'll Be Gone / Let The Right One Slip In / Suedehead / Speedway / Ganglord / Boxers / World Peace Is None Of Your Business / Kiss Me A Lot / Staircase At The University / Alma Matters / Will Never Marry / My Dearest Love / The Bullfighter Dies / The World Is Full Of Crashing Bores / Oboe Concerto / Meat Is Murder / Now My Heart Is Full / Mama Lay Softly On The Riverbed / I Will See You In Far-Off Places / Everyday Is Like Sunday // The Queen Is Dead

setlist provided by Morran.

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I think most people on here really do care about this situation. At this point, the gravity of what is taking place is unclear and nobody quite knows what to do or think about it. As Morrissey has said "time proves everything". We shall see.
Close to 24 hours after his supposed last show in the UK and his number 1 fansite hasn't mustered 100 comments on the fact that it might be the end of an era .

There are plenty mourning the end, they just go to more creative channels like Instagram. Most rabid fans gave up on this site with all its negativity, slanderous claims and general offensiveness and bias against Morrissey, a long time ago.

Close to 24 hours after his supposed last show in the UK and his number 1 fansite hasn't mustered 100 comments on the fact that it might be the end of an era. And if you factor in people commenting multiple times there are probably only 60 actual comments about the show. THIS is why he doesn't have a record contract. This isn't bashing the fan base or even Morrissey- I'm just pointing out that his band of rabid followers has dwindled considerably. If we barely care you can imagine the collective yawn everywhere else. Please spare me all the "you aren't a TRUE fan" "oh piss off, darling" "you were never REALLY a fan" drivel. I was and still am to a point. I hate how this has all turned out. I would have loved for Morrissey to grow as an artist and person along with me and the rest of the disenchanted fans. And that's just it- he's stopped growing and now, to many of us, he's like that best friend from high school that you only share a history with but are unable to truly connect with anymore because your lives are just in two different places.

I half agree with you, and you make an interesting point about him being that friend who you 'are unable to truly connect with'. Still, I think his best sides (his kindness, love for animals, his most impressive releases(subjective, of course)) are just as important as his worst sides (his bitterness, his occasional arrogance and his inability to compromise) - this is why we know he's real, and even though I sometimes find I can't directly connect with him, I know it's not a bad thing. Autobiography did a fantastic job of showing his best sides and helping us to understand his less revered qualities which most of us struggle to relate to. I think that once he's retired or moved on from this world that people will be more willing to accept and appreciate him and his body of work for all it is because, whether we think it as good or bad, we can use it to help us understand the best and the worst parts of humanity and of being human; for this reason I think that a new album, even though it wouldn't sell well if released tomorrow, would be appreciated to look back on as an important jigsaw piece.
Close to 24 hours after his supposed last show in the UK and his number 1 fansite hasn't mustered 100 comments on the fact that it might be the end of an era. And if you factor in people commenting multiple times there are probably only 60 actual comments about the show. THIS is why he doesn't have a record contract. This isn't bashing the fan base or even Morrissey- I'm just pointing out that his band of rabid followers has dwindled considerably. If we barely care you can imagine the collective yawn everywhere else. Please spare me all the "you aren't a TRUE fan" "oh piss off, darling" "you were never REALLY a fan" drivel. I was and still am to a point. I hate how this has all turned out. I would have loved for Morrissey to grow as an artist and person along with me and the rest of the disenchanted fans. And that's just it- he's stopped growing and now, to many of us, he's like that best friend from high school that you only share a history with but are unable to truly connect with anymore because your lives are just in two different places.

Bingo. I can not say it better.
we have topped the 100 so its all good.
we are back to loving moz.
Close to 24 hours after his supposed last show in the UK and his number 1 fansite hasn't mustered 100 comments on the fact that it might be the end of an era. And if you factor in people commenting multiple times there are probably only 60 actual comments about the show. THIS is why he doesn't have a record contract. This isn't bashing the fan base or even Morrissey- I'm just pointing out that his band of rabid followers has dwindled considerably. If we barely care you can imagine the collective yawn everywhere else. Please spare me all the "you aren't a TRUE fan" "oh piss off, darling" "you were never REALLY a fan" drivel. I was and still am to a point. I hate how this has all turned out. I would have loved for Morrissey to grow as an artist and person along with me and the rest of the disenchanted fans. And that's just it- he's stopped growing and now, to many of us, he's like that best friend from high school that you only share a history with but are unable to truly connect with anymore because your lives are just in two different places.

Oh please, the Morrissey community scattered to Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. They never post here. I used to post here every day, now hardly ever. Just because we left this website doesn't mean we're not Morrissey fans anymore.
I think I'd be pretty annoyed if I went to Night 1 (which had a pretty dismal setlist - lets be frank) and then saw Night 2's rundown. Not that it was dramatically different, but certainly the substitution of "Boxers" (first and foremost), "Let the Right One Slip In", "Now My Heart is Full", "Will Never Marry", and "The Queen is Dead" made for a much better show.

