Why are there so many 'Reich Wing' Morrissey Fans?



I could never understand this. I am not friends with many (any) other Moz fans. Moz has always been a very solitary indulgence for me.

But anyway, wtf is with all the Pro-War right wingers that seem to dominate this board. So many people I see with posts of "go live in Iraq" bla bla bla - Not only that, just plain mean motherf***ers on this board too. You would think Mozs fanbase might be a little more clever, or worldly - but so many on this board seem like they belong on a Lee Greenwood board rather than the site of a thinker like Morrissey.

I mean, Moz seems to be about as opposite of 'Conservative' as you can get, and he probably (wisely) wouldn't spit on a Republican if he was on fire ...

Anyway, is this what you all find in the 'real world' - that Moz fans are right wing bitter assholes as are so common on this board?

> Anyway, is this what you all find in the 'real world' - that Moz fans are
> right wing bitter assholes as are so common on this board?

Most Moz fans aren't worth your time, it's true. I find his fans quite embarrassing really. Especially the people that post on this board, with a few exceptions (say Grim O' Grady, Gender Nectar, and Suzanne whom all seem intelligent, nice, and, well, sane) but overall it's a cesspool here. One look at this board and you can almost feel your IQ drop 30 points.

I'm a fan of many artists, and never have I not made at least a couple friends through visiting their message boards and chatting with others. On the other hand, in all my many years of being a Morrissey fan, I've only met two or three people (tops) that I would even considering chatting with or being friends with. Morrissey either attracts wacko's or the wacko's on this board have scared away all the sane Morrissey fans out there.
> Most Moz fans aren't worth your time, it's true. I find his fans quite
> embarrassing really. Especially the people that post on this board, with a
> few exceptions (say Grim O' Grady, Gender Nectar, and Suzanne whom all
> seem intelligent, nice, and, well, sane) but overall it's a cesspool here.
> One look at this board and you can almost feel your IQ drop 30 points.

> I'm a fan of many artists, and never have I not made at least a couple
> friends through visiting their message boards and chatting with others. On
> the other hand, in all my many years of being a Morrissey fan, I've only
> met two or three people (tops) that I would even considering chatting with
> or being friends with. Morrissey either attracts wacko's or the wacko's on
> this board have scared away all the sane Morrissey fans out there.

Thanks. I was curious about this. It is truly bizarre. I would have thought most of his fans would be more intelligent/thoughtful than they seem to be. I've seen other music fan-sites and this one takes the cake for the belligerent asshole quotient.
> I could never understand this. I am not friends with many (any) other Moz
> fans. Moz has always been a very solitary indulgence for me.

> But anyway, wtf is with all the Pro-War right wingers that seem to
> dominate this board. So many people I see with posts of "go live in
> Iraq" bla bla bla - Not only that, just plain mean motherf***ers on
> this board too. You would think Mozs fanbase might be a little more
> clever, or worldly - but so many on this board seem like they belong on a
> Lee Greenwood board rather than the site of a thinker like Morrissey.

> I mean, Moz seems to be about as opposite of 'Conservative' as you can
> get, and he probably (wisely) wouldn't spit on a Republican if he was on
> fire ...

> Anyway, is this what you all find in the 'real world' - that Moz fans are
> right wing bitter assholes as are so common on this board?

Just becuz Moz is gay doesn't mean everyone on this board is gay... and just becuz Moz is vegetarian doesn't mean everyone on this board has to be vegetarian... typical liberal... typical liberal... typical liberal!
Who said Americans don't understand irony.

I like the "moranic" angle...
Slogan boards

> I like the "moranic" angle...

Talking of funny slogan boards, did you see this fella at the back of the womens rights protestors at Augusta:

> Thanks. I was curious about this. It is truly bizarre. I would have
> thought most of his fans would be more intelligent/thoughtful than they
> seem to be. I've seen other music fan-sites and this one takes the cake
> for the belligerent asshole quotient.

Smiths fans are generally different from Moz fans. Morrissey solo is bigger in America, hence the pro-war conservatives? Smiths are bigger in Britain...you see my point? A huge generalisation of course...

Many of the Morrissey-solo users are not at all conservative. Including myself.
BWHAHAHA! I'm sorry but that IS hilarious!

Let's hope none of the ladies saw that sign. He's a little out-numbered.
Why are there so many mindless Morrissey Fans? You f***ing retard: SADDAM WAS THE FASCIST

> But anyway, wtf is with all the Pro-War right wingers ....
> I mean, Moz seems to be about as opposite of 'Conservative'

I'm not a right winger, and the liberation of Iraq is certainly NOT a "conservative" policy. It may be a lot of things, but "conservative" it sure as f***ing hell ain't!

