TTY: Glastonbury Festival is not animal friendly

Re: True to You: Glastonbury

9 April 2015

Glastonbury Festival is not animal friendly

barbarism begins at home

Last year the artist Banksy burst into the Glastonbury Festival with his very clever moving art-piece called Sirens of the Lambs, which shows the screaming faces of lambs crying out from a truck bound for slaughter of the most unimaginably corrupt and vicious savagery.
Michael Eavis, the gentlemanly God of Glastonbury, was not impressed.
"Is it some kind of animal rights thing?" he asked, pretending not to understand what the rest of us saw so clearly. No, Michael, it was a preview of the UK entry for the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest…

"Our cows are actually very happy," Michael Eavis, now suddenly Dr. Dolittle, assured reporters, "they have the highest milk yield in the county."
What Michael Eavis meant by this statement was: WE are economically very happy because our cows have the highest milk yield in the county. No Glastonbury cow was available for comment, and no cows were heard laughing. Dr. Eavis equates milk yield as a sign of happiness, we note.

In order to 'have the highest milk yield in the county', a cow must be persistently 'raped' against its will (a logical assumption), or it must be artificially inseminated from the age of 13 months onwards, or injected with bovine growth hormone. The latter is banned (that is, frowned upon) in the UK, but since farmers pay no heed to the law when it comes to gassing badgers, shooting foxes or hunting, then we're safe to assume that the bovine growth hormone practice continues. In the UK, the farmers' financial gluttony is unassailably up there with the holy scriptures.
Dairy cows are not allowed to not be in lactation because then their milk production decreases and they do not produce enough milk to justify the cost of their board and lodgings. Therefore, cows are repeatedly raped and raped and raped … which Michael Eavis presumably thinks is a great way to make sentient beings happy. Dairy cows are only allowed to live for as long as they are useful to the farmer, which is about 4 years. If left alone, the cow could live for 20 years.
I assume that the dairy cows at Glastonbury who no longer yield milk are brought into the home of Michael Eavis and allowed to sit down and watch Emmerdale until they gently pass away in their later years, because, after all, Michael insists that Glastonbury cows are "very happy."
In truth, of course, as soon as a cow is a substandard producer of milk, she and her friends are sent off to have their throats slit.
We can easily imagine Michael Eavis waving the cattle truck off, and we can see his cows being "very happy" about that, and waving back to Michael.
A male calf produced by a dairy cow is immediately shot, or raised to be murdered for beef, or allowed no daylight during its entire short lifespan where it is trapped in a crate, unable to move, and thus the creation of veal. After calving, newborns are hit on the head with a hammer or pulled away from their mothers after just one day together, which causes explosive stress to both mother and baby. Does Michael Eavis approve of this? It appears so. Milk is worse than "meat" because on dairy farms the cows are tortured for YEARS before they are killed. Calves are pulled away from their mothers by dragging the calf with one leg, both mother and calf in a state of chaotic distress.
Does Michael Eavis at his Glastonbury Farm accommodate any cows at all that do not yield money his way? I doubt it. Off with their heads!
Does Michael Eavis care about the insane environmental damage caused by dairy farming? I doubt it. To hell with the environment! People who do not care about animal rights usually do not care about human rights. It naturally follows.
Should you actually agree to play at the Glastonbury Festival you might find visual arts expert Michael Eavis meddling with your presentations. In 2011 I played Glastonbury and attempted to sing the song Meat is murder. Behind me, a screen that usually shows the many evils of factory farming remained blank. I was told that Michael Eavis had stopped the screening of the film because it wasn't indicative of how his dairy farm operated. He didn't quite understand that the poor souls in the actual film did not want to be there in the first place. Michael Eavis also went on to justify banning the film by saying it would "upset" younger people. What Michael Eavis was saying, in effect, was:

it's OK for our belly, but not for our eyes … and at all costs don't educate anyone on animal cruelty because it might damage the financial profits of our happy Glastonbury Farm.

If he had thought the film gave an incorrect view of dairy farming, he wouldn't have cared if the film had been shown, but he banned the film because he knew the film was truth.