At least attendees of either night can gain solace in the fact that "Kick the Bride Down the Aisle" wasn't on offer either night.
Oh please, the Morrissey community scattered to Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. They never post here. I used to post here every day, now hardly ever. Just because we left this website doesn't mean we're not Morrissey fans anymore.

lets not just make up facts.there are more posts here in a day than what is posted in all those sites combined in a week.
i think 3 people post on the fb page and two on the blue rose page. nobody on tumblr.
lets not just make up facts.there are more posts here in a day than what is posted in all those sites combined in a week.
i think 3 people post on the fb page and two on the blue rose page. nobody on tumblr.

Let's not pretend to be stupid. There's not just one Facebook page, and what's the Blue Rose page? I don't know who those people are. Solow is just one website, the community is now scattered into hundreds of pages and pockets across social media, not just those two pages you mentioned. Who's limiting/childproofing your Internet access? Ask your parents to remove those controls.
So the first thing I noticed on the montage video, that made me chuckle, and probably isn't really worth a mention, was Leo Sayer's clown costume has THREE black BUTTONS on the front. A nice and flimsy one to start!

Next Boxers, apparently some of the DDD knew this was to be played, so an anonymous commenter reckoned on the London updates post.

World Peace Is None Of Your Business came next, with the first of some very blatant O signs that were being thrown around by Old Mozza. Mainly all directed at Marianne!
After this Morrissey mentioned the power outage that had happened the night before. He confirmed that as he originally suspected, it was to do with Buckingham Palace, as someone had spotted a member of the "Boil Family" running away from the generators. Was that a clue to the encore song?

Next Kiss Me A Lot, and then Staircase, with a O sign given to Marianne that I missed, but which made Moz laugh, probably at her reaction!
Alma Matters, with YET ANOTHER O sign over by me during the last "To SOMEONE, somewhere".

The band introduction next, you may remember in Plymouth he didn't mention where they were from, but from Hull onwards he did. But no St.Illinois. Probably because I'd published my earlier blob which detailed it. Anyway he looked at me when introducing Gustavo for quite a while, but didn't during Matt. St.Illinois was fun whilst it lasted, but has probably been done to death!
I'm sure he introduced Boz as "live via satellite link"

Crashing Bores next, and then onto Oboe Concerto.

Then the strangest moment ever. He walked over to where I was stood, looked me in the eye, and said "Can I ask you a QUESTION? If I ask you a QUESTION will you ANSWER it? And did a O sign whilst saying this. This is the first O sign to my knowledge done whilst he wasn't singing? I immediately looked horrified, I was shitting myself thinking he might pass me the pissing microphone, what the hell would I say? I was ready to run, run out the venue! But then the strangest QUESTION. He asked where he could buy Vegan Wagon Wheels? I then turned round and looked at Bitter Bitchy Bobby Neville, with a look of complete confusion. And one of the guest list people then answered him, and Morrissey said then, looking at me again. "Ah, I can buy them ONLINE". And I think the guest list guy said he'd buy Morrissey some ready for the next show, and Morrissey thanked him.
I can only explain this to be referencing the Question and Answer post that Alf agreed to do on the blob, and then he often drops in stuff that he does online, like read news, watches YouTube. Even though most fans think he still can't use a computer, and relies on his fax machine. But I guess TWELVE of us know better.
It was very odd, but extremely funny at the same time.
Next Meat Is Murder, had a few people faint by Dave.
Then Now My Heart Is Full. And after that he mentioned QUESTIONS again. I really can't remember what was said, as at Now My Heart Is Full, it had started to hit me that I may not see Morrissey again and I struggled to compose myself.
Mama Lay Softly On The River Bed had another O sign. Can't remember where exactly.

I Will See You In Far-Off Places. Whilst listening to this the lyric "If God bestows protection upon you" caught my attention. The certain someone in the chatroom the evening of Plymouth had quoted that line. Another prediction?
Let's not pretend to be stupid. There's not just one Facebook page, and what's the Blue Rose page? I don't know who those people are. Solow is just one website, the community is now scattered into hundreds of pages and pockets across social media, not just those two pages you mentioned. Who's limiting/childproofing your Internet access? Ask your parents to remove those controls.