As far as "Reich Wing," fascists have a lot in common with socialists, not with libertarians like me. I'm proudly the polar opposite of all totalitarianisms. To me, both communism and fascism are variants of socialism. Have you read Mussolini speeches? He often sounded like leftists of today.

I recommend the book The Road To Serfdom by F. A. Hayek. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0226320618/qid=1035342497/sr=8-1/ref=sr_8_1/002-7643895-1761641?v=glance

You might also try In Defence Of Global Capitalism by Johan Norberg.

As far as the war, I recommend Terror & Liberalism by Paul Berman for a liberal's reasons for supporting the "War on ISlamic-Fascism"/"War on Terror" (there's a bit tacked on about IRaq, but not much). http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0393057755/qid=1051706259/sr=11-1/ref=sr_11_1/002-7643895-1761641

And have you see what has been labelled the "Red-Brown" alliance?
That's the intermingling of extreme leftists and neo-nazis in the anti-war movement. Brown referring to brown shirts. Oh yeah, we gotta brush all that anti-semitism under the rug. They only keep mentioning every JEWISH name they can find associated with the Bush administration because they love jews!

They espeically love to go after Paul Wolfowitz! Not because they know anything about him, but because, like American fascist Patrick Buchanan, they think he's some zionist conspirator!

But wait, Wolfowtiz began as a Democrat, under Carter, but then felt the Democratic Party abandoned the internationalism of Harry Truman, Kennedy and Jackson. In 1985 he got the USA to distance itself from Ferdinand Marcos.
"I actually thought it probably was the high point of my career," Wolfowitz said.

And on Iraq, somehow he's being attacked because he's been RIGHT for so long.

Wolfowitz's preoccupation -- some say obsession -- with Saddam Hussein goes back to his first stint at the Pentagon, between 1977 and 1980, when he was asked to analyze military threats in the Persian Gulf region, particularly to oil-rich Saudi Arabia. Other officials focused on the threat from Iran, then in the throes of an Islamic revolution, and the Soviet Union. Wolfowitz thought the main threat came from Iraq, and called for the United States to pre-position military equipment in the region for use in a conflict.

A still-secret Pentagon paper Wolfowitz authored in 1979 included the line, "It seems likely that we and Iraq will increasingly be at odds."

For much of the 1980s, U.S. policy tilted toward Baghdad, which was seen as a barrier to the spread of Iranian-style fundamentalism.

But Wolfowitz's prediction proved prescient in August 1990 when Hussein invaded Kuwait. At the time, Wolfowitz was serving as undersecretary of defense for policy. He said he was dismayed by the U.S. unwillingness to support an uprising by southern Iraqi Shiites at the end of the 1991 Persian Gulf War that drove Iraq from Kuwait, and particularly the unwillingness to shoot down Iraqi military helicopters that were used to terrorize the rebels.
During Vietnam, I marched with people who thought America was the incarnation of imperial wickedness, and I marched against people who thought America was the last best hope of mankind. Both positions seemed hopelessly ideological, and at the same time, narcissistic. The issue was not fundamentally about our souls; it was about what was right for the people of Vietnam. Just as in Vietnam, the debate over Iraq has become a referendum on American power, and what you think about Saddam seems to matter much less than what you think about America.

But the fact is that America is neither the redeemer nation, nor the evil empire. It isn't always right, but it isn't always wrong. Ideology cannot help us here.
Michael Ignatieff, Carr Professor of Human Rights Practice, is the Director of the Carr Center of Human Rights Policy. Recent essays examine four primary themes: the moral connection created by modern culture with distant victims of war, the architects of postmodern war, the impact of ethnic war abroad on our thinking about ethnic accommodations at home, and the function of memory and social healing. His academic publications include Wealth and Virtue: The Shaping of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment; The Needs of Strangers: An Essay on the Philosophy of Human Needs; The Warrior's Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience; Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond; The Rights Revolution; Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry; and Isaiah Berlin: A Life. His nonacademic work includes The Russian Album, A Family Memoir, which won Canada's Governor General Award and the Heinemann Prize of Britain's Royal Society of Literature in 1988, and Scar Tissue, short-listed for the Booker Prize in 1993. Ignatieff holds a PhD in history from Harvard University and has been a Fellow at King's College, Cambridge; École des Hautes Études, Paris; and St. Antony's College, Oxford.
Re: BWHAHAHA! I'm sorry but that IS hilarious!

> Let's hope none of the ladies saw that sign. He's a little out-numbered.

It made me laugh- a bit of light relief from all this boring war-mongering.

Apparently it had a flipside which said 'Cook my dinner'.

I bet he got a right kicking!