Like most animal haters, Michael appears to be one of those people who love dead animals, yet hate live ones. How is this sane, or logical, or possible?
If dogs and cats aren't 'food', then why are cows and sheep? The BBC recently made a terrible fuss when some unfortunate dogs were allegedly poisoned at Crufts - which, yes, was abysmal. But the BBC had no concern or report on the 40,000 piglets whose throats were slit in the UK in that very same week.
Why is the latter not a BBC story? Why is a poisoned dog at Crufts a story for national lamentation, yet the slaughter of 40,000 screaming piglets is not mentioned anywhere on any known news program?
If a dog is not food, then why is a pig?
Well, you might argue that 'oooh I love bacon', but if you love the pig dead, why do you not love the pig while it is alive, and why do you not protect it from slaughter … if you "love" "bacon" so much? Surely if you eat animals it's because you hate rather than love them?
Is a cat 'food'? No. So why is a lamb?
We have been trained and brainwashed to believe that some animals deserve to be killed and some don't, and much advertising effort is put into the hope that we do not ever decide for ourselves. No celebrity vegetarian chefs on the BBC! There is also heavy reliance on the hope that humans never quite become intelligent enough to understand that both humans and animals have natural rights. After all, as Gary Yourofsky brilliantly observed: if you remove bees or ants from the planet the entire cycle of life is damaged, but if you remove human beings from the planet then the entire planet will prosper and be saved.
Should we care that factory farming (which isn't farming at all - it's an industry very much like any other) is irrefutably linked to cancer in humans? Are you aware that the "country smell" so powerful in idyllic areas is actually the smell of mass slaughter of animals? Does anyone actually believe that the badger kill (not 'cull') is a move to protect cows, or to protect godly farmers' income? Are you aware that the virus of factory farming causes more greenhouse gas emissions than all combined forms of motorized transport? Of course you're not, for if you knew how much the "meat" industry is destroying the planet, well, you might grow wise to the biggest threat to your own life.

Like many animal haters, Michael Eavis was awarded a CBE by Elizabeth Battenberg (you have been ordered to address her as The Queen) in 2007. In 2005 he expressed how it was "outrageous to ban hunting". For such as Michael Eavis, there just cannot be enough bloodshed. More! More! More! Kill! Kill! Kill! Would he object if the hunters were also hunted?

Animal rights is now the leading social justice issue on the planet. Your decision is whether you support either the butcher or the butchered. It cannot be both.

8 April 2015
Anyone, and I mean anyone on this site who thinks that these forums had anything to do with Morrissey's now apparently vegan status is beyond deluded.

A cynical part of me thinks that certain posters who have been critical of his vegetarianism in the past are merely celebrating this recent TTY post so they can then lay into him with their usual vitriol the next time Morrissey is photographed wearing wool or leather or have a venue selling cheese panini's when he plays live.

Let's briefly build him up so we can knock him back down again. I may be proven wrong on this but I'm fairly certain you could time an egg (pun intended) by it. I'd say give it a week and then here comes some new outrage in 1, 2, 3...................
Morrissey had Cheese on his rider in Zagreb in December 2014. This ignited #Cheesgate all over again. He now accepts that there's no difference between meat and milk. Cheese is made of milk. He would never have meat on his backstage demands for food. He will never have cheese on it again, unless he loses the plot again. Here's the links:černji-hr


Don't forget disgusting gelantine which is in so many products.

If you consider what Morrissey can actually eat, he is possibly currently starving to death...

He could be inspired by Alssya who has been travelling around and taken photos of her vegan food. I have no idea where she found all these vegan restaurants. Maybe it'd be a good idea if she shared this. That'd be much more interesting than the usual drivel that people leave here. She isn't losing one inch of weight however and I wonder if all the things that she is eating are really vegan. Many don't look as if they are, and if I were her, I'd not necessarily trust that they are.