'scattered into hundreds of page and pockets'. exactly you will find one punter per page/pocket. which goes back to the fact that nobody posts or reads any of them.
Regarding record contracts and sales here's my opinion based on my experience... in the 80s & 90s i worked for a record shop in Hull, hardly a screaming metropolis for hip' record buyers i grant you but it was a reasonable sized shop for it's time... when a smiths album came out we would sell maybe 80-100 first week then 10-20 a week for a few weeks after depending on hit singles, tours etc... Viva Hate was fairly similar but when any other Morrissey album came out we would sell maybe 20 first week and then 4-5 a week after at best... that's the reason why Morrissey can't get a record deal... he could easily find a label who will put the stuff out for him but i assume he wants massive billboard advertising not to mention 'Re-issue, re-package, re-package Re-evaluate the songs Double-pack with a photograph Extra track and a tacky badge' etc... music in the internet age just doesn't sell enough quantities to allow for big promotion anymore...
Moz.. If you are reading this (I don't think so), please come to Turkey one more time. You're welcomed here. :flowers: Ankara and Izmir need you so bad.

Where would he play in Ankara? Can't imagine he would want to go where Recop Tazyik Gazdogan is based...the old Gölge in SSK would be a great intimate venue, or Garaj (forgotten where it is).

The Ultimate would be in Istanbul at the Harbiye Open Air Ampitheatre...
'scattered into hundreds of page and pockets'. exactly you will find one punter per page/pocket. which goes back to the fact that nobody posts or reads any of them.

That's inaccurate. Is one of those pages you're talking about the Morrissey Official Facebook page, 'cause last I checked it said 20,000 people were looking at it and it has almost 1.3 million "Likes." Even without that, there are others with many more than just a handful of "punters" at any given time. I think you don't know how to look stuff up online. I was wrong when I assumed you were too young to access certain sites. I think the people who frequent this site are the oldest and bitterest, and only some are sane but are not regular visitors. Besides, there are only one or two registered users on Solow who scour those pages and post what they find here. We used to come here to post that stuff ourselves. Not anymore.
Regarding record contracts and sales here's my opinion based on my experience... in the 80s & 90s i worked for a record shop in Hull, hardly a screaming metropolis for hip' record buyers i grant you but it was a reasonable sized shop for it's time... when a smiths album came out we would sell maybe 80-100 first week then 10-20 a week for a few weeks after depending on hit singles, tours etc... Viva Hate was fairly similar but when any other Morrissey album came out we would sell maybe 20 first week and then 4-5 a week after at best... that's the reason why Morrissey can't get a record deal... he could easily find a label who will put the stuff out for him but i assume he wants massive billboard advertising not to mention 'Re-issue, re-package, re-package Re-evaluate the songs Double-pack with a photograph Extra track and a tacky badge' etc... music in the internet age just doesn't sell enough quantities to allow for big promotion anymore...

I have a similar background working in record shops in the late 80s through the late 90s but I was working in management for a small/mid-sized chain (National Record Mart) during the Maladjusted period. I remember going to one of the trade shows just before the album came out and they were really trying to build some buzz around Alma Matters but there was little doubt in anyone's mind that this was to be Morrissey's last great push. He likes to tell tales of never being promoted by the labels he's been attached to but that's rubbish. He was still being promoted as much as Radiohead or Bjork at that point in his career. At the beginning of his solo career Sire put a lot of time/effort/money into promoting him. By Maladjusted there was still a feeling that he might catch on but, again, there was the unmistakable feeling that it was his last shot. If you look objectively at his solo career output there is a palpable change in the amount of promotion he received after Maladjusted failed to make a huge splash. After the wilderness years and the relative success of Quarry he had a real opportunity to step into a new role as a seasoned and mature veteran that puts up respectable numbers based on his reputation alone. I'm not saying that, stylistically, Morrissey is like any of the artists I'm about to mention but I'm thinking about guys like Randy Newman, Dwight Yoakam, or even Billy Bragg. They fill a certain niche in their genre and are respected by their peers and sell albums with minimal push and more subtle promotion (an engaging interview on NPR or appearances on Austin City Limits.) They pick up a handful of new fans as the years roll on whilst not losing too many of their old fans. They become elder statesmen. He had his chance (The Smiths), a second chance (The Sire solo years), and a third chance (Quarry through Refusal.) If the guy really wanted to make music he'd find a way. I think, as a longtime fan, that's what hurts most- that he can't be bothered.
That's inaccurate. Is one of those pages you're talking about the Morrissey Official Facebook page, 'cause last I checked it said 20,000 people were looking at it and it has almost 1.3 million "Likes." Even without that, there are others with many more than just a handful of "punters" at any given time. I think you don't know how to look stuff up online. I was wrong when I assumed you were too young to access certain sites. I think the people who frequent this site are the oldest and bitterest, and only some are sane but are not regular visitors. Besides, there are only one or two registered users on Solow who scour those pages and post what they find here. We used to come here to post that stuff ourselves. Not anymore.