B e' D
Re: Why are there so many mindless Morrissey Fans? You f***ing retard: SADDAM WAS THE FASCIST

> But the fact is that America is neither the redeemer nation, nor the evil
> empire. It isn't always right, but it isn't always wrong. Ideology cannot
> help us here.

> Good point! Sounds like he's counting many of my Morrissey-Solo
> postings!!

Somehow I said "counting" instead of "quoting." And that really is a point I tried to focus on so many times. America is sometimes a force of good, sometimes a force of bad. Those who knee-jerk against everything America does have stopped thinking at all, and perhaps that's why they've been on the wrong side of so many foreign policy issues throughout the 1990s to the present. You have to work out what's right or wrong in each case, instead of turning off your brain and saying, "Oh, if Bush is doing it, that automatically makes it 'uncool' man!"
Morrissey fans v. Smiths fans

> Smiths fans are generally different from Moz fans. Morrissey solo is
> bigger in America, hence the pro-war conservatives? Smiths are bigger in
> Britain...you see my point? A huge generalisation of course...

I would argue that The Smiths had more appeal to "conservatives" than Morrissey's solo career, as a huge generalization. There were many people who jumped ship after The Smiths broke up, and a reason they'd give was, "I loved Johnny Marr's guitar playing, but Morrissey alone is just too weird!" I can't tell you how many times I've heard that!!

I actually had a boy see a "Kill Uncle" era poster on my wall of Morrissey tell me that, "Your Smiths 'Queen is Dead' poster is cool, but you must be GAY to have that other one up."

Also, Smiths fans of the 1980s in *America* tended to have a lot of those typical indie types who decide what music they like based on trying to score "hipster" points. The conventional wisdom amongst that crowd during Morrissey's solo career was that he was no longer "cool."

IMO, the people who TRULY love MORRISSEY as a charming, inspiring, beautiful, bright star in our lives, we are way more socially liberal and probably more genuine in our love for the man than people who were mere Smiths fans. The Morrissey SOLO fanbase is, today, way beyond the white indiehipster boy following of the Smiths, and is today a wonderful diversity (racially and otherwise) of people. People who didn't buy Morrissey's "Maladjusted" to show how cool they were to others, but because they deeply connect with the man's music. Anyone who just bought whatever the hipster music press hyped would've picked up "The Queen Is Dead," but its primarily people who feel real connection to Morrissey as a kindred spirit that have been fans through the solo years.
Re: Why are there so many mindless Morrissey Fans? You f***ing retard: SADDAM WAS THE FASCIST

> Somehow I said "counting" instead of "quoting." And
> that really is a point I tried to focus on so many times. America is
> sometimes a force of good, sometimes a force of bad. Those who knee-jerk
> against everything America does have stopped thinking at all, and perhaps
> that's why they've been on the wrong side of so many foreign policy issues
> throughout the 1990s to the present. You have to work out what's right or
> wrong in each case, instead of turning off your brain and saying,
> "Oh, if Bush is doing it, that automatically makes it 'uncool'
> man!"

Loafing Oaf, America were right to get rid of Saddam. he is, as you say, "a fascist dictater". But it is MADNESS to insist that the downfall of his regime is thanks to that lunatic BUSH! It is thanks to the brave US and UK forces, Bush doesn't give a flying f*** about the liberation of the Iraqi peoples,and he never has done.

You are also right to point out that attacking Iraq is "not a conservative policy". I am a socialist. I believe that everyone in the world deserves an opportunity and removing scum like Saddam is surely paramount to this aim. Since when has the left been so insular and stupid? Ridiculous.


Sherief Younis (that is my real name)
Re: Slogan boards

> Talking of funny slogan boards, did you see this fella at the back of the
> womens rights protestors at Augusta:

Very good.. You're a funny Yorkshireman for sure Bangin em! I quite fancy the girl with the 'college' board as well.
Re: Slogan boards

Where can I get one those?
It'll save me even talking to Noni.
Al Qaeda motherf***er captured in Baghdad

> Loafing Oaf, America were right to get rid of Saddam. he is, as you say,
> "a fascist dictater". But it is MADNESS to insist that the
> downfall of his regime is thanks to that lunatic BUSH! It is thanks to the
> brave US and UK forces, Bush doesn't give a flying f*** about the
> liberation of the Iraqi peoples,and he never has done.

I can't read into Bush's heart so it's very difficult for me to know how much he cares. My guess is he cares about the liberation of Iraq, but that he did what he did primarily because he thought it was in America's national security interests.

BTW, I have much more admiration for Tony Blair than I do for W. Bush.

> You are also right to point out that attacking Iraq is "not a
> conservative policy". I am a socialist. I believe that everyone in
> the world deserves an opportunity and removing scum like Saddam is surely
> paramount to this aim. Since when has the left been so insular and stupid?
> Ridiculous.