I have been a vegetarian for about 28 years now and barely consume any of the other stuff that makes you vegan. If people reduced their diet to what I am eating, a lot would be gained already. I am not really interested in what bizarre people are saying about animal rights, who bully others left right and centre for their sexuality. People who cannot bear that not everybody wants to f*** other random people and are not interested in popularity contests and not easily influnced by f***wits like them. They can just right f*** off. What I found very good was the animal welfare course that I recently took of the University of Edinburgh. When I studied business and economics there almost 25 years ago, I shared the kitchen with two Ethiopians wo were studying veteranary. Never would I have thought that I'd take a course of their faculty one day. lol I don't really need somebody like Morrissey to be interested in animal welfare, it is something that every child in my hometown grows up with one of its honorary cities having been quite influencial when it came to animal welfare laws. You sort of grow up with it. I find the people who gave the course also much more credible than somebody like Morrissey who twists and turns so many things. One could just get the idea that he is this terrible, dreadful Lynnda or Surface. Obviously runs in the "family". There are many things that you do not actually have to see to understand that they are terrible. Early Hollywood films were based on the audience filling in the dots. It is often enough to give the core information. Morrissey is using it for his business when he throws out little things and other come up with whole stories around it. But what I mean is that you don't have to see a small bird being gased to know that it is terrible. You don't have to see a cow being paralysed from what she experiences. I did see a pig having its throat cut through as a teenager and its fear as it happened. I did grow up with sheep walking through the street on their way back home from a nearby meadow. Do many people even know what animals look like? I heard that children once really thought that they are purple. Actually, most people who post here show so little empathy for other people and are so stuck in their ugly prejudices, I doubt they really even feel anything for any animal. It is probably just something that's hip in their scene, that's part of their popularity contests or a means to bully others.
So Moz drinks soy instead which boosts the female hormone Estrogen giving men gynecomastia (manboobs). With his see through shirts I hope he chooses a sexy bra.

Soy contains phyto-estrogen... not the same thing.
"What we have just seen is Banky's New York residency installation called "Sirens Of The Lambs". What the street artist has done is taken a Somerset truck and filled it with animatronic toy cuddly animals and he's going to make it move around the festival at meal times. Banksy says that this version has "25% more terror than the one that first appeared in New York". When Michael Eavis was asked for a statement he said "Is it about animal rights? I'm not so sure. Our cows are certainly very happy, they have the highest milk yield in the country"

Banksy brings 'Sirens of the lambs' to Glastonbury 2014


Does the female reporter in that video really have a beard? I can't stop staring at it.
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Better late than never. With this statement he can begin to repair his psyche, his reputation and his mental health. Ever since I found out he WAS a Cheesetarian I was certain some of his depression was related to the cognitive dissonance of singing 'Meat Is Murder' whilst having cheese on his backstage rider. It appears he has genuinely woken up to a LOT of cutting edge thinking, on the debates around Carnism, in particular.

Thanks for your excellent input into Cheesegate over the last few months. And thanks to "Benny The Butcher"!

I am looking forward to the reactions of his 'fan' community to this statement and will enjoy responding to all who have referenced my name in this thread to date, once I have re-read and digested this new alignment of Morrissey with cutting-edge thinking.

LOL! I think this thread might get LOUD!


Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows

Now if He would only address that he is fully aware of how his leather shoes came into existence the world would be a better place.
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Anyone, and I mean anyone on this site who thinks that these forums had anything to do with Morrissey's now apparently vegan status is beyond deluded.

A cynical part of me thinks that certain posters who have been critical of his vegetarianism in the past are merely celebrating this recent TTY post so they can then lay into him with their usual vitriol the next time Morrissey is photographed wearing wool or leather or have a venue selling cheese panini's when he plays live.

Let's briefly build him up so we can knock him back down again. I may be proven wrong on this but I'm fairly certain you could time an egg (pun intended) by it. I'd say give it a week and then here comes some new outrage in 1, 2, 3...................

I don't know what the f*** Bottler is on about, I've just seen 8 (eight) blank spaces in a row which means he's posted 8 (eight) times without reply. This on top of one of him posting as his alter ego in the thread. I'm sure that the 8 (eight) posts are full of the same delusions though.

While I haven't read much on the cheese issue of late I've found the new stick to beat Morrissey with is attendances. There's a small lull on that as he's between shows but it'll strike up again soon. I wonder what will be after that? I think your bet is a good one.
Anyone, and I mean anyone on this site who thinks that these forums had anything to do with Morrissey's now apparently vegan status is beyond deluded.

A cynical part of me thinks that certain posters who have been critical of his vegetarianism in the past are merely celebrating this recent TTY post so they can then lay into him with their usual vitriol the next time Morrissey is photographed wearing wool or leather or have a venue selling cheese panini's when he plays live.

Let's briefly build him up so we can knock him back down again. I may be proven wrong on this but I'm fairly certain you could time an egg (pun intended) by it. I'd say give it a week and then here comes some new outrage in 1, 2, 3...................