how can you pay any mind to someone who first insults by calling someone young and five minutes later insults the same person by callin them old? you have no discernment whatsoever.
are you talking to yourself? otherwise, the fb page at any point in time has maybe 2-3 posts a week. just because you like it doesnt mean you read it or post on it.
i liked it and ive never been there. nobody reads it. tty has more going for it.
I have a similar background working in record shops in the late 80s through the late 90s but I was working in management for a small/mid-sized chain (National Record Mart) during the Maladjusted period. I remember going to one of the trade shows just before the album came out and they were really trying to build some buzz around Alma Matters but there was little doubt in anyone's mind that this was to be Morrissey's last great push. He likes to tell tales of never being promoted by the labels he's been attached to but that's rubbish. He was still being promoted as much as Radiohead or Bjork at that point in his career. At the beginning of his solo career Sire put a lot of time/effort/money into promoting him. By Maladjusted there was still a feeling that he might catch on but, again, there was the unmistakable feeling that it was his last shot. If you look objectively at his solo career output there is a palpable change in the amount of promotion he received after Maladjusted failed to make a huge splash. After the wilderness years and the relative success of Quarry he had a real opportunity to step into a new role as a seasoned and mature veteran that puts up respectable numbers based on his reputation alone. I'm not saying that, stylistically, Morrissey is like any of the artists I'm about to mention but I'm thinking about guys like Randy Newman, Dwight Yoakam, or even Billy Bragg. They fill a certain niche in their genre and are respected by their peers and sell albums with minimal push and more subtle promotion (an engaging interview on NPR or appearances on Austin City Limits.) They pick up a handful of new fans as the years roll on whilst not losing too many of their old fans. They become elder statesmen. He had his chance (The Smiths), a second chance (The Sire solo years), and a third chance (Quarry through Refusal.) If the guy really wanted to make music he'd find a way. I think, as a longtime fan, that's what hurts most- that he can't be bothered.

Good read and hard to disagree with your view.
I think most people these days would ask what are record stores as most have closed due to there inability to sell albums of almost anyone
I have a similar background working in record shops in the late 80s through the late 90s but I was working in management for a small/mid-sized chain (National Record Mart) during the Maladjusted period. I remember going to one of the trade shows just before the album came out and they were really trying to build some buzz around Alma Matters but there was little doubt in anyone's mind that this was to be Morrissey's last great push. He likes to tell tales of never being promoted by the labels he's been attached to but that's rubbish. He was still being promoted as much as Radiohead or Bjork at that point in his career. At the beginning of his solo career Sire put a lot of time/effort/money into promoting him. By Maladjusted there was still a feeling that he might catch on but, again, there was the unmistakable feeling that it was his last shot. If you look objectively at his solo career output there is a palpable change in the amount of promotion he received after Maladjusted failed to make a huge splash. After the wilderness years and the relative success of Quarry he had a real opportunity to step into a new role as a seasoned and mature veteran that puts up respectable numbers based on his reputation alone. I'm not saying that, stylistically, Morrissey is like any of the artists I'm about to mention but I'm thinking about guys like Randy Newman, Dwight Yoakam, or even Billy Bragg. They fill a certain niche in their genre and are respected by their peers and sell albums with minimal push and more subtle promotion (an engaging interview on NPR or appearances on Austin City Limits.) They pick up a handful of new fans as the years roll on whilst not losing too many of their old fans. They become elder statesmen. He had his chance (The Smiths), a second chance (The Sire solo years), and a third chance (Quarry through Refusal.) If the guy really wanted to make music he'd find a way. I think, as a longtime fan, that's what hurts most- that he can't be bothered.

moz was never going to break in america. lets face it he is too gay.
his music is too gay that type of music would never have broken on fm in america.
sire was the gayest label ever. the owner was super gay, his wife was super gay everybody who worked there was gay just about every artist had a gay angle. if seymour couldnt break him nobody would.
only in the uk does he have any traction record wise.
i see Morrissey's career record sales wise in the UK similar to a Paul Weller or Nick Cave at the moment, a new album will chart high, fall away instantly but he can still fill reasonable sized venues 3-5,000 thanks to his diehard fans mainly and the fact he was once a somebody so to speak, he's not sunk as low as other 80's stars say a Marc Almond or Gary Numan, lucky to sell 1,000 for a concert , albums reach the bottom of the charts and fall away instantly but he will get there as they both have a few years head start in the going down the pan category...

i'm sure if Morrissey really had faith in his newer output he could start his own label and fund it himself although it seems that he's good at spending other peoples money but is more careful with his own... and as another poster mentioned record sales for virtually everyone are miniscule compared to 20+ years ago, i'm sure that even Coldplay and their ilk in real terms these days sell only a fraction of what horrific bands like simply red / lighthouse family / U2 etc did in their time...

Morrissey has one last chance to fill his boots/wallet if a smiths reunion were to ever happen, then they really could sell out massive venues and festivals and do a live album etc etc but it would be a shameless cash in... and cop out...

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