> Regards,

> Sherief Younis (that is my real name)

Hey did ya see they captured an Al Qaeda dude in Baghdad?
Here's more proof of what Colin Powell was talking about!!!


Associate of Al Qaeda-Linked Fugitive Caught in Baghdad
Wednesday, April 30, 2003

An associate of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (search) has been captured in the Baghdad area, a defense official confirmed to Fox News on Tuesday.

The name of the associate was not released but he was described as a midlevel terrorist operative.

Zarqawi, who is still at large, and his group have been linked to Al Qaeda (search) by the United States -- Zarqawi himself a senior associate of Usama bin Laden.

Zarqawi is believed to have traveled through Iran to Iraq in May and June of 2002 for medical treatment following the collapse of Al Qaeda operations in Afghanistan.

Administration sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he had his leg amputated.

The capture of Zarqawi's associate occurred this week, a counterterrorism official said. Zarqawi is among the administration's most-wanted Al Qaeda figures.

Zarqawi ran a training camp in Afghanistan for poisons, and has been linked to efforts in northern Iraq and Europe to produce and employ the biotoxin ricin.

The United States has accused Zarqawi, a Jordanian, of having been the mastermind behind the assassination of American diplomat Lawrence Foley (search) in Amman last October.

Before the military action in Iraq began, Secretary of State Colin Powell suggested that Zarqawi's activities were evidence of ties between Al Qaeda and Iraq. Powell also said that Zarqawi's Al Qaeda-linked group was operating inside Baghdad.

In February, Powell testified before the U.N. Security Council that as Baghdad harbored Zarqawi, several of his underlings set up operations in the Iraqi capital to help shift money, supplies and personnel around the country.

Iraq's ambassador to the United Nations before the fall of Saddam's regime, Mohamed Al-Douri (search), denied all of Powell's accusations.

Powell charged that after Al Qaeda and Taliban (search) forces were defeated by U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Zarqawi founded the camp in northern Iraq to train terrorists in the use of poisons and explosives.

Powell also said in his testimony before the United Nations that Washington, through an intermediary, supplied Baghdad with enough information to shut Zarqawi's operation down multiple times -- but "Zarqawi still remains at large to come and go."

During Zarqawi's stay in Baghdad, several of his associates, affiliated with Egyptian Islamic Jihad, joined him in the city. The Egyptian Islamic Jihad is considered merged with Al Qaeda.

It is unclear if the captured operative was one of those associates.

Zarqawi left Baghdad, but those associates remained, officials have said. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Both Zarqawi and the captured man are also suspected of links to Ansar al-Islam, an Islamic extremist group in northern Iraq composed of ethnic Kurds. The group's camps were bombed heavily by U.S. forces during the war.

Officials suspect Zarqawi is linked to a plan to use poison against European targets late last year. They also say he took part in a foiled plot to bomb a tourist hotel in Amman, Jordan, during millennium celebrations.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Loafing Oaf = Wrap Self In Flag + Ignore Reality

You dip shit - proving my point yet again. Labelling ANYONE who says ANYTHING against the war or Bush as a "Saddam Lover" - can't you see how pathetic you sound flailing your arguments so desperately?

Your "logic" would lead us in to endless wars around the world. Everything you have said could be applied to Cuba, Saudi Arabia and China - Do we use the military to 'liberate' those people too?

Who in the f*** said they ever had a problem with getting rid of Saddam, asswipe? Just like most pro-war idiots (like the one in the picture I posted) you just ignore anything that could possibly present this war in a bad light and then set up the typical straw man that Rush/Hannity/Savage taught you to.

Here's me: This war is bullshit and was predicated on lies.

Here's me: This war is setting a precedent (preemption) that will f*** the world up for years to come.



Bwahahaha - and finally, your linking to 'FAUX' news says it all about your dittohead flag waving ass. People like you have no business listening to Morrissey - What can he possibly say that you relate to? He is against all the jingoistic simple minded patriotic bullshit you spew. You can rest assured he hates people like you and rightly so.

Oh, and as for you 'visiting' iraq - bahahaha! yeah, make sure you wear your american flag of 'liberation' and bring your boombox to play all you favorite pro-war country songs.

Thank god I don't live in America - I live in San Francisco. Love it or leave it bitch.
>>>>You would think Mozs fanbase might be a little more
> clever, or worldly
Re: Loafing Oaf = Wrap Self In Flag + Ignore Reality

> Thank god I don't live in America - I live in San Francisco. Love it or
> leave it bitch.

San Francisco is part of California, one of the most right-wing states in America (if you read between the lines).
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