You are entitled to your opinion, but unless Morrissey clarifies how he came to this new worldview, you are wasting your time. If Morrissey is photographed wearing wool or leather or has a venue selling cheese paninis then that will obviously be open to discussion and debate. He is wealthy enough to donate any animal items in his wardrobe and to either extend the prohibition on meat at venues to include milk/cheese or to think of another way of honouring his values in venues 'going forward'. Nobody is going to starve because they cannot eat at his shows. He might decide to refuse to be trolled by his fans anymore on this issue and to simply accept that a lot of them don't give a f*** about animal rights.

If he faces a venue boycott/blacklisting such as he claimed in Iceland, there's nothing stopping him from having a clause in his contract that gives him the sales data for animal products so he can deduct that sum from the ticket receipts and donate it to local animal rights charities as a political response. He could play Iceland, Canada and China and donate by picking the pockets of his enemies in his audience. At the moment he isn't hurting the bottom line of venues anyway as they either substitute with pointless Cheesetarian items, and he makes up for the loss of their food sales income if they don't get the same as on an ordinary 'burger night' from the Carnist Clueless Consumers in his audience. At least that's my current understanding. Then Morrissey leaves town and they go back to business as usual but no resources flow to local groups trying to combat animal abuses.

He is under no obligation to stick to any rigid doctrine about venue catering and pragmatic, creative thinking remains as an option to him. It would be fun if each and every burger/ice-cream consumer was forced to accept that they were donating to local animal rights charities each time they tried to troll him by munching on a hot dog and stinking out the space near his stage.

He could be more provocative. Never mind filming the audience waiting to be 'entertained', he could film anyone buying a pre-gig burger/hot-dog and project it onto the screen behind during 'Meat Is Murder'. A condition of attending gigs is you give the right to be filmed and used in promotional materials. He could add the post-gig burger van queue to YouTube every single gig and re-create a version of 'Sirens Of The Lambs' to add to the touring trucks and have it park up next to the burger van selling vegan alternatives to KF-shit-burgers. This 'performance art alt-burger van' could easily be stocked with food from the back-stage rider 'going forward'. And be a source of profit. The possibilities are endless and potentially hilarious. If Banksy has a van, why can't Morrissey have one too?

I have no interest in the 'cult of personality' that surrounds Morrissey through his inane fans and hangers-on. I am a political activist. I have just sketched out an Art-Hounds/Art-Terrorism scenario. I'm not Banksy, of course, but we don't have to be a *pop star* or a *mysterious pseudo-anonymous artist* to make a difference, do we? I'm fairly sure that some of Morrissey's mental turmoil has been as a result of not following through on his teenage/early adult revelations about animal abuse.

If Morrissey is taken hostage by Carnism again, then that will be very sad, but this isn't about Morrissey or anyone on this forum. This is about the future of the planet for all animals, human and non-human. You clearly have an emotional investment in Morrissey's reputational status and blame those, like me, on this site who have sketched out the dissonance of #Cheesegate. However, it's you who is delusional in thinking it is your role to police discussion on a micro Social-Media site such as this. Please discuss Morrissey's statement about the Glastonbury Conspiracy or find another thread. After all, as a 'fan' of Morrissey, why aren't you 'celebrating this recent TTY post'?

Yet you feel the need to comment? Why? Why do you reference me/Benny in your remark? Do you think I care what you think? Let me assure you. I don't.


- - - Updated - - -

You don't need your memory anymore. If you wish to validate that claim with a link to the facts, do so.


He played in 2004 it's a fact, find a link yourself
You are entitled to your opinion, but unless Morrissey clarifies how he came to this new worldview, you are wasting your time


Why does Morrissey have to clarify ANYTHING? People are entitled to believe anything they want to believe without having to make any public justifications.

Just wondering how long that last epic (and entirely predictable) post took you to compose...your own "clarifications" for the reason you spend so much time here are beyond implausible; odd then that you of all people require any kind of "clarifications" from others.
I don't know what the f*** Bottler is on about, I've just seen 8 (eight) blank spaces in a row which means he's posted 8 (eight) times without reply. This on top of one of him posting as his alter ego in the thread. I'm sure that the 8 (eight) posts are full of the same delusions though.

While I haven't read much on the cheese issue of late I've found the new stick to beat Morrissey with is attendances. There's a small lull on that as he's between shows but it'll strike up again soon. I wonder what will be after that? I think your bet is a good one.

Consider the abject ridicule that 'Charlie Cheswick' has reduced himself to. He claims to have me on Ignore but cannot stop referencing me. He hasn't read my posts or those of someone he claims is one of my alter-egos but is 'sure' he can comment on them nonetheless. Presumably he has psychic powers.

Note with copious LOLs! how he then evades the issues raised by Morrissey by attempting to derail this thread into a discussion about #BlackCurtainGate. Like many others here who trolled me relentlessly over #Cheesegate and #MilkIsMurder he must now decide whether to adjust his cult parameters or leave the 'fan' club. The prospect of him using independent thought is as distant as it ever was. I choose to be amused by stalkers who claim to have me on Ignore but cannot stop thinking/commenting about me. It's yet another thing to cherish about this epochal thread.

Yet you feel the need to comment? Why? Why do you reference me/Benny in your remark? Do you think I care what you think? Let me assure you. I don't.


- - - Updated - - -

You don't need your memory anymore. If you wish to validate that claim with a link to the facts, do so.


He played in 2004 it's a fact, find a link yourself

You have made the claim, it's up to you to establish it as a fact. If your search engine skills are as woeful as your skills in quoting other user's comments, we face a long wait before you verify your claim. I will enjoy waiting and watching you join the rest of the fools on this thread desperately trying to ignore the fact that what Morrissey has said is entirely congruent with the views I have expressed her and, for which, I have been subjected to possibly the most inept trolling and stalking ever on a web forum. It's almost an art installation in itself. Suck it up.

You are entitled to your opinion, but unless Morrissey clarifies... (continue ad nauseam)

Bummie in "I disagree with morrissey" shock horror. Who'd have thunk it?

Doesn't Bummie realise that his own stupid diatribes inspire exactly the same hatred in other people that Morrissey's diatribes inspire in Bummie?
You're wrong about Morrissey NEVER being invited back to Glastonbury, BrummieBoy!
Morrissey HAS been invited back. He accepted and was scheduled to play in 1992, but cancelled last minute.

And he played in 2004 as well.

As for this year, as I said before, during the Glastonbury dates he is touring to US, including MSG, so I fail to see the logic of the "we wasn't invited this year" argument .
You have made the claim, it's up to you to establish it as a fact. If your search engine skills are as woeful as your skills in quoting other user's comments, we face a long wait before you verify your claim. I will enjoy waiting and watching you join the rest of the fools on this thread desperately trying to ignore the fact that what Morrissey has said is entirely congruent with the views I have expressed her and, for which, I have been subjected to possibly the most inept trolling and stalking ever on a web forum. It's almost an art installation in itself. Suck it up.


He played in 2004. Check the Glastonbury documentary. There is footage of him, nick cave and many other artists.
You have made the claim, it's up to you to establish it as a fact. If your search engine skills are as woeful as your skills in quoting other user's comments, we face a long wait before you verify your claim. I will enjoy waiting and watching you join the rest of the fools on this thread desperately trying to ignore the fact that what Morrissey has said is entirely congruent with the views I have expressed her and, for which, I have been subjected to possibly the most inept trolling and stalking ever on a web forum. It's almost an art installation in itself. Suck it up.


It's not a claim, it's a fact. Find it yourself. As I said previously I don't give a shit what he has said nor so I give a sit about his views.
It's not a claim, it's a fact. Find it yourself. As I said previously I don't give a shit what he has said nor so I give a sit about his views.

Oh dear! Your meltdown is accelerating! I'm under no obligation to verify your claims. That's your job.

You write "As I said previously I don't give a shit what he has said nor so I give a s[h]it about his views." That's fine but you might consider why you are commenting on this thread as it's explicitly about his evolving views on animal rights issues. Why are you wasting your time trolling me and everyone else on this thread if you have nothing to add to it that's relevant. You are making a fool of yourself. It's not the first time, but you can choose to man up and make it the last time.

I'm participating in this thread to discuss Morrissey's statement on the Glastonbury Music Festival Conspiracy. Please do not harass me further or you may find one of the Moderators has a word about your trolling.

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